Snowcrest Junior High
Computer Technology Disclosure
Instructor: Mrs. Julie Thorngren E-mail: Blog: Moodle:
COMPUTER TECH This course fills a 0.5 graduation required credit. Keyboarding skills including correct fingering and speed of at least 35 wpm are strongly recommended for a student to achieve success in this class.
CONTENT To help students learn concepts associated with key application software (word processing, spreadsheets, presentation), basic computing fundamentals (electronic communication and collaboration, communication networks and the internet, technology operations and concepts), ethics and appropriate behavior while using technology as a tool in the classroom and in life.
SUPPLIES/BYOD Pen/pencil, paper, and binder. Occasionally students will be asked to “Bring your Own Device-BYOD” to take surveys, do research, etc. for educational purposes enhancing the learning experience.
EXPECTATIONS DO be in assigned seat when the bell rings. DO be prepared - supplies, reading book, and a smile.J
DO follow directions and keep a positive attitude. DO be respectful, responsible, & cooperative.
DO follow the AUP for computers- respect equipment. DO follow school rules.
(No eating/drinking around computers.)
HOMEWORK Students will be assigned homework when needed. Most assignments will be turned in through MOODLE – Weber Online.
GRADES Academic grades will be based on notes, assignments, quizzes, and tests. Grades are determined from a percentage of the total points calculated. Check portal often for student progress. Students must pass the class with an 80% or higher to receive credit for the class.
A =100-94 A- =93-90 B+ =89-87 B =86-83 B- =82-80 C+ =79-77
C = 76-73 C- =72-70 D+ =69-67 D =66-63 D- =62-60 F =59 & below
CITIZENSHIP Grades are based on positive classroom behavior, being prepared for class, following school rules, tardiness, participation, and respect for others.
EXTRA CREDIT Extra credit is periodically given in this class. 100 extra credit points can be earned if they pass the state test.
LATE WORK POLICY All work is expected to be turned in on the due date set by the teacher. The teacher will establish a final cut off date for each mid-term and the end-of-the-term. All work will receive full-credit up to that final cut off date.
MAKEUP WORK It is the student’s responsibility to take care of work missed while absent. Check my blog for happenings and assignments done during absence. All work is expected to be in by the final cut-off date whether absent or not.
PASSES/LIFESAVERS Students are allowed three passes each term. Each pass can be used for a hall pass, free tardy, or 10 extra credit points.
COMPETENCY TEST There is an “end of semester” state competency test which students must pass with 80% or higher & complete at least 80% of course work to receive a state certificate. Students will be graded on how they do on the state competency test. Also, if student passes the test, I will give students an additional 100 extra credit points.
INDIVIDUALISM Because of some individual needs/circumstances, I reserve the right to modify this disclosure to meet certain needs of students in helping them receive the best education possible.
PICTURES/VIDEO For some projects, student/teacher may take pictures as well as videotape. By signing this disclosure, you give me permission to post student pictures/videos for educational purposes – such as classroom use, various displays, or posting onto my blog.
If there are any questions, please feel free to e-mail me or call before or after school. A copy of this disclosure can be found on my blog.
By signing, you are agreeing to support the above disclosure. Also, your child may not be able to use the computers until I receive the disclosure signed and returned. I am looking forward to an exciting semester with your child!
Mrs. Thorngren – Business Teacher
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
Student Name (print): ______Student Signature ______Date ______Period______