SD Stockgrowers Assoc

Board of Directors

Meeting minutes

June 13, 2014

The meeting was called to order by President Bob Fortune and he asked the Secretary to call the role.

In Attendance: President Bob Fortune, Regional Vice-Presidents Vaughn Meyer, Marvin Jessen, Randy Volmer, Directors David Niemi, Chance Davis, Dan Holloway, Marvin Jobgen, Scott Edoff, Mark Tubbs, T. W. Schalesky, Mike Maher, Mark DeVries, Wayne Nelson. Past Presidents Shane Kolb, Rick Fox, Ken Knuppe

Excused: Gary Deering, Larry Nelson

Absent: Vice-President Bill Kluck, Lester Longwood, Matt Kammerer, Chuck O’Connor, Cole Lange, Chris Harvey, David Fuoss, Brad Reis, Bob Mack, Brad Bunker, Kenny Fox


The Agenda was presented. Marvin Jessen made a motion, seconded by Mark DeVries, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Ken Knuppe made a motion, seconded by Marvin Jessen, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.


The Financial reports were presented and discussed. Silvia explained the changes made to the CD held at First Interstate Bank as it was rolled into a new, 1 year CD of $100,000 and the interest accrued on the CD was moved into the Money Market Account.

The report from the finance committee was presented reflecting a budget with anticipated income of $193,500.00 and anticipated expenses of $209,050.00. This includes $6,500 in capital outlay expenses for the building of a new website and upgraded computer systems for the office. It also allocates salary for a part-time, permanent office assistant beginning September 1, 2014. Mark DeVries made a motion, seconded by Mike Maher, to approve the budget as presented and that the capital outlay and accounts receivable be clarified for the final report. Motion carried with a vote of 11 to 5.

Silvia explained that she had not been able to hire a qualified intern at the time of the meeting. She requested that the same budget be given flexibility to hire part time help in the office for the summer. A motion was made by Dan Holloway, seconded by Vaughn Meyer, to give Silvia Christen and Bob Fortune discretion in hiring summer help for the office within the guidelines of the approved budget. Motion carried.


  • Ag and Natural Resources – Chairman David Niemi reported on the oil and gas legislation that is being implemented since the 2013 session.
  • Animal Health – no report
  • Animal ID – Chairman Kenny Fox gave a brief update on the Brazil beef import issue. There is no new progress at this time.
  • Brand and Theft - reported on the rules being written for brand board tickets to be written by brand investigators and discussed frustration with the lack of brand inspection on buffalo since this is a simple way to track the animals in case of a contagious disease outbreak.
  • Education/Taxation/Legislation – the Ag Land Taxation task force is moving forward with meetings regarding the “actual use” language. Stockgrowers lobbyist Jeremiah Murphy is working with Chance Davis on this. Stockgrowers is also working to support landowners in the Northeastern part of the state who are dealing with public access on flooded lands.
  • Federal Lands – Chairman Mark Tubbs discussed the Tribal National Park being proposed in the South Unit of the Badlands and Silvia discussed some of the maps that had been obtained. SDSGA continues to support the landowners and ranchers affected by this proposal.
  • Marketing Committee – Chairman Vaughn Meyer shared that there was no progress on the COOL/WTO case. He also discussed the current work by our allies at the Organization for Competitive Markets (OCM) as they continue to investigate Beef Checkoff issues with the support of HSUS dollars. Mark Tubbs made a motion, seconded by Wayne Nelson, to instruct OCM to remove SDSGA from any of their efforts that are connected to HSUS and only allow them to sign SDSGA on to issue campaigns as approved specifically by SDSGA leadership. Motion carried.
    Rick Fox made a motion, seconded by Mike Maher, to appoint Ernie Mertz to serve a three-year term as representative to the SD Beef Industry Council. Motion carried.
    Silvia and Vaughn Meyer presented the 2014 Sustainability Survey being conducted by the Beef Checkoff regarding producer practices in their beef operations. SDSGA has been requested to send this to their members via email. A motion by Mark DeVries, seconded by Chance Davis, that the survey be sent to members with a disclaimer that SDSGA is providing the survey only as information to the members and that there is no requirement to complete it. Motion carried.
  • Membership – Silvia reported that membership numbers are down, in some part due to the lack of focus on membership after the Atlas Blizzard. Board members were reminded to make membership a priority.
  • Property Rights – no report
  • Trade - no report
  • Wildlife Management – Chairman Mark DeVries discussed the comments that SDSGA had submitted regarding the proposed Sage Grouse management plan. Silvia was asked to research the exact process that SD GFP will use to approve or adopt this plan.


Update – COOL/WTO lawsuit – there is no new information available currently. Stockgrowers continues to be engaged. The COOL lawsuit in federal court is also still pending.

Legislative Seeion Wrap-up – ongoing issues are oil and gas rulemaking, “actual use” on the ag land taskforce and the property rights issue in the northeast.

Ranchers Relief Fund –the Ranchers Relief Fund (RRF) was substantially closed out with final payments going to ranch families in late May. Any additional monies still collected will be sent to Catholic Social Services to help them with ongoing support for families still in need. Bob Fortune and Marvin Jobgen asked that the Board of Directors recognize Silvia Christen for her work and effort in coordinating the disaster response and for her leadership to the Rancher Relief Fund.


Marvin Jobgen made a motion, seconded by Mike Maher, to approve the new members as printed in the magazine. Motion carried.

Board member for District 1, Cole Lange, has submitted his resignation from the Board of Directors and asked that Sandra Buffington be appointed to fill the remainder of his term. Randy Volmer made a motion, seconded by Brad Reis, to accept the resignation and approve Sandra Buffington as a board member for District 1 until the general membership elections on September 27.

The Guy E. Ham Beef Industry Scholarship has been published and board members are asked to share the information with potential applicants. The Applications are due August 1.

4-H Livestock Industry Trust Fund – Silvia reported on the most recent meetings and the LITF committees intentions to seek a new trustee and investment policy for the fund. The board and membership will have an opportunity to discuss this at the convention in September.

The 123rd Annual Convention will be held on September 26 and 27 at the Ramkota in Rapid City with the Board meeting to follow on the 28th. Board members are asked to submit speaker and event ideas and recruit sponsors for the tradeshow and donations for the auction.

Mike Maher made a motion, seconded by Randy Volmer, to place Wayne Nelson on the Nominating Committee. Motion Carried.

Seeing no further business, Mike Maher made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by David Niemi and the meeting was declared adjourned.