CSC 110 – Evaluating Rough Draft of Research Paper

The following is a set of guidelines for you to use when evaluating the rough paper draft of your partner. The purpose of this assignment is for you to give useful feedback so that your partner can prepare a better final paper.

You are to give both positive feedback (+), and suggestions for improvement (^). Use the form below to provide general feedback. You may also mark up the paper itself if you find places where you want to make specific suggestions or comments.

You will be commenting on two main features of the paper: format and content. Format deals with the way the work is presented. For example, good use of sections and paragraphs, good grammar and spelling, etc. The content is the work itself. That is, the content deals with the topic, and the material that is presented.

Some things to consider:


  • The paper should have a title that clearly describes the content of the paper.
  • The paper should have labeled sections where the label describes what will be discussed in the paper.
  • The paper should have well-formed paragraphs with a topic sentence, and following sentences that are relevant to the topic. When a new topic is introduced, a new paragraph should be started.
  • The paper should have a good flow between paragraphs and between sections. There should be a sentence either at the end of a section, or at the beginning of the next (or both) that transitions from one topic to the next.
  • The paper should use good English grammar, and should have words properly spelled. This is easily checked with a spell checker and even a grammar checker.


  • The paper should describe a topic that is relevant and interesting to this course. This would include anything that has to do with computers. The topic should also be focused enough that it can be well-covered in a 5-8 page paper.
  • The issues to be discussed in the paper should be addressed right up front. There should be an introduction section that motivates the topic, and discusses the issues to be covered in the rest of the paper.
  • The paper should provide whatever background is necessary to allow the reader to understand the topics in the paper. The assumption should be that the reader is another student in this class.
  • The bulk of the paper should be used to present facts and information about the chosen topic. These facts should be presented in a way that makes sense, and is easily understood by the reader.
  • The paper should conclude with an analysis and summary of the facts that were presented.
  • The paper should have references cited in the text and listed in the bibliography.

Name of Reviewer:______Name of Paper Author: ______

Title of Paper: ______

Please fill in the form below, and provide additional feedback in these areas directly on the paper itself.

Content / Format
Good Topic:
(^) / Title:
Description of issues (introduction):
(^) / Labeled sections:
(^) / Well-formatted paragraphs (topic sentence, relevant body):
Presentation of facts:
(^) / Flow between sections:
Analysis and conclusions:
(^) / Grammar and spelling:
(^) / Other Comments:

Please provide 2 copies of this form – one for Dr. DiPippo and one for your partner.