Minutes of meeting held on 3rd August 2009 commencing at 7.15 pm.

PRESENT: Councillors Boatman (In the Chair), Beck-Taylor, G. Boatman, Duffy, Flynn, Frost, Kitchen, Marsden, Marshall, Moore, O’Neil, Rust and Tether.

OFFICERS: Mr. B. Robertson (Town Clerk)

Ms. A. Bentley (Administrative Assistant).


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Cooper, Dean, Harrison and South

The Chair (Councillor Boatman) reminded the public that under Standing Order 13B any elector

of Goole will be afforded time at the beginning of this session to raise any matters of concern

regarding planning applications. A time limit of 5 minutes per person will be allowed.

Mr. Brent Huntington, a Goole Resident expressed his concerns regarding the Oakgate Yorkshire Ltd planning application stating that there were inaccuracies in the number of jobs specified, there were potential problems with the car parking and he could see no reason to demolish the existing building. He asked Members if the people of Goole would wish to lose the shops currently on the site.

Member RESOLVED to Suspend Standing Order to allow Mr. Howard Duckworth a non- resident

of Goole to speak.

Mr. Duckworth of the Julie Howard Partnership spoke to Members regarding the Oakgate Yorkshire Ltd planning application stating that the proposed new building would be twice the height of the existing building, the design would be detrimental to the proposed Aire Street conservation area and that there had not been adequate consultation carried out.

Mr. Duckworth added that in his view, an Officer should not deal with this application and should

be referred back to the East Riding planning committee.


It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings of 15th June and

6th July 2009 approved at Council on 20th July 2009 be signed as a true record by the Chair (Councillor Boatman).


The Town Clerk submitted a schedule of Planning Applications from the East Riding of Yorkshire

Council of which the Town Council had requested notification under the Local Government Act 1972.

NB East Riding Councillors Beck-Taylor, Kitchen, Moore and O’Neil took no part in the consideration

of the planning applications.

It was RESOLVED that the East Riding of Yorkshire Council be advised of the Town Council’s

comments in respect of the following applications:-

Code No Comments

DC/09/01378 Oakgate Yorkshire Ltd Objection

North Street Retail Park

Erection of New Retail Development following

demolition of existing units


On consideration of the above planning application Members objected to the

application on the following grounds:

·  There has been inadequate consultation with owners of properties in Aire Street

·  There are inaccuracies in the number of jobs currently on site and those proposed.

It is cited that there are currently 210 jobs at the two retail units on site and that the

new store will create 260 jobs. The Council estimates that there are currently 15 jobs

at the two retail units.

·  The proposed development will lead to a loss of car parking spaces.

·  The proposed building is double the height of the existing building and will have an

overbearing impact on adjacent properties.

·  The proposal to replace a tiled roof with one of metal sheeting will have a detrimental

affect on the area.

·  Considerable care was taken with the existing building to ensure that it was in keeping

with the design of the leisure centre, whereas the proposed building does not match this criteria.

·  The application is detrimental to the proposed Aire Street conservation area.

·  The building can easily revert to its former use as a supermarket without its being demolished.

DC/09/02022 Mr. Bernie Cartwright No Objections

The Bungalow, Victoria Street

Change of use from Residential Dwelling to Office

for Letting Agency


DC/09/02265 Jaig Homes No Objections

Land Adjacent to 30 Montague Street

Erection of 2 Dwellings and 1 Studio Flat


On consideration of the above planning application, Members suggested that

consideration be given to extending parking restriction in the vicinity of the site

in order to improve sight lines for traffic entering Gordon Street.

DC/09/02612 Mr. Neil Audsley No Objections

Burlington Hotel, Burlington Crescent

Erection of Extension to Gymnasium and External Stair


On consideration of the above planning application, Members suggested that

the proposed fire escape is secure by a gate.


Members were informed of the following decision notices

Code No. Decision

DC/09/01438 Wilcock Contractors Ltd Approved

Glenallan, 23 Thorntree Lane

Erection of 5 dwellings following demolition

of existing buildings

DC/09/01722 Mr. Parish Approved

Goldcrest House, 198 Boothferry Road

Change of use from dwelling to sleeping annex

The Planning Committee meeting concluded at 7.45pm
