held on Monday 6th April 2009 in the Pavilion, Lower Road at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Peal, (Chairman), Bolton, Fox, Perrins, Sawdon, Selby & Whiteley

City Cllr Godfrey (until 9.20pm)

City Cllr Lipscomb (until 9.20pm)

City Cllr Wright (until 8.05pm)

County Cllr Bailey (until 8.25pm)

PCSO Brazier (until 8.05pm)

Unidentified PCSO (until 8.05pm)

Mr Peter Ward

Mrs Found (Clerk)


Apologies were received from Cllr Clements.


The Chairman suspended Standing Orders.

Cllr Godfrey said that the Local Development Framework would not permit development outside the boundary, except for windfall rural exception housing. There is a demand on the District by the South East Plan which calls for 6000 homes this side of the national park, 2000 of those on Greenfield sites. The preferred option is Barton Farm. Brownfield sites will be developed first ie where possible land within settlements is being utilised prior to Greenfield sites being required. Barton Farm is a reserve site, however Cala Homes has started the application process for 2000 houses.

Cllr Godfrey referred to Bellway contractors attempting to use Lower Road for access to the Downlands site. This is one of the few sites that Bellway is currently progressing. An ecologist has been on site in relation to the slow worms. On Friday tree surgeons and also a large digger using the route were met with opposition from Lower Road residents. Bellway were aware of the sign regarding restricted access. Cllr Godfrey and Cllr Bailey met with residents and Bellway to negotiate a safe route to the site. A temporary solution has been reached and a letter formalising this is being sent to Bellway by the residents. Construction traffic will access the site from Downlands Way or Groves Close/Downlands Way. Access by heavy traffic to remove the digger from site and also large trees on MOD land south east of Farthings may be required.

The Chairman asked about the timing of site clearance and tree felling, just as the nesting season has commenced.

City Cllr Lipscomb said that the issue of site access has moved the problem ie to Groves Close/Downlands Way and the safety of constituents is of concern. The ‘flying motorbike’ sign with ‘except for access’ is a limited deterrent as anyone could plead for access needs. In relation to Barton Farm, Cllr Lipscomb confirmed that any development north of Winchester will have an effect on Andover Road. How this is to be overcome is not clear. Cllr Lipscomb further confirmed that City Councillors receive emails from various people, some urging for development in South Wonston instead.

City Cllr Wright referred to the Lower Road access issue which could result in a legal battle. The planning application/permission made no provision for how construction vehicles would access the site. A local agreement is the best way forward.

Cllr Selby reminded Members that Mr Sturt’s original proposals for the Downlands Development included houses fronting onto Lower Road and having access via that route. Bellway had acknowledged objection to this and altered the arrangement such that the dwellings would have access from Groves Close/Downlands Way and also included in their own Design & Access statement that any rights of access from Lower Road which the stables enjoyed had been extinguished.

Cllr Wright stated that Bellway feel they have a legal case. Cllr Wright confirmed that at this time the City Council has met the housing requirement. Barton Farm is a reserve site and the City will decide when it is necessary to release the site. Cala Homes will have to wait.

Cllr Bailey said that Cllr Godfrey had covered the situation regarding Lower Road and the Bellway site. Cllr Bailey has emailed the Clerk with the facts from the County. Lower Road is a restricted byway and there is a right of access to those who live on there. The residents have approached the situation exactly right ie through negotiation rather than confrontation. Cllr Bailey referred to the recent Lower Road encroachment. There will be a meeting on 14th April of the Legal and Rights of Way Officers. It is correct that ‘once a highway always a highway’ ie the 20 year rule does not apply and the land can never be owned by those who encroach. Proof of the boundary of the Drove will be required from old maps.

The Chairman said that the earliest OS maps should have this information.

Cllr Bailey referred to the recent meeting regarding the temporary TRO on part of Alresford Drove and some other local highways becoming permanent. The Parish Council Chairman attended, along with Kings Worthy and Wonston and the situation was agreed ie that the existing TROs should be made permanent.

Cllr Wright referred to the resurfacing works to the Alresford Drove and said that there were some ruts and gullies to the edge of the carriageway. Also a cyclist may have had an accident.

Cllr Bailey said that extra soil was still to be applied to the verges, to build them up. If there are any gullies these should be reported.

PCSO Brazier confirmed the list of recent reports to the Police. There have been no household burglaries. In addition to a list of matters which the Clerk had reported there were five reports of rowdy and inconsiderate behaviour, also the fire at Suncroft was thought to be a BBQ, there were also two reports of vehicle nuisance and damage to

a pill box on the lane east of the village. Regarding Suncroft, PCSO Brazier confirmed that the owner lives abroad and PC Howarth is in contact with him. PCSO Brazier said that it is good that members of the public are reporting incidents.

Cllr Lipscomb asked how many items on the list had been detected.

PCSO Brazier said that none were noted as detected.

The Chairman resumed Standing Orders.


It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting.


Page 1447, 09/037 Matters Arising from Meeting 9th February 2009

Final item on page – Gritting Route

Cllr Selby referred to the gritting route and said that although the winter had now passed the matter should be resolved.

Page 1448, 09/038 Worthy Down Vision Statement

Cllr Selby referred to the forthcoming meeting at Worthy Down regarding the possible cycle route, which the Chairman and Cllr Perrins will attend, and produced a number of additional questions to be raised ie future development at Worthy Down and the release of land to the Parish Council.

Page 1448, 09/040 Correspondence. Second item – Project Home Front

Cllr Selby confirmed that he had attended the Project Home Front meeting. A military policeman explained the values of the scheme, however the aim did not appear to involve the wider community, which was disappointing.


Cllr Selby confirmed that around 30 people attended the ‘Setting the Agenda’ meeting on Friday ie around 1% of the village. The Chairman said that four groups were formed to look at the environment, social activities, highways and provision of services. The top four priorities were extension of the social facilities, traffic speed on Alresford Drove, provision of a burial ground and traffic problems at the School. The Chairman confirmed that details of previous efforts to establish a burial ground had been relayed to the meeting, which seemed to have been forgotten. The Parish Council may be prevailed upon to provide a parish newsletter. A small committee has been set up to ensure matters are progressed ie by the Parish Council or by other authorities. Cllr Selby suggested that a meeting should be set up for the committee and nominated representatives from the Parish Council.

Cllr Whiteley confirmed that he had been unable to do much to progress the Village Design Statement. Cllr Sawdon said that she had arranged to collect maps from the City Council however the wrong maps had been provided.


Recently Received

The Chairman had received a letter from Mr John Hampson of Villa Hugel. Mr Hampson is concerned about vehicle speed along Alresford Drove, also the concealed entrances without signage. Mr Hampson said that it is only a matter of time, but an accident will occur. Highway safety in rural areas is important to the quality of life for residents.

Cllr Selby suggested that pinch points might be necessary as the recent road surfacing has been laid to the widened width ie since the verges were broken down.

The Chairman suspended Standing Orders.

Cllr Charlotte Bailey confirmed that the line of the road had been agreed at the site meeting with the Parish Council. If another pinch point is required this is unlikely to get onto the highways programme unless an accident occurs.

The Chairman resumed Standing Orders.

Cllr Selby said that due to the increased width of the carriageway, two cars can pass and there is no need for passing places.

The Clerk confirmed that whilst travelling north through the junction of the Alresford Drove and the C95 Stoke Charity Road a vehicle on the Alresford Drove had overshot the end of the road by up to a metre. The give way road markings are still to be reinstated and the motorist was possibly being guided by the end of the new surfacing, which does extend into the C95.

An email has been received, via the Parish Council website, from Andrew Crowther. Various issues were raised ie the fire at Suncroft, planning conditions at Suncroft and the motocross at Three Maids Hill. It was noted that the Parish Council had long ago highlighted the situation at Suncroft, which resulted in the Police visiting the site in May last year.

An email has been received from Mr Wally Taylor of Wonston PCC to ask if the Parish Council would provide a grant to assist with funding the upkeep of the churchyard at Holy Trinity.

It was RESOLVED to approve a grant of £100.

An email has been received from WCC regarding the naming of the Bellway Downlands Development. Bellway has suggested The Carringtons. Cloudbank is however suggested and this has been approved by Mr Frank Ward’s family.

It was RESOLVED to suggest the name of Cloudbank for the development.

Email from WCC regarding a Climate Change consultation Thursday 23rd April, 7.30- 9.30pm Guildhall. Two representatives can attend. It was agreed that the Chairman would attend along with possibly Mrs Baker or Mr Frizzell from Sustainable Energy Group. Alternatively Cllr Selby could attend. Two places will be booked.

Cllr Selby referred also to the recent invitation to the HCC Reception for Parish and Town Councils at the Great Hall on 17th April. Cllr Selby had offered to attend and was disappointed that other Members had not taken up the offer. Cllr Selby confirmed that it is important to network and that he had secured funding for various projects through such meetings. Cllr Selby said that these opportunities should not be missed. Clerk confirmed that the deadline for responses had passed. The Chairman will attend if additional guests can still be accommodated.

Letter from HCC Highways regarding a pothole repair programme. The February snow and freezing temperatures have badly affected the road network. There are increased potholes in most areas. Continued reporting is requested to or to 08456 605 633

Copy letter from County Cllr Snaith (Exec Member for Recreation, Heritage and Communities) to Hampshire ALC (HALC), following Council’s referral to HALC and to Mark Oaten MP, of the restricted byway situation. The letter confirms that an important part of the County’s work is to tackle illegal use where this is spoiling the enjoyment of others. There are problems with restricted byways across the County. If there is strong evidence of abuse then a gate or barrier could be arranged. Access must be allowed for horses and carriages and the County has found that an unlocked gate or barrier, which can be opened by carriage drivers, is usually a sufficient deterrent to motorcyclists and 4WDs. Police enforcement is relied upon. In Basingstoke a much more co-ordinated approach is being piloted and this will be discussed with County officers.

Email from a South Wonston resident with a plea regarding bonfires, especially during the day when the weather is fine. It was agreed to include any City Council ‘rules’ in the West Dever News.

Email from a West Hill Road South resident regarding the continued problem with nuisance vehicles and a request for Council to revisit the idea of installing a bollard/s to try and combat the problem at the recreation ground.

Email from Mrs Sharon Buckle with details of a proposal to erect a dwelling to the front of 49 Downs Road. Full plans had now been received and the proposal will be considered under the Planning agenda item.

Email from Bob Wood at the Gratton Surgery confirming that the telephone number will change at the end of the month. Any opportunity to publicise this by the Council would be welcome.


- Motocross

Littleton & Harestock Parish Council has followed up its 11th March letter to the City Council Chief Executive with a reminder that the temporary permission, which expired on 1st April, called for the site to be restored to it’s greenfield state, prior to this date. Additionally the letter confirms that the Winchester District Local Plan Review states that ‘Development which fails to respect the character of the landscape, or harms the key characteristics of the Landscape Character Area concerned will not be permitted.’ The site is included in the Wonston Downs Landscape Character Area. Archaeological and ecological issues are raised and a request made that an archaeologist and ecologist are included in the planning team dealing with the site.