Miss Hooks
(Sponsored by the Hooks Band and Band Boosters)
The Band Boosters strives for a fair, professional, and entertaining pageant.
The pageant is judged fair by out of town judges!
General Information:
The Miss Hooks pageant is a fundraiser for the Hooks High School Band.
The winners will be representing Hooks in our town events and a few nearby town functions.
The 2015 Miss Hooks Pageant Infant through Young Miss will be held on April 11, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. at the Hooks High School Auditorium.
The 2015 Miss Hooks Pre-Teen thru Miss will be held on April 11, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Hooks High School Auditorium.
A winner will be named in each of the age divisions listed below. Each winner will receive a crown, banner, and trophy. The Miss Division will receive a scholarship upon entry into college.
A first runner up will be given in each age group. The age groups are determined by the age of the contestant on the day of the pageant.
Director: Teri Sciara Sponsors: Hooks Band and Band Boosters
Entry Deadline: March 31, 2015
Entry Fee: $35.00infant through Young (This includes: Division, Best Dressed and Most Beautiful) and $45.00 for Pre-TeenthroughMiss. (This includes: Division,Best Dressed, Casual Wear and Most Beautiful)
Optional fee: Talent 10.00
Photogenic 10.00
1st competition starting at 1pm includes these age groups:(Alternating with the Mr. divisions)
- Infant Miss Hooks 0 – 6 months
- Baby Miss Hooks 7 – 12 months
- Toddler Miss Hooks 13 – 23 months
- Tiny Miss Hooks 2 – 3 years old
- Little Miss Hooks 4 – 5 years old
- Petite Miss Hooks 6-8 years old
- Young Miss Hooks 9-10 years old
2nd competition starting at 6:30 pm includes these age groups: (Alternating with the Mr. Divisions)
- Pre-Teen Miss Hooks 11-13 years old
- Teen Miss Hooks 14 -15 years old
- Miss Hook 16 -18 years old
- Entry forms, additional rules and regulations are available at the School offices, from the director
Photos for program book and photogenic:
A black and white wallet size photo is needed for the program book. Photogenic pictures need to be a 5 x 7 either color or black and white. All photos are to be turned in by orientation March 21, 2015. NO later than March 31st.
Program Ads:
All contestants will be REQUIRED to sale one page ad for the program book.(55.00) More than one ad maybe sold. The prices for the different sized ads are listed below. More than one business or person may contribute to each ad or page. An Over-all Ad Sales Winner will be announced in Morning session and one in the evening session.(The winner will receive a trophy and gift card) The 1stdeadline for ad pages is March 21, 2015. The last deadline to turn in ads will be April 2nd .Advertisements and artwork can be turned in at orientation. Please contact Teri Sciara with any questions at 903-933-9394.
The program book will be school printed in Black and White.
Full Page =$55.00¼ page= $20.00Business Card = $10.00
½ Page =$30.00Good luck wishes = $5.00
Each contestant will receive 1 complimentary admission for the pageant.
Adult$5.00Child$3.00All-day Pass$8.00
Admission tickets can be bought at the High School office, The Downtowner, or at the door.
Orientation and Rehearsal
Orientation and rehearsal will be held at the Hooks High School Auditorium March 21, 2015. The orientation is for all contestants to attend however if you have a prior engagement then make sure all information for Ad sales are turned in by the deadline. Also turn in photos, your application, and entry fee prior to the deadline..
Orientation and rehearsal times are as followed:
2 pm – 3:30 pm for Infant, Baby, and Toddler (boys and girls)
3:30 pm – 5pm for Tiny, Little, Petite, and Young (boy and girls)
5 pm – 7pm for Pre-Teen, Teen, Mr. and Miss (boys and girls)
7pm – 8pm Help any that need instructions on how to walk, interview, photogenic, etc.
*For Infant Miss thru Young Miss
Evening Gown Competition: Contestants in age divisions Infant through Young should wear a short dress. Contestants in the Young age division should wear a short or long dress. All dresses should be pageant style or Sunday Best. Judges will be looking for personality, pose, and appearance, sense of confidence, and walk.
*For Pre-Teen, Teen, and Miss
Evening gown competition: All contestants should wear a long dress. Judges will be looking for poise, appearance, and sense of confidence.
Interview Competition: Contestants will participate in a four minute private interview with the judges. This phase of competition is for Teen and Miss Contestants only. Contestants should wear a nice pant or skirt suits. Judges will be asking contestants questions about themselves and opinion questions. Interviews will be held Saturday April 11, 2015 at 10 am Judges for interview are different from the division judges in the pageant.
Casual Wear: This phase is designed for the contestant to present herself as a dynamic, contemporary, beautiful, and natural young women. The casual wear should complement the contestant’s personality and express her style and preference.For Teen and Miss Hooks divisions
Talent Competition: Talent selections have a maximum of 2 minutes and minimum of 1 minute. Talent is optional age divisionsfor Little, Petite and Young, Pre-Teen and up.The Miss Hooks Director must approve all talent selections and props. Talent may be anything you choose that does not cause any health, fire or safety hazards to the audience, or damage to the auditorium. Judges understand those contestants are not professionals. They will consider the entertainment value and that the contestant talent is technically and artistically well presented. The judges will also be looking for “magnetism” and “sell” qualities. Please submit a copy of the talent music the day of orientation. (March 21, 2015) Music must be provided to Miss Hooks Pageant in a format that will play from the HHS Auditorium equipment. Music media and format may be tested prior to turn in date.
On-Stage Question: One generic on stage question will be asked of each contestant in the Teen and Mr. and Miss Division. This phase is designed for the contestant to make an on-stage statement of his/her interests, opinion, and aspirations.One over-all award will be presented for this category of the pageant.
Orientation and Rehearsal Day
- March 21th-Orientation and rehearsal day start at 2pm
2pm – 3:30 pm infant thru toddler (boys and girls)
3:30pm-5pm tiny thru young (boys and girls)
5pm-7pm Pre-Teen thru Mr. and Miss
7pm-8pm Help any that need instructions on how to walk, interview, photogenic, etc..
Entry form for Miss Hooks Pageant
Full Name______
Parent’s ______
Street Address ______
City______State ______ZIP ______
Phone ______
Birthdate ______Age______Age Division______
School Attending______
Sponsors ______
I have read, understand, and agree to the rules and regulations for the
Mr. & Miss Hooks Pageant.
Parent/Guardian Signature if under
□Infant through Youngage divisions……………………………..…...…… $35.00
□Pre-Teen, Teen, Mr. and Miss age divisions……………….. …………… $45.00
□Photogenic(optional)………….$10.00 (1 photo only 5x7 )……….…...…$______
□ Talent (optional)……….$10.00 (Little thru Mr. and Miss Division only)$______
□LATE FEE on entries received after March 31, 2015.…..…$35.00……..$______
Mail entry form with check or money order made out to Hooks Band Boosters, to: Attn. Teri Sciara, Director Miss Hooks Pageant, 401 Ave. A, Hooks, Texas 75561. Entries should be received by March 31, 2015.Check, cash, or money orders! No checks accepted after March 31, 2015.You may turn in forms to the school offices. Feel free to text or call Teri Sciara, Pageant Director at 903-933-9394