Module 4 Reference Guide

4.00 – Take your pre-test and don’t worry about your score. Remember it’s a pre-test, you’re not supposed to know it all yet. This is to help you and me with what you need to spend the most time learning.

4.01 – La ville

This is a voiceassignment– remember to include a written version of your sentences so that your teacher can give you the best feedback possible.

When writing your negative sentences use ‘iln’y a pas de + place’. You do NOT need to include the article (le, la, les, l’ or un, un).

When using ‘il y a + place’ use the word for ‘a’, not ‘the’.

Collaboration option –- your collaboration is a group project where you get to choose 1 of the lesson options (this being one of them). You will work with a partner where each of you will ask 5 questions in French using the material from the lesson. Then you will each answer your partner’s questions in French. Submit this and the collaboration assessment guide (similar to a lab report) in assignment 5.05.

4.02 – Aller

Take your allerquizand take your time.

Listeningactivity – Answer the questions based on what you hear. Remember to use complete sentences in French.

Collaboration option –- your collaboration is a group project where you get to choose 1 of the lesson options (this being one of them). You will work with a partner where each of you will ask 5 questions in French using the material from the lesson. Then you will each answer your partner’s questions in French. Submit this and the collaboration assessment guide (similar to a lab report) in assignment 5.05.

4.03 – Où

Tell where everything is located according to the pictures.

Remember to use complete sentences in French.


  • The word homework in French is plural. Your verb should also be plural.
  • Use the location words from the lesson – on, under, in front of, behind, in.

4.04 – Les adjectifspossessifs

There is no assignment for this lesson, but be sure to review this lesson and ask your teacher if you have any questions.

4.05 – Les adjectifspossessifsdeux

There is a quizfor this lesson. Take your time!

Voice Assignment-- remember to include a written version of your sentences so that your teacher can give you the best feedback possible.

Tell to whom each of the items belongs by re-writing the sentence with the correct possessive adjective.


  • Start all your sentences with ‘non’.
  • If the item is plural use ‘cesont’ as your verb.
  • If the item is singular use ‘c’est’ as your verb.
  • Use the possessive adjective given to you in the directions.
  • Don’t pronounce the last ‘n’ in ‘non’. It sounds like ‘noh’, but it is in your nose. (Don’t say it like the English either.)

4.06 – Les nombres à mille

This is a listening activity– reach out to your teacher if you have trouble understanding.

There are 12 numbers for you to identify, remember to write them in both number form (ex: 12) and in French.

4.07 – Les adjectifscommevert

Use the reading on page 4 of the lesson to answer the questions.

Your answers should come from the reading and/or the picture.

For #4, here’s a hint: Look for the reason about the kings to tell why the city is important.

4.08 – Review

CALL your Teacher as soon as you get to this assignment for your DBA! You don’t want to forget what you learned.

4.09 – Exam

Your teacher will give you a password to access your exam when you have finished your DBA.