Need for Enhanced Support - Mentor EXEMPLAR TtT ES

Trainee teacher: / Placement:
School/setting : / Programme:
Concerns raised by: / Role:

If the trainee is at the stage where they are likely to fail please tick this box:

Teaching Personal and professional conduct
Further comments:
X needs to improve the effectiveness of lesson plans. X needs to begin with the learning and what the children need to achieve by the end of the lesson. Within lessons, X needs to ensure that they plan to include the key ingredients of a successful lesson.
X’s maths subject knowledge is not sufficient to effectively teach a series of lessons. X needs to have a clearer understanding of subject progression and next steps. Increased research and planning in this area will need to be undertaken. Effective modelling and good anticipation of misconceptions need to be situated in each lesson. Careful thought needs to be given to appropriate resourcing and practical application for pupils.
Targets, success criteria and support necessary (referenced to the Teachers’ Standards):
Target 1
  • Understand what the children need to learn by the end of the lesson and use this to plan learning objectives and activities that support pupils’ progress (TS4)
Success criteria
Lesson plans demonstrate a relevant match between outcomes, objectives and planned activities.
Trainee is able to articulate rationale for choices made in their planning in relation to impact on pupil learning.
Read chapter 6 in Shirley Clarke’s “Outstanding formative Assessment” (2014).
Mentor and trainee jointly discuss CT’s plan, observe CT and discuss post observation with a focus on target above.
Jointly plan, teach and evaluate a lesson with mentor (with target as a focus for discussions).
Target 2
  • Have a secure knowledge of maths in order to effectively plan and teach a series of lessons that anticipate and address possible misconceptions (TS3)
Success criteria
Plans identify subject progression and next steps for pupils. Trainee is able to articulate how subject progression has been planned for (a sequence of 4 lessons).
Mini-plenaries address misconceptions and celebrate success.
Plenary returns to success criteria and self-assessment.
University tutor will email a range of resources for planning for progression within maths.
Meet with maths subject leader in school to support planning for progression and understanding of possible misconceptions (content to be relevant to the sequence of 4 lessons to be planned by trainee).
Focussed observation of CT’s maths lesson and follow up discussion to unpick progression from previous lesson and possible next steps.
Trainee’s response:
I accept and understand all of the above and will do my very best to meet the targets.

I confirm that this report has been seen and discussed with the headteacher:

Signed (trainee teacher): / Date:
Signed (mentor): / Date:
Signed (placement tutor): / Date:

Review date/meeting (normally 5 working days):

I confirm that:

The above targets have been met to a satisfactory standard and the trainee no longer needs enhanced support

The above targets have not been met and therefore a new PD will be put in place

The trainee has failed the placement (to be ratified by the Exam Board)

Mentor signature:Date

ACTION:(1) Email fax to 01273 643218 (2) Upload to trainee e-Portfolio (PebblePad) (3) Distribute for school record