The Constitution of the Herscher High School Student Council and Class Officers
Article 1. Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Hercher High School Student Council and Class Officers.
Section 2: Purpose
The Purpose of this organization shall be:
- Secure power for the student body through the Student Council and Class Officers
- Promote the general welfare through students by participating in beneficial projects
- Act as coordinating body for student sponsored activities
- Cooperate with staff/administration and act as aliaison between them and the student body
- Exemplify excellence in effort, conduct, and school involvement
Article 2. Membership
Section 1: Members of the Student Council and Class Officers
The Student Council and Class Officers will be comprised of equal representation of the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes. Four representatives from each class will be elected by their respective classes for the term of one year.
Section 2: Qualification and Elections
- Each candidate must obtain 25 signatures from his/her classmates, 4 signatures from teachers, a parents signature, and turn it into the office before Election day
- For Class Officers, each class will hold an election and from that, the top four vote receivers will be inducted
- For Student Council members an interview will be conducted and the current Student Council will hold elections
- There is no limitation on how many years a member may serve; however, if one is voted in for two consecutive years and meets the percentage requirements for both years, he/she is allowed to remain on the council for his/her remainder of high school.
- Senior Student Government** members and Junior members who are entering their third year on Student Government can be elected officers of the Student Council: President, Vice-President, Activities Director, Secretary, and Treasurer **may be either a student council member or a class officer, as long as they have served two full years on student government.
Article 3. Duties and Powers
Section 1: Duties
The general duties of the Student Council and Class Officers shall:
- Accept and fulfill all committee assignments
- Act in a way that is in the best interest of the students, school, and community
- Attend all meetings
Section 2: Powers
The powers of the Student Council and Class Officers shall be as follows:
- Plan, promote, and direct student sponsored activities
- Express student point-of-view in matters pertaining to school policy and procedures
Article 4. Powers and Duties of Officers
Section 1: The President shall:
- Preside at all meetings of the Student Council
- Direct the work of the council
- Vote in case of a tie in the council
- Appoint chairpersons and committee members throughout the year
- Write and publish monthly agendas for all meetings
- Attend or send representatives to meetings such as, Boosters, S.I.P., ect
- Act as Emcee or find a representative for assemblies and social events
Section 2: The Vice-President shall:
- Preside over all meetings of the Student Council when the President is absent or upon his/her request
- Carry out all duties delegated to him/her by the President
- Work with the treasurer on updating and printing the point system and advise students of their current status
Section 3: The Activities Director Shall:
- Assist the President in appointing chairpersons and committee members for all social events
- Preside as coordinator of all committees and social events
- Contact local newspapers of upcoming events
Section 4: The Secretary shall:
- Write, reproduce, and distribute a record of each Student Council meeting
- Maintain attendance records for all Student Council Meetings
- Contact local newspapers of upcoming events with help from Activities Director
Section 5: The Treasurer shall:
- Work with the Advisor to insure an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures
- Present monthly updated on the council’s financial status
- Work with the Vice-President on a point system
Section 6: The Media Specialist shall:
- Work with the Advisor on the Student Council home page
- Run the social media accounts and keep them up to date
- Take pictures during all events and also post them to the website
Article 5. Meetings
Section1: Student Council Meetings
- The Student Council shall meet at all Activity Periods or when any special meetings are called.
- * Exceptions will only be given if on the board, or have prior commitment with another club.
Section 2: Committee Meetings
- Committees shall be established as necessary.
- Committee chairs and members will be selected on a voluntary basis and should have representatives from all grade levels when possible.
- Committee chairs are responsible for the committee results.
- Committees must seek advisor’s approval before making major decisions, financial commitments, and building use.
Article 6. Point System
Section 1: Minimum Requirements
- All Student Council and Class Officers members must participate in 75% of the projects.
- Any students not meeting 75% of projects will be given verbal notice and an allotted time to make up points, or will be dismissed from student council. (This occurs once a semester).
- All Student Council and Class Officers must participate in the Magazine Drive to stay a member. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors must sell 12 magazines. Seniors must sell 6.
Article 7. Student Council Discipline and Vacancies
- Any member of the Student Council or Class Officers who displays behavior that is considered inappropriate may be considered for disciplinary action according to the Student Handbook.
Section 2. Vacancies
In the event that vacancies occur during the course of the year, they will be filled in the following manner:
- Except for the presidency, all positions shall be filled by candidates getting 25 signatures and holding an election for that spot. The top person from that election will be inducted in as the replacement.
- Should the office of the President be vacated, the duties of that office will be assumed by the Vice-President.
Article 8. Amendments
Section 1: Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to this Constitution shall be recommended by a motion, seconded, and passed by a ¾ majority of the Student Council and Class Officers.