Name: ______
Period: _____
Night Ch. 3-5
Chapter 3: pg. 29-46
As you read pages 29-39, document THREE events that happen to Wiesel and his family members, and record how the events affect him. Include events he witnesses in addition to what happens to him directly. After you record the effect, write down additional observations about his writing (diction, tone, figurative language, theme).
Event / Effect / Analysis of writing style and impact on tone and themeHe sees his mother and sister being forced to walk in a different direction. / He realizes only later that he will never see them again. / His tone in recounting this event is regretful, but not overly emotional.
Fill out the following chart as you read.
Figurative Language / Type: / Evidence:Symbolism / A-7713 / Symbolic Meaning: / Evidence:
Theme / Theme: / Evidence:
Difficult situations can cause people to question their faith in God and humanity.
Explain why the prisoner told Elie to say that he was eighteen, rather than fifteen.
What was Dr. Mengele’s role at Auschwitz?
Elie made up his mind what he would do if he were forced into the ditch with the burning bodies. What was his plan of action? What kept him from doing it?
Beginning with giving up their clothes, describe the process all new prisoners went through when they came to camp.
Chapter Four: pg. 47-65
Figurative Language / Type: / Evidence:Symbolism / Little Pipel hanging from the gallows / Symbolic Meaning: / Evidence:
Theme / Theme: / Evidence:
In Chapter Four, Wiesel introduces people he meets at the work camp (Buna). Describe these people in the chart below and the impact they had on Elie.
People / Events associated with them / Impact on ElieIdek
French Girl
Yossi and Tibi
How are the medical exam and dental exam different for Elie?
What was the unfortunate incident with Elie’s shoes?
What was odd about the dentist’s appearance?
Why was Elie angry with his father when Idek beat him?
What did the pipel do to be hanged?
How does Wiesel describe his death?
Explain the significance of Wiesel’s words: “That night, the soup tasted of corpses.”
Chapter Five: pg. 66-84
Figurative Language / Type: / Evidence:Symbolism / Symbol: / Symbolic Meaning: / Evidence:
Theme / Theme: / Evidence:
Difficult situations can cause people to question their faith.
Desperation changes people.
On the last day of this year, how was the way the prisoners looked at Rosh Hashanah different from the way they used to view the Jewish New Year?
Analyze Wiesel’s meaning in the following statements: “I was no longer capable of lamentation…I felt very strong. I was the accuser, God the accused…. I stood amid that praying congregation, observing it like a stranger.” (3 sentences)
What was the “fine New Year’s gift” the SS gave the prisoners?
What was Elie’s “inheritance”?
What was Elie’s father’s fate at the second selection?
What would have happened to Elie if he stayed in the hospital after his surgery?
What was the last act performed by the men an hour before leaving the camp? Why?