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You must have your draft letter reviewed by Human Resources prior to submitting for signatures

Appointments may not specify a period of years.

Please consult with HR if you are drafting a letter for a 12-month faculty appointment.


Complete and/or make choices in each highlighted section filling in the blanks as appropriate. Delete highlighted instructions, underlines, and references. Please check final formatting and page breaks.




Dear Dr./Mr./Ms./Miss/Mrs. Surname only:

I am pleased to offer you a ___% appointment as a non-tenure track facultymember at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs as Instructor,position #Number. This offer is made upon the recommendation of the Department of Name of Department with the concurrence of the Dean of Name of Collegeand the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.This offer hasreceived final approval by the Chancellor of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.

This offer is contingent upon you successfully passing a background check to includeeducational verification, prior employment verification, sex offender registry check, and criminal history. Positions entrusted with master keys and/or financial system access must also pass a credit history check. A successful background check must be received by the University prior to the commencement of your employment.The University retains the right to conduct background checks on any employee. Should the University conduct a background check on you while you are employed, you will be notified.

Your service will begin on Month/Day/Year.[Thisdate is one week prior to the start of classes.]Your initialacademic year salary will be $Amount.This is a non-tenure track appointment and is not eligible for, and cannot lead to, the award of tenure.

If you are aColorado Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA) retiree, you are eligible to work as permitted by Colorado law, but your employment at UCCS may have an effect upon your PERA retirement benefits. You are responsible for accurately reporting the days/hours that you work at UCCS to PERA, as well as for monitoring your employment to ensure that you are in compliance with all PERA requirements. Effective January 1, 2011, all PERA retirees working after retirement must pay the working retiree contribution. The working retiree contribution does not accrue any additional benefit and retirees are not eligible for a refund of these contributions. PERA retirees are not eligible to participate in other retirement programs offered at UCCS and they do not accrue vacation, sick, or holiday leave.

For purposes of annual merit evaluation, your efforts and accomplishments will be assessed according to a workload formula of: ____% teachingand ____% service to the department, University and profession.[Instructor appointments may be assigned a workload formula of 100% teaching. The College can define service to include professional development, professional credentialing,and/or application/professional practice. The unit is encouraged to be specific about teaching and service expectations.]By accepting this position, you agree to perform duties and responsibilities which are in the area of your expertise or academic interest, or are otherwise appropriate, and which are assigned to you consistent with your rights and responsibilities as a faculty member, and the policies and procedures of the University and of your academic unit.

This position is expected to continue in future years depending on your performance, department needs, and funding availability. However, your appointment is at-will, and is subject to termination at any time by either you or the University.Ordinarily, the outcome of the annual merit evaluation process determines whether an individual continues in the position of Instructorthe following academic year. Based on your performance, anticipated department needs, andfunding availability, you will receive either a notification of intent to continue or a notification of non-continuation for the following academic year.Please keep in mind that budget constraints or other factors could still lead to non-continuation even after a letter of intent to continue has been issued.

You will be paid monthly on the last working day of the month. Your first paycheck will be deposited on the last working day of September. You may elect to have your pay distributed over 12 months instead of 9 months by including a completed Faculty Election to Defer Receipt of Salary Paymentform (enclosed) when you return your offer letter.(note – all compensation for the month of June will be deposited on the first working day of July)

For 50% to 100% appointment(delete paragraph if not applicable):

You are eligible for benefits as a faculty member. The deadline to elect benefit plans or waive coverage is 31 days from the start of your appointment.Please view the University of Colorado Employee Benefits page at Use this website to learn about enrollment deadlines, benefit plans, eligibility, and educational resources. This site contains all of the necessary forms you will need in completing your enrollment paperwork. If you do not submit your Benefits Enrollment/Change Form within the 31 day deadline, you will be enrolled in the default medical and dental plans. If your appointment begins on the first of the month, medical and dental coverage begin on that date. If your appointment begins on any other date, coverage begins the first day of the following month. Your specific start date and benefits eligibility are determined by University policy. If you have questions after viewing the online Employee Benefits page, you can speak with a benefit counselor at (855) 216-7740 #3 (toll free).If you are an active member of the Colorado Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA), you must notify Employee Services within the first 30 days of your appointment.

For less than 50% appointment (delete paragraph if not applicable):

Because this appointment is less than 50%, you will not be eligible to receive all of thebenefits normally provided to faculty members under the standard University of Colorado benefits programs.Please check with the benefits office as soon as possible at (855) 216-7740 #3 (toll free) to clarify your benefits eligibility.If you are an active member of the Colorado Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA), you must notify Employee Services within the first 30 days of your appointment.

Delete paragraph ifnot applicable:

In order to assist you with your relocation, the University will reimburse the actual moving and transportation costs for you to relocate, up to a maximum of $Amount and subject to University policy. Information is available at the following websites:

  • Employee Services Procedures Guide – Moving (Relocation):
  • Procurement Service Center Guide – How to Buy Moving Services:
  • IRS Publication 521 – Moving Expenses:

Delete paragraph if not applicable:

You will receive $Amount to purchase (a computer, etc.) which will remain the property of the University of Colorado but will be for your exclusive use as long as you remain a member of the faculty.

State law specifically requires that you be an employee-at-will in your position as a non-tenure track Instructorand that the following paragraph be included in this letter of offer:

Your employment contract is subject to termination by either party to such contract at any time during its term and you shall be deemed to be an employee-at-will. No compensation, whether as a buy-out of the remaining term of contract, as liquidated damages, or as any other form of remuneration, shall be owed or paid to you upon or after termination of such contract except for compensation that was earned prior to the date of termination.

By accepting this appointment, you agree to uphold ethical standards appropriate to your position as a faculty member of the University, including, but not limited to, standards applicable to conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment as defined by University policies. You agree to comply with all resolutions, rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Regents and with policies and procedures adopted by the campus or other unit in which your appointment is made, now in effect or as amended. You also agree to report suspected or known noncompliance of any law or University policy. Further, you agree to meet obligations imposed by federal and state law including the obligation to report. For additional information, please see the following links:

Delete paragraph only if candidate is acurrent employee:

Pursuant to the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), the University must verify your employment eligibility within the first three working days of employment. IRCA requires every employee to complete an I-9 Form and to provide certain documents for examination that verify identity and employment eligibility. As a condition of your employment you must submit the required documentation to the Office of Human Resources, Cragmor Hall 110, prior to beginning employment at the University. Failure to submit IRCA documentation will result in the termination of this appointment.

As a condition of your employment, you must complete the mandatory certification and training referenced on the Office of Human Resources New Employee Paperwork page located at within 60 days of your start date.

The laws of the state of Colorado require that people employed to teach in any state university who are citizens of the United States affirm in writing that they will support the constitutions of the United States and of Colorado, and that they will faithfully execute the duties of their employment. The required pledge form is attached. Please return it with your offer letter if you have not completed one previously.

The terms of this appointment shall be construed and interpreted according to thelaws of the state of Colorado. The specific terms and conditions of your appointment as described in this letter may be changed only by a duly executed written amendmentto this letter of offer. Your appointment, however, is subject to the laws and policies of the University of Colorado as they may be amended from time to time and the University may make changes to its policies and procedures which shall be applicable to your appointment without a written amendment to this letter of offer.

Please notify me of your willingness to accept this position by electronically signing this letter byMonth/Day/Year. We look forward to your acceptance of this offer and your contributions to the University.

Very truly yours,

(Signature of Chair is optional; delete if not applicable. If Chair deleted, the appointment is concurred by the Provost only and you must edit paragraph one accordingly.)



Chair, Department of Name

Concurred by:



Dean, College of Name


Thomas M. Christensen

Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Approved by:

Delete signature block if not applicable: the Chancellor’s signature is not required if the compensation for this appointment is less than $40,000 annually (Chancellor approval will be managed by HR).


Venkat Reddy


I accept this offer of the faculty position described above.



Full Name


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Request for Approval

Faculty Action: Department:

Rank:Choose an item.



Search Type:Choose an item.

Requisition Number: Click or tap here to enter text.

Speed Type:Click or tap here to enter text.

Position Number:Click or tap here to enter text.

Reviewed by Human Resources

Reviewed by Academic Affairs

Full Name


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Faculty Pledge

REQUIRED BY C.R.S. 22-61-104

I solemnly pledge that I will uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Colorado, and I will faithfully perform the duties of the position upon which I am about to enter.

Signature ______

Name Printed ______

Faculty Election to Defer Receipt of Salary Payment

(Request to Receive Salary Payments Over Twelve Months)

I, ______

(print name)

hereby request the allocation of my 9-month academic year salary be paid equally over the 12-month period of September 1 through August 31 of the following year.

Note: For current employees who are making a request for the following academic year, this form must be returned to the Office of Human Resources by June 30 prior to the start of the academic year for which they are requesting that it take effect. New employees hired after June 30 will have 30 days from date of hire to make an election.

My signature below indicates that by requesting an allocation of my 9-month academic year salary be paid over the 12-month period of September 1 through August 31, I understand that:

  1. My 9-month gross salary will be disbursed to me in equal payments over the 12-month period from September 1 through August 31.
  1. My deductions (taxes, benefits, retirement, etc…) will also be processed over 12 months.
  1. This election will take effect for the academic year following the date it was submitted if submitted by June 30.
  1. Once elected, I will not be allowed to revoke this election during the year and the payout will be made in accordance with the standard 12-month distribution schedule, except in the event of my termination, death, disability, or unforeseeable emergency when pay out of funds may be legally required.
  1. My participation in this plan will continue from year to year until I submit a request to discontinue this allocation of my salary prior to June 30 for the following academic year.
  1. Receipt of my salary over a 12-month period does not affect the status of my faculty appointment, which remains on a 9-month basis.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Department: ______Email: ______

This form must be returned to the Office of Human Resources by June 30.