DeForest Windsor Fire & EMS District Board Meeting

July 12, 2017 5:00PM
DeForest Fire Department, 110 S. Stevenson St.
Training Room

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that there will be a meeting of the DeForest Windsor Fire & EMS District Board commencing at the time and place noted above. The following is the agenda for this meeting, which sets forth the subject matters to be discussed and considered. If the agenda so indicates, the aforesaid governmental body may convene in closed session for the purpose(s) indicated. Upon conclusion of the closed session, if any, the governmental body will reconvene into open session to take action, if any, on matters discussed in closed session and for the purpose of concluding the agenda.


1)Call Meeting to Order and Roll Call – The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Wipperfurth.

Present were: Bob Wipperfurth – Village of Windsor, Jeff Miller – Village of DeForest, Judd Blau – Village of DeForest, Don Madelung – Village of Windsor, Chief LaFeber, Fire Inspector Yaskal, and Office Manager Preston. Also in attendance was Brett Hofmeister from Johnson Block.

2)Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Madelung

3)Announcements – The DeForest Windsor Fire & EMS District Board will Convene into Closed Session pursuant to: sec. 19.85(1)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. (EMS Chief Position)

4)Appearances Before the Board – None

5)Comments/Volunteer Association – None

6)Approve Minutes:

a)June 14, 2017 – Motion to approve by Blau, seconded by Miller. Motion carried 4-0.


a)Review and Approve Invoices Paid 6/1/17 – 6/30/17 – Motion to approve by Blau, seconded by Madelung. Motion carried 4-0.

b)Review and Approve Fund/Account Balances – Motion to approve by Miller, seconded by Madelung. Motion carried 4-0.

8)Chief LaFeber’s Monthly Report/Action Items:

a)Call Update–Fourth of July weekend was fairly busy, but we were able to get trucks out the door in a timely fashion. No “major” calls to report on.

b)Call Response Data/WARDS Report – The Board was given a report to review.

c)2017 Budget Update – Chief LaFeber indicated that we are trending low for income on EMS billing. He reviewed a report from LifeQuest with the Board showing account statuses and their “age” (1-30 days, 31-60 days, etc.) It is believed that many of these in the lower date ranges have simply not been completed by insurance companies yet. Those that are 91 days plus, could be persons without insurance who may have difficulty paying. Madelung asked if anyone calls to follow-up with the patients on these accounts and LaFeber stated that LifeQuest handles all phases of billing for us.

9)Fire Inspector Report – None

10)Old Business:

a)New Lease for Fire/EMS Building – Wipperfurth has gone over this document with the Windsor attorney and Tina Butteris from the Village of Windsor. He reviewed some comments/questions that they had. He is going to be reviewing it with the Windsor Village Board.

b)Truck Committee Report – Assistant Chief Foss reviewed the current status of truck quotes. The companies have until August 1, 2017 to return preliminary proposals to the department. The truck committee is pricing items that will need to be on the truck: cameras, tools, etc. Between August 1st and 25th, the proposals will be fine-tuned. The specific items that are on the truck (example: lighting) will be selected and priced. The preliminary quotes will have generic items, and the fine-tuning will be the brand/size/quantity of what is needed.
Some members of the truck committee will be touring E1’s manufacturing facility in Florida in August, as well as Pierce’s plant in Appleton, WI. There is also going to be a visit to the Sutphen plant in OH.

Blau asked what the advantage of visiting these facilities is? Foss stated that it is beneficial to see other trucks that are being manufactured, as well as knowing what the level of care and quality that the shop has. It also helps to see “underneath the hood” for things that are not so easily visible once the truck is assembled.

He has asked that the vendors get the final bids in by August 25th. He will also be checking on financing options. He asked that the Board have a special meeting the last week of August to review these bids.

Wipperfurth stated that he’s planning to have a special meeting at the end of August for budget discussion and could do truck discussion at that meeting also. Blau asked that the truck committee present to the DeForest Board on the 15th, and Wipperfurth would like them at the Windsor meeting on the 16th.

The purchase of an ambulance is just about ready to be completed. Miller stated that he’d like to do both the ladder truck purchase and the ambulance at the same time. Blau agreed.

c)2018 Budget Review – LaFeber reviewed a preliminary draft with the Board.

In reviewing the bank accounts, Preston asked what the checking savings account is for? It was determined that the accounts should be named: Sinking Funds 1 (formerly Sinking Funds), Sinking Funds 2 (formerly Sinking Fund Savings), General Reserve Fund (formerly Checking Savings), Windsor Impact Fees (formerly Impact Fees) and the checking account will remain as is.

11)New Business:

a)Formation of Fire Board Policy Manual – LaFeber asked that the Board put together a manual of SOGs/SOPs which states what the Board is responsible for (i.e.: fund balance policies, etc.) Wipperfurth agreed that defining Fire Board responsibilities is a good idea. A version of this was presented a couple of years ago, and LaFeber stated that he can clean up that version to be used as a draft. Miller is in favor of having this and asked that a copy of the prior version be sent to him so that he could review it. LaFeber will find that document and send it to the Board. This subject will be added to next month’s agenda.

b)Review and Possible Approval of Fund Balance Policy–The fund balance was set verbally, but never put in writing. Hofmeister explained the document that was presented to the Board for review. The document has a guideline of 15-20%. The main reason for having this balance, is for cash flow. To pay bills in case one, or both of the municipalities, pays their dues late.

After discussion, Miller made a motion to approve the policy with the following changes: 1) Adding to the first paragraph, after state aid “and municipal“

2)Delete from the first paragraph “and to secure and maintain the Board’s bond rating.”

3)In the Policy on Unassigned General Fund Balance section, change equal to 15% to “approximately 15-20%”

4)Add a date to the document to indicate when it was written

The motion was seconded by Madelung. Motion carried 4-0.

c)Review and Possible Approval of Departmental Purchase Policy – This policy was put together as part of the grant application process. Motion to approve by Blau, seconded by Miller. Motion carried 4-0.

d)Review and Possible Approval of Capitalization Policy – Motion to approve by Miller, seconded by Blau. Motion carried 4-0.

e)Approve 2016 Audit–Motion to accept audit by Miller, seconded by Madelung. Motion carried 4-0.

f)Discussion and Possible Approval of Purchasing of Car 2 –

The current car 2 is not drivable due to brake issues. It would cost more to repair than the vehicle is worth. Chief LaFeber has a lead on an SUV through Bell Ford in Arlington. Most of the lights in the current car 2 can be put into an SUV like the one that Bell has. Miller asked where the funds would come from? LaFeber stated that the funds would come from sinking fund monies.

Blau made a motion to approve up to $20,000 for the vehicle, lighting and

12)Convene into Closed Session – Motion to convene into closed session by Miller, seconded by Madelung. Motion carried 4-0 and all Board members were present.

a)With Reference to Announcements

13)Reconvene into Open Session – Motion to reconvene into open session by Blau, seconded by Madelung. Motion carried 4-0.

a)Action Items Resulting from Closed Session – If Any – None

14)Future Agenda Items

15)Schedule for Upcoming Meeting(s) – A special meeting will be held at 5 p.m. on August 29th to discuss budget and ladder truck purchase.

16) Adjournment – Motion to adjourn by Miller, seconded by