Sol Invictus by Howard Ratcliffe
There are 7 Jewish Feasts ordained by God (Rabbinical name in parenthesis): Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Trumpets “Rosh Hashanah”, Atonement “Yom Kippur” and Tabernacles “Sukkot or Booths”. Man has corrupted these “Holy Days” in ways only Satan could dream up. Passover has been corrupted into Easter, the conception of the sun god Molech “Adrammelech” in the womb of the Mother Goddess “Anammelech” (Rabbit Idol). Easter references the 5 pointed star shaped enclosure made by Venus around the Sun over an 8 year cycle. Easter “Eastern Star” is the “Rising Sun” conceived by “Light” and rising from the Womb as “Sol Invictus”, the “Unconquered Sun”. In Gen 1:3 “God said let there be Light” in reference to Himself; in Gen 1:14 God made the “Lights” for signs, seasons, days and years. They are not the same and as Jesus said we cannot serve these 2 masters God and Mammon! Easter is the Babylonian “Ishtar” and Phoenician “Ashtaroth”, the god of the Philistines, Phoenicians and Zidonians (Sidon) as well as the city of the Rephaims “Giants”; Giants resulting from Incest, not Alien or Demon abduction. Tabernacles celebrates the Spirit of the LORD being with Israel in tents or booths. The corruption of this came from the men of Babylon who made “Succoth-benoth” which means “Booths of the daughters” (ref 2 Kings 17:30). The image of Lot and his daughters Moab and Ammon’s incest might come to mind.
Arguably, the first 4 Feasts were fulfilled by Jesus Christ: Passover at the Crucifixion; Unleavened Bread when He was 3 days/nights in the tomb; First Fruits at His resurrection and Pentecost 50 days later as the Holy Ghost was delivered to Man. Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles remain to be fulfilled and Man’s corruption of them is going cause things to get very ugly.
The 7th Feast “Tabernacles” is the only “Appointed Time” with 8 days; Why? Because Jesus replaced the 7th Covenant with Himself and He knew that would be rejected. Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication” aka “Festival of Lights” is Man-made 8 day Feast/Festival; God didn’t ordain it, so who did? Shamash is the center “Servant Candle” which means Sun. Shamash was the Akkadian god of Justice; his symbols were shoulders of flame, the Staff of Sovereign Authority, and the Circle. If that sounds like a description of Jesus, it was meant to. The Circle refers to the repaired Earth and a World Church; the Swastika being the world in need of repair; Hebrew for “Tikkun Olam”. Feast of Dedication “Hannukah” was not ordained by God and has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Shamash can only be dedicated by the Sacrifice and distribution of a suitable Host which is what Christ-Mass means. The “Holy Day” was created by Man during the latter part of the Inter-testament Period; the period which had no Word, Prophets or Miracles from God. The “Holy Day” created by Man at the beginning of the Inter-testament Period “Purim” will fall on Feb 28th, 2010. The Akkadian “Shamash” and Egyptian “Osiris” symbolized as “X-Mas” replaced Jesus, Purim is derived from the Akkadian word “Puru” which means “Draw Lots”, and that brand of Justice also replaced God. February is named after “Februa”, blood soaked sheep’s skin. In 2010 this date occurs 13 days after President’s Day which itself is 1040 Days before the 2012 Solstice. Solstice means “Stand Still”, will the Sun “Stand Still” as it did once before in Joshua’s day? The answer is the day is something Man created, not God.
Purim celebrates God’s deliverance of the Jews from Haman’s plot to destroy them in Babylonian captivity. Haman was the Royal vizier to the Persian King Xerxes (Ahasuerus); Haman was also an Amalekite (Edomite). Mordechai and his cousin Esther descended from King Saul, a man who did “Evil in sight of the LORD”. So did God deliver the Jews? The word God does not appear in the book of Esther; 200 years earlier, Amos had asked God “by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. The LORD repented for this: It shall not be, saith the LORD” Amos 7:2&5 Haman and his sons were hung “So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordechai” Esther 9:10. Think Edomites have forgotten about that? Guess again. “Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree” Gal 3:13 How does one receive absolution of that Curse? “…without the shedding of blood is no remission. It was necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these…” Heb 9:22-23 Bottom line: A lot of blood is going to be spilled by Edomites, timed according to the patterns of the heavens for the purpose of purifying Sin. Folks, I am not trying to be sensational here, but we can hang our Sins on Jesus Christ or we can rely on the shed blood of others; for God, the latter is just not acceptable. When?
After Zerubbabel builds the 2nd Temple, there is a 400 year period between Testimonies of God. Many Theologians claim the 2300 days of Daniel 8 were fulfilled then as well as 69 of Daniel’s “70 Weeks” in Dan 9:24-27. Are they correct? The answer is painfully obvious; the period is Man’s idea not God’s. I’ve heard it all just like most of you; 2300 days means years; 70 Weeks means 69 weeks of years plus the 7 year Tribulation; 2300 days ended when the 2nd Temple was cleansed by Judah Macabbee. Folks, again I’m not “Privately Interpreting” this or trying to be sensational here; that is Man’s idea not God’s. The Word of God is God in written form and He means exactly what He says as written by men as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. Bottom line: The last 2300 days that made Daniel faint are likely here. 2300 days is divided by the 1260 days of “Great Tribulation” and 1040 days beginning with “Daily Sacrifice” (Dan 8:14). Referencing the patterns in the heavens, the Sun will hang upon the Sacred Tree, completing a symbolic “Passover” during the day as measured from the Pyramid of the Sun (Aztec means to make white; Sinless). Jesus was hung upon a Sacred Tree during the day as well; this in accordance with the Law He authored in Deut 21:23. Jesus was made the Curse, so we don’t have to be under it. I’ll return to the 1040 days, but look at Daniel’s “70 Week” prophecy. Amos says plainly in the Authorized Bible (KJV) that God did not raise Jacob (Israel) up, so who did? Painfully obvious is that Shamash is the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah isn’t it?
Hanukkah lasts 8 days because 1 day of oil miraculously burned for 8 days, right? Pharisees ordered the Crucifixion because they knew it was a Curse to be hung upon a tree. The place was the exact spot where the Glory of the LORD had departed Solomon’s Temple 700 years earlier; women were lamenting Tammuz as their men desecrated the altar. Golgotha means “Place of the Skull”; Yarmulke is a Tartar word meaning “Skullcap” and “Respect for the King”. Jesus came as King of Salem and was hung on the Tree, so just who is this King? Shamash, the Sun-god and Judge of Man whose Laws of Vengeance were derived from the Amorite King Hammurabi and written on Black Basalt as the “Code of Hammurabi” about 400 years before Moses received God’s Laws. Folks, God did not raise up of Jacob; Shamash raised up Edomites and Samaritans who pretend to be Jewish. God did not write the Talmud; He did not replace Judaism with Kabbalah; He said never call anyone on earth Rabbi; He does not use the Six Pointed Star and He said nothing about a Rapture or 7 year Tribulation. All of that is Man’s idea. Bottom Line: The 1040 days leading up to the Great Tribulation begin with Daily Sacrifice; compared with the 2012 Solstice this would begin on President’s Day 2010; 13 days before Purim.
The chances of America drawing a long straw are not good. During this period, Daniel’s 70 Weeks will occur; it is 490 days; 490 24 hour periods, not some mysterious, open ended time period beginning with the Rapture and/or Israel’s 7 year Covenant with Gentile Nations. Again, the truth is hidden in plain sight as the calculations are made from Artaxerxes; “Arta” means Truth of Xerxes as supplied by an Edomite adviser; not smart to count on that! Daniel’s 70th Week is a 7 day, 7 24 hour period Covenant with Sol Invictus “Shamash” causing the world to become “Desolate” until the “Consummation”. Folks, again, I’m not being sensational, but if you have not proposed; read this again; you must propose, marriage to the Lamb of God by the point of “Desolation”. This act of Blasphemy starts the Great Tribulation, after than, you will not ever “Consummate” Marriage with God. He claims His bride exactly 1 day, 1 24 hour period before His Day of Wrath and 2nd Coming. If you want to call that last day the “Rapture”, fine but Rape is not something Jesus will tolerate in the Millennium! In order, We must initiate the Proposal, preferably on bended knee with all Sincerity; put up something of great value, our Salvation; Our offer must be accepted by God who knows our heart; Engagement is a Trial period to prove our Sincerity; Marriage Ceremony is before God and His Witnesses; The Wedding Feast is “Communion”; Consummation means Adultery is the only legal way out. At the end of the Millennium, a gathering called Gog and Magog (Eze 38-39; Rev 20) centered around Jerusalem numbering as the sand of the sea will destroy all who have Fornicated and committed Adultery against God. The return of the Spirit of the LORD will occur exactly 7000 years to the day since God said “Let there be Light” (ref Dan 7:13-14). That “Light” will destroy Sin once and for all in order than New Jerusalem, New Heaven, New Earth and God’s Temple can be built without lifting a tool by the hand of Man. Masons seemed to have forgotten that little part in Exodus 20:25 “And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it”. The ways of Man and the ways of God cannot be aligned without God’s active involvement.
The first period when Man did not receive guidance from God was after Cain murdered his brother Abel and lied to God about it; believing God did not know was his Unforgivable Sin. 130 years ensued of City building, metal working (gold and weapons), music, poetry and domesticating cattle. Why 130? This is my interpretation: 13 is the number associated with Rebellion to God; Genesis 13 describes the Rebellion we see today which was punished in Sodom and Gomorrah and Rev 13 describes the World Church rising as a Beast like the Sun rises from the Sea. When? December means 10th month in Latin, so it makes sense the World Church “Harlot” would rise in the 10th month and specifically at the Solstice “Stand Still”. Is the Roman Catholic Church the Harlot? Absolutely not! The Harlot rules from Jerusalem, not Rome; it is called the Synagogue of Satan because Edomites invented the term Synagogue. By King David’s day all the Synagogues of God had been burned up (ref Ps 74:8); the rest are Talmudic, Amalekite, Rabbinical creations. Odd isn’t it that Synagogue appears only once in the Old Testament to denote a failed worship system just as Congregation appears only once (Acts 13:43) to denote a failed religious system in the New Testament? The Mayan Calendar denotes the 2012 Solstice as; the end of the Age and beginning of the 5th Sun. The Gregorian Calendar denotes it as 12/21/2012 which adds to 11 to denote completion of the Tower of Babel in Gen 11 and the beginning of the last 1260 days “Great Tribulation” in Rev 11. December 21st 2012 is the target date for the start of the Occult “Golden Age”; “Sol Invictus” reborn on Dec 25th 2012 after 3 days and 3 nights in the Sea (Womb) of the Mother Goddess and 1260 days “Free” of God.
The 2nd period when Man was not calling on the LORD was the Tower of Babel in Mesopotamia (Babylon). Abram’s father Terah was 130 years old when Abram was born. He later departed with Lot, Abram and Sarai (Abram’s wife) from Ur (Sumeria) to Canaan, dwelling the remainder of his life in Haran, northern Mesopotamia. During this time the first set of Laws were being drafted by the Akkadians. Amraphel, king of Shinar is Hammurabi, king of Babylon; Abram lived during his time. This was the time of the 1st post flood open War of rebellion to God, and the issue had much to do with the lifestyle of the “wicked sinners” in Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 13:13 for good reason). The first laws “Naram Sin” date from about 2230BC just 200 years after the Flood. Sin is the Moon god Muslims call Allah today. The laws were found in the city dedicated to Shamash “Sippar” in Babylon. The second laws “Lipit-Ishtar” are attributed to a shepherd from “Nippur” by that name; Ishtar being familiar today as Easter or the Global Climate Change goddess “Gaea”. The third set of laws “Code of Hammurabi” list ”Shamash” as the god of the Babylonian deliverance story “Epic of Gilgamesh”. These laws were written in Abram’s day likely being the reason God instructed him to leave Ur of the Chaldees. Abram was thus not subjected to Man’s Babylonian Laws. The Abrahamic Covenant is the Sovereign Authority to possess the Earth, authored by Melchisedek, the King of Salem aka Jesus Christ (ref Heb 7). 1040 days before Jesus Christ is anointed “most Holy” (Dan 9:24), Shamash will begin a reign of terror that may very well culminate on 12, 21, 2012.
The third period of 130 years where Man acted absent from God occurred during the Inter-testament Period and the Macabbean Rebellion. Once again, God did not raise Jacob up, so who did? Macabbee means “Hammer of God”; The Hasmonean Priest Mattathias began the Rebellion which led to his 3rd son Judah Macabbee cleansing and dedicating the 2nd Temple on 25 Kislev “Sol Invictus” in 165 BC. Was this dedication to God? Feast of Dedication is not one of God’s 7 Jewish Feasts, so this was Man’s idea not God’s. His 5th and last son Jonathan died, reportedly in 135 BC and 130 years later, Jesus Christ was born. Notice the parallel with Shem’s 5 sons; his first Elam and Chedorlaomer being related; the 3rd son Arphaxad being the genealogy of Abram, King David and Jesus Christ and the 5th Son Aram giving rise to the Syrians (Aramaeans) who are still with us today. As will be proven, Jesus was not born in winter let alone on 25 Kislev. That dedication was to the Chaldean sun god Shamash, the Servant Candle of the Chanukkah Menorah. 33 years later when Jesus, the Lion of Judah came to the Edomite Herod’s magnificent Temple He turned the tables over on the Priests who were selling sacrificial animals and doves; the things Jesus was trying to provide for Free. Again, this is hidden in plain sight; Mattathias was a Hasmonean from Samaria in the town of Modiin. Samaritan Priests are anything but Jewish and Modiin means “Information”; the kind of information one gets from the Tree of Knowledge. The Latin word Medea means “Ruling” or “Cunning”; That is what the Medean Magi have always taught their respective Kings as their Priests. For example, Merovingian Kings of France were led by their Mayors of the Palace.