Session 2: A Broad Overview: How CKLA Relates to the Three Pillar Model of Language Arts Instruction
Sequence of Sessions
Overarching Objectives of this May 2013 Network Team Institute
- The purpose of this May 2013 Pilot Training/Network Team Institute is to provide a general understanding of CKLA–NY program, how it fits towards the comprehensive view of language arts, as discussed by the State, (i.e., the Three Pillar Model), and to provide a good understanding of the design principles driving the structure of the Listening and Learning and Skills strands of materials. This training will also serve as the primary training for participants in the use of the Listening and Learning strand.
High-Level Purpose of this Session
- This session will make an explicit link between the CKLA program, the Three Pillar Model, and the CCLS standards. This session will serve as a general orientation to the CKLA program, allowing participants to envision the materials and progression of listening, speaking, reading and writing support provided through the program across K-2. This session will provide participants an opportunity to preview sample materials and make connections between these materials, the standards and six shifts.
Related Learning Experiences
- This training is the first in a series of trainings on the use of CKLA–NY. It provides background knowledge that will be relevant to upcoming trainings on implementing the Skills strand to occur at a future date.
Session Outcomes
What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? / How will we know that they are able to do this?In this session, participants will be able to:
- Name the two strands of CKLA and connect these strands to the Three Pillar Model.
- Identify how CKLA supports writing and the writing process.
- Make connections between the grade level standards for Reading and Word Recognition and the Skills strand.
- Articulate connections between the grade level standards for Writing and the Skills strand.
- Articulate how the Listening and Learning strand addresses the six shifts.
Session Overview
Section / Time / Overview / Prepared Resources / Facilitator PreparationCKLA: A Comprehensive Reading Program / 5 min / Introduction / NTI_May2013_Day1_Session2_ABroadOverview_PPT.ppt
Slide 2
Pillar 1: The Skills Strand : Supports Foundational Reading Skills and Writing / 25 minutes / Participants consider: How do we create a systematic, explicit, and intense focus on foundational skills? / NTI_May2013_Day1_Session2_ABroadOverview_PPT.ppt
Slides 3 to 11
- CKLA Reading Trajectory (2_Session2_ReadingTrajectoryPosters.pdf)
- Grade 1 Unit 1 Reader Sample (3_Session2_G1U1Reader_OntheBus_samplestory_twoperv2.pdf)
- Grade 1 Unit 1 Teacher Guide Sample (4_Session2_G1U1TeacherGuide_OntheBus_lesson30.pdf)
Understanding Children’s Experience-What Will Children Write? / 25
minutes / Participants will take an in-depth look at the writing process within an exemplar grade to show how CKLA lessons are sequenced to support the writing process in a consistent manner across the grades. / NTI_May2013_Day1_Session2_ABroadOverview_PPT.ppt
Slides 12 to 17
- CKLA Writing Trajectory (5_Session2_WritingTrajectoryK-2.pdf)
- Grade 1 Unit 7 Skills Writing Sample (6_Session2_G1U7_SkillsWriting_PersonalNarrative_fromweb.pdf)
Pillar 2: The Listening and Learning Strand: Support to Language and Knowledge Development through Shared Interactive Reading / 30 minutes / Participants consider: How does the Listening and Learning read aloud support children in accessing complex text by the end of second grade? / NTI_May2013_Day1_Session2_ABroadOverview_PPT.ppt
Slides 18 to 37
The URL to directly access the ELA materials is
- Common Core K–5 ELA Anchors Unpacked (7_Session2_AllAnchors.pdf)
- Learning to Read: The 6 Shifts for K–2 (8_Session2_6Shifts4K2.pdf)
- Annotated Lesson Worksheet (9_Session2_Annotated Lesson WORKSHEET G2_D2_Anth_NYSEDreview.pdf)
- Annotated Lesson Key (10_Session2_Annotated Lesson KEY G2_D2_Anth_NYSEDreview_twoper.pdf
Two-minute domino brainstorm
Session Roadmap
Section 1: CKLA: A Comprehensive Reading Program / Time: 5 minutes[5 minutes] In this section, you will…
- Be introduced to CKLA as a reading comprehensive program.
- Offer objectives for this session of training.
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions (Please note: Here we provide key ideas per slide. A full script is provided within the PowerPoint slides in the “Notes” view). / GROUP
minutes / Slide 2
/ Key Points:
Session 2: A Broad Overview: How CKLA Relates to the Three Pillar Model
- This session will make an explicit link between the CKLA program, the Three Pillar Model, and the CCLS.
- This session will serve as a general orientation to the CKLA program, allowing participants to envision the materials and progression of listening, speaking, reading and writing support provided through the program across K-2.
- This session will provide participants an opportunity to preview sample materials and make connections between these materials, the standards, and six shifts.
Section 2: Pillar 1: The Skills Strand : Supports Foundational Reading Skills and Writing / Time: 25 minutes
[25 minutes] In this section, you will…
- Be able to name the two strands of CKLA and connect these strands to the Three Pillar Model.
- Identify how CKLA supports writing and the writing process.
- Be able to make connections between the grade level standards for Reading and Word Recognition and the Skills strand.
- Be able to articulate connections between the grade level standards for Writing and the Skills strand.
- Be able to articulate how the Listening and Learning strand addresses the six shifts.
- CKLA Reading Trajectory (2_Session2_ReadingTrajectoryPosters.pdf)
- Grade 1 Unit 1 Reader Sample (3_Session2_G1U1Reader_OntheBus_samplestory_twoperv2.pdf)
- Grade 1 Unit 1 Teacher Guide Sample (4_Session2_G1U1TeacherGuide_OntheBus_lesson30.pdf)
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions (Please note: Here we provide key ideas per slide. A full script is provided within the PowerPoint slides in the “Notes” view). / GROUP
minutes / Slide 3
/ Key Point:
- Reading is a combination of decoding ability and listening comprehension. These are built through the first two pillars and practiced in guided accountable independent reading.
Slide 4
/ Key Points:
- Activity for participants to consider the complexity of decoding.
- Explicit instruction in the code is necessary for automatic and effortless decoding
Slide 5 / Key Points:
- There are 270+ pieces of “code” that make up written English language.
- These include various letters, sounds, spellings, and rules of directionality and grammar.
Slide 6
/ Key Point:
- Overview of the components of the Skills strand, which includes the teacher guide, the student workbook and readers, a chaining folder and cards, and an Assessment and Remediation Guide
Slide 7
/ Key Point:
(Participants will access the Skills materials via EngageNY,)
- The URL to directly access the ELA materials is
Slide 8 / Key Point:
- Students will read a variety of texts that represent increasing complexity, rich content, diverse characters, and continuing story lines.
/ Slide 9
/ Key Point:
- This activity will orient participants to the sequenced “trajectory” of what students will read across the grades through CKLA Skills lessons Session2-ReadingTrajectoryK-2
- CKLA Reading Trajectory (2_Session2_ReadingTrajectoryPosters.pdf
/ Slide 10
/ Key Point:
- Through this activity, participants will see the connection between the Skills lessons and the text of the associated student readers.
- Grade 1 Unit 1 Reader Sample (3_Session2_G1U1Reader_OntheBus_samplestory_twoperv2.pdf)
- Grade 1 Unit 1 Teacher Guide Sample (4_Session2_G1U1TeacherGuide_OntheBus_lesson30.pdf)
/ Slide 11
/ Key Point:
- This reflection opportunity will allow participants to process what they have heard and seen to this point in the training
Section3: Understanding Children’s Experience-What will children write? / Time: 25 minutes
[25 minutes] In this section, you will…
- Identify how CKLA supports writing and the writing process.
- CKLA Writing Trajectory (5_Session2_WritingTrajectoryK-2.pdf)
- Grade 1 Unit 7 Skills Writing Sample (6_Session2_G1U7_SkillsWriting_PersonalNarrative_fromweb.pdf
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions (Please note: Here we provide key ideas per slide. A full script is provided within the PowerPoint slides in the “Notes” view). / GROUP
25 minutes / Slide 12
/ Key Point:
- In this section of the presentation, participants will review a scope and sequence of writing skills taught through the CKLA program
- CKLA Writing Trajectory (5_Session2_WritingTrajectoryK-2.pdf)
Slide 13
/ Key Point:
- Participants will review student work for evidence of explicitly taught elements of writing including grammar, spelling, handwriting, and content.
Slide 14
/ Key Point:
- Each writing genre is explicitly taught using a consistent series of lessons that provides support and predictability for students
Slide 15
/ Key Point:
- The following writing genres are explicitly taught in CKLA: descriptive writing, fictional narrative, personal narrative, friendly letter, opinion piece, persuasive writing, “what if…” writing, taking notes, and report writing.
/ Slide 16 / Key Points:
- Through this activity, participants will get a close look at the sequence of 6 lessons used to teach each writing genre.
- The Personal Narrative genre will be used for the activity
- Grade 1 Unit 7 Skills Writing Sample (6_Session2_G1U7_SkillsWriting_PersonalNarrative_fromweb.pdf)
Slide 17
/ Key Point:
- Participants will see workbook pages that demonstrate increasingly detailed opportunities for students to write in response to or using evidence from the students’ reader text.
Section4: Pillar 2 : The Listening and Learning Strand: Supporting Language and Knowledge through Shared Interactive Reading / Time: 30 minutes
[30 minutes] In this section, you will…
- Consider: How does the Listening and Learning read aloud support children in accessing complex text by the end of second grade?
- Common Core K–5 ELA Anchors Unpacked (7_Session2_AllAnchors.pdf)
- Learning to Read: The 6 Shifts for K–2 (8_Session2_6Shifts4K2.pdf)
- Annotated Lesson Worksheet (9_Session2_Annotated Lesson WORKSHEET G2_D2_Anth_NYSEDreview.pdf)
- Annotated Lesson Key (10_Session2_Annotated Lesson KEY G2_D2_Anth_NYSEDreview_twoper.pdf
- Flip Chart and Markers
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions (Please note: Here we provide key ideas per slide. A full script is provided within the PowerPoint slides in the “Notes” view). / GROUP
minutes / Slide 18
/ Key Points:
- This sub-section will address support in the Listening and Learning strand for language and knowledge development.
- PREPARE teachers to consider: How does the Listening and Learning read aloud support children in accessing complex text by the end of second grade?
/ Slide 19
/ Key Points:
- Participants will consider what the CCLS mean for reading and writing in the early grades.
- Differentiation is made between the anchor standards and the individual grade level standards
- Activity: Participants will brainstorm:What are some words that come to mind when you think of the Common Core Anchor Standards for Writing?
- Allow participants to answer and record on flip chart paper as they write in ‘WORDLE’ format
- Common Core K–5 ELA Anchors Unpacked (7_Session2_AllAnchors.pdf)
Slide 20
/ Key Points:
- This slide provides a visual of the most frequent words in the Reading Informational Text anchor standards.
- Larger words are used most frequently.
Slide 21
/ Key Point:
- The most frequent phrase in the kindergarten reading standards is “With Prompting and Support” as indicated by “WPS.”
Slide 22
/ Key Point:
- Grade 1 reading standards for Informational Texts focus on identifying key details and asking and answering questions.
Slide 23 / Key Point:
- Grade 2 standards demonstrate more independence, but identifying key points and describing the content are prominent, rather than the anchor expectations of “evidence”
Slide 24
/ Key Point:
- The anchor standards for writing focus on information, analysis, research, and support.
Slide 25 / Key Points:
- As with reading, a key component of writing in kindergarten is “with prompting and support.”
- Drawing and dictating are also key elements of the writing standards for kindergarten
Slide 26 / Key Points:
- “With prompting and support” continues to be a key element of grade 1 writing.
- More attention to the structure of writing is apparent in grade 1.
Slide 27 / Key Point:
- Writing becomes more independent in grade 2, and specific elements of structure (introduction, events, and conclusion) are now apparent.
Slide 28
/ Key Point:
- A quote from Liben & Liben, 2013 reiterates the need to consider read-alouds as a primary vehicle for addressing standards and text complexity in the early grades.
Slide 29
/ Key Point:
- Overview of the components of the Listening and Learning strand, which include the teacher anthology, flip book, image cards and supplemental guide for kindergarten.
Slide 30
/ Key Point:
- The URL to directly access the ELA materials is
Slide 31 / Key Points:
- The next 5 slides document the elements of a Listening and Learning lesson.
- The introduction at the start of each read-aloud lesson includes a review of prior knowledge, based on what has previously been read to students, an opportunity to make predictions about the story or the information presented in the read-aloud, and a specific purpose for listening to prepare students for the reading.
- Annotated Lesson Worksheet (9_Session2_Annotated Lesson WORKSHEET G2_D2_Anth_NYSEDreview.pdf)
- Annotated Lesson Key (10_Session2_Annotated Lesson KEY G2_D2_Anth_NYSEDreview_twoper.pdf
Slide 32
/ Key Points:
- Story text is included in the lesson.
- Images from story appear as thumbnails in margin.
- Guided Listening Supports, also located in the margins include questions to assess comprehension and engage students and comments to provide clarification and or draw students’ attention to some element of the image.
Slide 33 / Key Points:
- Each read-aloud closes with a text-based discussion of the read-aloud.
- Comprehension questions are provided to guide the discussion and ensure a logical progression from literal to inferential questions.
Slide 34 / Key Point:
- Each read-aloud also includes explicit work on one of the core vocabulary words identified for the domain topic.
Slide 35
/ Key Point:
- Each lesson concludes with several options for extension activities that will provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the domain concepts and use of the core vocabulary.
Slide 36
/ Key Point:
- In the early grades the Common Core Shifts can be addressed through high-quality read-alouds.
/ Slide 37 / Key Point:
- Through this activity, participants will identify the six shifts in an annotated Listening and Learning Lesson to see the connection between read-alouds and the six shifts.
Learning to Read: The 6 Shifts for K–2 (8_Session2_6Shifts4K2.pdf) / I
Use the following icons in the script to indicate different learning modes.
Video / Reflect on a prompt / Active learning / Turn and talkTurnkey Materials Provided
Additional Suggested Resources