Club Picture Schedule

January 18

·  Please provide your students passes for the correct time if possible.

·  If applicable, please have your group wear their group shirts/outfits

·  Please work with your colleagues to cover when needed for pictures.

Club/Organization / Teachers / Time
Campbell Bell Broadcast Team / Glenn and Hanson / 9:25
Student Council / Tanner and Sponsors / 9:30
Soccer Club / Stapp and Sponsors / 9:40
Drama Club / King and Sponsors / 9:50
Dance Team / Manns and Davis / 10:00
Elite Gentlemen’s Club / Floyd, Jacobs, Brown and Sponsors / 10:10
7th Grade Band / Selby / 10:20
7th Grade Chorus / Clark / 10:35
Jr. Beta Club / Griffith / 10:40
7th Grade Orchestra / Piper / 10:50
Sources of Strength / Velencia / 11:10
Spartan.Org / Perkins / 11:20
National Jr Honor Society / Aitken / 11:30
Writing Club / Cruea and McClure / 11:40
Lady Spartans / Harris, Sellers and Echols / 12:10
Lego Robotics / Dubick and Sponsors / 12:20
Science Olympiad / Dubick / 12:30
Junior Optimist Club / Fahey / 12:40
8th Grade Band / Selby / 1:00
8th Grade Chorus / Clark / 1:20
8th Grade Orchestra / Piper / 1:40
Campbell Courier / Vasquez / 1:55
Art Club / Ledford / 2:10
Anime/Manga Club / Hanson / 2:20
Show Choir / Clark / 2:30
Campbell Care Club / Jean-Jacques and Parrish / 2:40
Homeless Pet Club / Hannibal and Griffith / 2:45
6th Grade Band / Selby / 3:00
6th Grade Chorus / Clark / 3:15
Cooking Club / Ellis and Sponsors / 3:30
Reading Bowl / Hanson and Sponsors / 3:40
Harry Potter Book Club / Perkins / 3:50
6th Grade Orchestra / Piper / 4:00

Please be on time for your picture. We have so many clubs and activities (a good problem to have!) so our schedule is VERY tight.

All pictures will take place in the Theater. Be creative. Bring props or signs to make your picture fun! J