
BEGINNER (videos 1 to 16): / STUDY POINTS:
1. Introductions / Introducing yourself
2. Time time time / Asking questions about time
3. Families / Talking about family, asking family questions
4. Directions / Understanding and giving directions
5. Grocery shopping / Questions with do and does
6. Like, love, hate / Talking about preferences
7. Food, cooking & catering / Talking about cooking / talking about abilities with can and could
8. New York / Asking yes/no questions using is, are, have, can
9. Apartment / Using adverbs (sometimes, usually)
10. Pictures / Pronouncing questions
11. Making a date / Polite language
12. Yoga / Talking about fitness using can and could
13. Office talk / Past continuous questions and answers
14. Crime / Yes or no questions
15. Talking about the past / Talking about when and where things happened (when, where, in, at)
16. Food / Talking about food you like and dislike, expressing quantities
ELEMENTARY (videos 17 to 32): / STUDY POINTS:
17. Vacations / Talking about vacation plans (be going to, to get ready, I can’t wait)
18. Weather / Talking about the weather
19. Pets / Talking about pets (interesting, independent, intelligent)
20. Babysitting job / Using and pronouncing words with ‘ing’
22. Complaining / Talking about the past, past continuous
23. Being ill / NOT WORKING
25. Office party / Asking tag questions
27. Clothes / How to use may, might, maybe
28. Office phone / Useful phrases to say on the phone
32. Planning a trip / Making comparisons using superlatives (the biggest, the best)
34. Climate change / Vocabulary (global warming, pollution, natural resources), when and how to use the first conditional
35. Job interview / Asking questions in a polite way (what do you consider, may I ask, could you tell me)
36. School friends / Present perfect, past simple
44. Planning vacation / Using the present perfect when talking about experiences, using ever and never with the present perfect
46. Relationships / Useful expressions to talk about relationships, phrasal verbs (move in, break up, slow down)
48. Checking in / Useful vocab for checking in, passive voice
INTERMEDIATE (videos 50 to 63): / STUDY POINTS:
50. Life story / Talking about plans for our life, combining two ideas in one sentence, time expressions (when, as soon as, before, after, until
51. Business English / Common phrases used in business negotiations, talking about money
53. Flowers for girlfriend / Asking for details (what, which, how)
57. Scuba diving / Useful idioms about sports and activities
60. Diet / Describing your diet, how to make the ‘ng’ sound, how to use yet at the end of a sentence
61. Lifestyle / Talking about lifestyles, negative questions in the present simple (don’t + verb / to be)
63. Trends and fashions / Useful words and phrases related to fashion, present perfect continuous
65. Films / Exchanging opinions (asking for people’s opinion, giving your opinion, disagreeing)
66. Fears / Expressing feelings, fears, adjectives with prepositions
67. Technology / Describing high-tech gadgets, combining several adjectives
68. Religion / Talking about different religions
69. Interview / Describing yourself at a job interview using compound adjectives (hard-working, easygoing)
70. Computers / Computer and internet-related terminology
71. Law and courts / Legal terms (to sue, to charge, to cross examine, defense lawyer, jury, verdict)
72. Travel / Vocabulary to do with travelling, unless
73. Sightseeing / Use of articles (a, the) in place names and for holidays
74. Investor / Defining relative clauses
75. Getting help / Pronunciation of words beginning with ‘h’, using do for emphasis
76. Office tour / Difference between quite and rather, answer questions beginning with do you mind if
77. Studying English / Using linking words and discourse markers
78. Sales figures / Modal verbs (should, might, would), vocab about market reports and sales figures
79. Girl talk / How and when to use so and such
80. Book store / difference between say and tell, end up