Dear Parents

Summer Fayre News

We are proud to announce that the Edlesborough School Summer Fayre raised over £1700!!!

Thank you to all the parents and children who helped to make the event such a success.

I would personally like to thank the FOES committee, class reps, Mrs. Bennett and Mr.Bush; without all their help this event would not have happened.

Ice Cream Sundae Day

On Monday 9th July there will be no School Dinner service.
To help you out a little we are holding our annual ICE CREAM SUNDAE Day on this day. Orders & payment must be returned by Tuesday 3rd July. /


/ The last school DISCOs of the year will be on Friday 13th July. They will be at the slightly earlier times of;
  • Rec – Year 3 at 5pm till 6:00pm
  • Year 4 – Year 6 at 6:15pm till 7:30pm
  • Tickets must be purchased in advance by Wed 11th July
  • Poor ticket sales will result in the Discos being cancelled

Sponsored Walk

This revamped event will take place on Saturday 14th July. It is promising to be a fantastic event and fun day out for the whole family.
Thank you to the great team of parents who have worked so hard to organise this event. /

And finally something for us parents.

Monday 16th July – there will be an informal FOES gathering at The Swan Pub, Northall, from 8pm. / / This is an opportunity to chat about recent & upcoming FOES events and to meet other parents. All welcome.

James Bond Disco & Casino Night

  • Put the date on the calendar – Sat 15th Sept
  • Book a babysitter
  • Purchase your tickets from Claire Smith, Becca Stansfield or the School Office
  • Tickets are £15 each to include

Finally if you would like to join the FOES committee or be involved in any future events please contact me (Penny) on

Many thanksPenny (Chair of FOES)