WORD Version 2010
The merge feature allows you to customize your documents. It is often used to merge a form letter with an address/data file to create personalized letters. You need 1)a basic letter with fields for the individualized information and you need 2)anaddress file(database) that contains the individualized information that matches the fields in your letter.
The address file contains a record for each person using the Access program. Within a record, you will have individual fields(title, first name, last name, etc.). Wewill use the Mail Merge Wizard for this exercise.
- Open Word. Go to Mailings, Start Mail Merge, Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard.
2.The Wizard will walk you through six steps. Refer to the Mail Merge task pane on the right and the “step” identification at the bottom of that pane. You may proceed or reverse at any time.
3.For the first step, we are going to select our document type, letters.
4.Click on Next: starting documentat the bottom.
5.Because you have not created your letter yet, chooseUse the current document. (If you have a previously created letter, choose Start from existing document. You will be prompted to locate this document.)
6.Click on Next: select recipients at the bottom of the pane.
7.If you haven’t created your list of recipients, click on Type a new list, then select Create. (If you already have an existing list, you will be prompted to locate this list.)
8.You will be launched into Access. You will see the New Address List dialog box.
9.You need to customize the pre-made list to fit your needs. Click on the Customize button.
10.Delete any fields that you do not need for your letter by selecting the field and clicking Delete. In this exercise, you will see that you need the fieldstitle, firstname, lastname, address, city, state and zip. You will need to add a field named policyamount.
11.Click OK. You will be in the New Address List dialog box.
12.Begin entering your field information for each record. Remember, each record is a collection of fields relating to one person. Click New Entry to key info for the next person.
13.Click OK when you are finished with all of the records.
14.Access will then prompt you to name this file. If you name your data files with a similar name as the letter, you always know the two go together. This trick minimizes any confusion as to which letter goes with what data file. Name this file InsuranceAddresses and click Save. This file is now saved in Access.
15.You will see the Mail Merge Recipient dialog box. Click ok.
16.In the Mail Merge task pane on the bottom right, click on Next: Write your letter.
17.Make sure you are in the Home tab. Click No Spacing in the Styles group. Begin the letter by typing the date and hit Enter four times.
18.Choose Address Block from the Mail Merge task pane on the right. Use the default options. Click ok.
19.Hit Enter twice. Choose Greeting Line from the Mail Merge task pane. For the greeting line, use Dear, the Title+Last Name option, and change the comma to a colon.
20.Key the rest of your letter. When you get to <policy amount>, go to the Mailings tab, Write and Insert Fields group, Insert Merge Fieldsbutton. Choose the field policy amount. Continue keying the letter.
21.Vertically center your letter so that your top and bottom margins are equal (Page Layout tab, go to the Page Setup group and click the dialog box launcher in the lower right corner, click the Layout tab, change the page vertical alignment to Center).
22.Save this letter as Insurance letter. This is your letter saved with the fields.
23.Click on Preview your letters in the Mail Merge task pane.
24.You can check out each one of your letters, or go to the bottom of the Mail Merge task pane and select complete the merge.
25.Always check to make sure the pieces parts merge correctly. If there are any problems, pinpoint if the error is in the letter or in the address/data source. You need to remember to fix the error in the correct place.
26.Close without saving the merged letters. (You have the addresses and you have the letter with the mail merge. You do not need to save the merged letters.)
WORD version 2010
The following is your primary file (insurance letter) and your secondary file (insurance data/addresses). Remember to key your letter using the proper spacing.
Current date
Address Block
<Greeting Line>
It was a pleasure to meet with you last week to discuss your life insurance needs.
As you requested, I have the costs for various optionsfor a <policy amount> policy computed and would be happy to meet with you to go over the figures.
I will call you next week to arrange an appointment.
(Your Name)
xx(Replace these x’s with your lowercase initials –initials are optional if you authored and typed the letter.)
Enclosure (use this notation only if you have something that accompanies your letter)
SECONDARY FILE (Data/addresses)
Mr. / Angelo / Martinez / 928 Ellsworth Drive / Rapid City / SD / 57706-8212 / $20,000
Dr. / Anita / Burton / 298 Boswell Road / Raleigh / NC / 27610-1252 / $250,000
Ms. / Halli / Johnson / 381 Lake Grove Street / Memphis / TN / 38108-7865 / $175,000
Mr. / Wayne / Walton / 821 Utah Avenue / Harrisburg / PA / 17109-8374 / $50,000
(yours) / (yours) / (yours) / (yours) / (yours) / OH / (yours) / (you choose)
These instructions will allow you to create labels using the Mail Merge wizard, Avery 5160 labels, the standard mailing label. You will need your saved addresses from previous mail merge documents.
1.In a new document, go to Tools, Letters & Mailings, Mail Merge. Choose labels, next, then labeloptions.
2.Choose Avery 5160, click ok.
3.Next, select recipients. Choose Browse and locate your insurance addresses database (wherever you saved the file).
4.Click ok once you’ve located the addresses and selected them.
5.Next, arrange your labels. Choose addressblock. Use the default that pops up and click ok.
6.Look in the middle under Replicate Labels. Click on Update All Labels.
7.Adjust line spacing (Home, No Spacing).
8.Adjust cell alignment (Table Tools, Layout, Alignment).
Now it is time for you to practice and apply your mail merge knowledge to something useful for yourself!
Use the Mail Merge Wizard to create a letter that will be sent to several people. You might choose to send a letter home to parents introducing yourself and listing supplies their child will need for the first day of school.
You will need names and addresses of the parents and their child’s name. These will be your data fields.
1)To get you started, make sure you are in the Home tab. Click the No Spacing option in the Styles group to eliminate the extra 10 points of space after each paragraph mark.
2)Since you will probably not need this letter for a few weeks, you want to ensure you have the current date appear when you need the letter.
Go to Insert, Date and Time. Be sure that Update Automatically box is checked to ensure the current date will be reflected when you are ready to produce your letter.
3)Go to Mailings, Start Mail Merge, Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard. You know what to do!