Name: ______Date: ______Per: ______


Circulatory System

1.  Name the four components of blood and describe the function of each.

2.  What is the function of the circulatory system?

3.  Look at the diagram of the heart.

a)  Label letters A, B, C, D

b)  Is the blood in chamber A, oxygenated or deoxygenated?

4.  (arteries/veins) carries blood to the heart where as (arteries/veins) carries blood away from the heart.

5.  The pulmonary circuit is between the heart and the (lungs/rest of the body) and the systemic circuit is between the heart and the (lungs/rest of the body).

6.  External gas exchange between (atmosphere/body cells) and blood whereas internal gas exchange is between (atmosphere/body cells) and blood.

7.  Which chambers carry oxygenated blood?

Respiratory System

8.  What is the external function of the respiratory system?

9.  What is the internal function of the respiratory system?

10.  Is the picture to the right internal or external gas exchange?

11.  Does gas exchange require energy? Explain.

Digestive System

12.  Label the organs in the image on the right.

13.  Explain how each organ contributes to the digestive system.

a)  Mouth-

b)  Stomach-

c)  Pancreas-

d)  Liver-

e)  Gal gladder-

f)  Small intestines-

g)  Large intestines-

14.  Amylase is secreted by the ______glands and breaks down ______into ______.

15.  Pepsin is secreted by the ______glands and breaks down ______into ______.

16.  Bile is made by the ______and stored in the ______and breaks down ______into ______.

Excretory System

17.  Name the three organs of the excretory system. What does each excrete/eliminate?

18.  Fill in the three steps of urine formation, in order.

a)  ______ b) ______ c) ______

19.  Match the step/letter from #34 with the correct description.

b)  ______The waste product, urine, that is stored in the bladder is excreted.

c)  ______Some substances filtered out return to blood maintain balance.

d)  ______Blood enters the kidneys to be cleaned.

20.  If urine … then what does that tell you?

e)  …is too high in glucose, then.... c.) …is too dark, then….

f)  …has too many proteins, then … d.) …is brown in color, then…….

Immune System

21.  What is the function of the immune system?

22.  Define pathogen and give two examples.

23.  White blood cells (also called ______) are made in the ______, stored in the ______, and mature in the ______.

24.  Where in the body do white blood cells clean out the blood?

25.  Pathogens cause (disease or allergies) while allergens cause (disease or allergies). Circle the appropriate terms.

26.  What is an antigen and what role does it play in the immune system?

Nonspecific Immune System

27.  The following are the three parts to your immune system’s first line of defense. State what each does.

a)  Mucous membranes-

b)  Skin-

c)  Stomach acid-

28.  The following are the three parts to your immune system’s second line of defense. Describe what each does.

d)  Inflammatory response-

e)  Fever-

f)  Interferons-

Specific Immune System

29.  Describe the three steps of the initial response.

30.  After the initial response, two other responses occur at the same time. The cell mediated response produces (antibodies/killer T-cells) and the humoral response produces (antibodies/killer T-cells).

31.  Describe the function of antibodies.

32.  B-cells mature in the ______and T-cells mature in the ______.

33.  After a macrophage engulfs a virus or bacterium it releases a chemical signal called .interleukin-1 (INK-1). This activates the ______T-cell. What does this special T-cell release to initiate the cell-mediated and humoral response?

34.  Look at the diagram to the right.

a) What are the structures labeled with a * ?

b) Describe what is happening in the diagram.

c) Is this the humoral response or cell-mediated response?

d) As the infection is overcome, what will the plasma cells become?

35.  How is the primary immune response different from the secondary immune response?

Cell / Function / Which Response is it a part of?
I-Initial response
CM-Cell Mediated
Killer T-cell
plasma cells
Helper T-cells

36.  What is a vaccine and how does it work?


37.  a) What is HIV?

b) What is the relationship between HIV and AIDS?

c) What type of cell does HIV infect? Be specific.

38.  When is a person diagnosed as having AIDS?

39.  Use the graph to the right to describe what is happening to the AIDS virus and T-cells during each of these phases

a)  Phase I-

b)  Phase II-

c)  Phase III-

40.  A person doesn’t actually die of AIDS. What will a person who has AIDS die from?

41.  Why can’t we be vaccinated from HIV?