Instruction Sheet for Data Collection for Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Thank you so much for becoming a Powerful Tools for Caregivers workshop Leader in Wisconsin. We know that in Leader Training, you have learned a great deal about caregiving and group facilitation, as well as how to get your workshops organized and filled.

All of the materials you need to run your workshop are on our website: Once there:

Click on “For Leaders and Coordinators”

Click on “Powerful Tools for Caregivers”

Click on “Data Collection”

These are the materials you’ll need for every workshop for the data collection and evaluation:

Demographic Questionnaire / One for each workshop participant / Pass one out to each participant.
Attendance Log / One, just for you as Leader. / Take attendance at every session.

So, now that you have your documents and copies ready:

  1. Distribute one Demographic Questionnaire to each participant at the beginning of your workshop’s Session 1.If new participants arrive at the second session, please ask them to fill out the Demographic Questionnaire before you start Session 2.
  1. As participants return their questionnaire to you, please check for completeness. Ask participants to fill in any missing sections. (Note: filling out the questionnaire is voluntary; it is not required to participate in the program and participants are free to leave any questions unanswered.)
  1. On the Attendance Log, mark down the names of the participants and indicate the sessions they attended.
  1. Put all the Demographic Questionnaires in a safe place until the end of the entire six sessions.
  1. Make one copy of each participant’s Demographic Questionnaireand one copy of the Attendance Logfor your records.
  1. If you are affiliated with a county aging unit, please check with your county colleagues about how to enter the attendance information and the information from the Demographic Questionnaire into SAMS, the “Social Assistance Management System.” If you are not affiliated with a county aging unit, and/or do not have the capacity to enter it into SAMS, please contact the Anne Hvizdak, Statewide Coordinator, for guidance or assistance: , 608-266-3111.
  1. After the last session of your workshop, mail the following to WIHA:
  • completed Demographic Questionnaires
  • the Attendance Log, complete with participants’ first and last names


WisconsinInstitute for Healthy Aging

1414 MacArthur Road, Suite B

Madison, WI 53714

NOTE: If you are requesting a stipend, please use the Stipend Request Form.This is only available for workshops conducted byDecember 31, 2015 and the form must be received by January 31, 2016

We thank you so much for your commitment and skills in organizing and facilitating the Powerful Tools for Caregivers workshops. You are doing great work in helping older adults in Wisconsin to develop and maintain healthier lifestyles and we are very grateful for your collaboration.If you have any questions about the data collection protocols or anything else related to Powerful Tools for Caregivers, please contact us at WIHA right away: , 608-243-5690. We’re here to help make your job easier and learn from all of you so that we can share your successes with other Leaders. Good luck and thanks again!


Betsy Abramson, Deputy Director

P.S. Please remember to send your “Workshop Notification” form to us as soon as you schedule your

first workshop.