Newcomb Alternative
Mission Statement
The mission of Newcomb Alternative is to provide opportunities for academic success to pregnant teens, teen parents, students who are employed, and students with special credit needs. As a “school within a school,” it is the mission of Newcomb Alternative to provide individualized, self-paced, computer-assisted instruction designed to accommodate personal learning styles and circumstances requiring an alternative education.
Advantages at the Alternative School
Full or part-time opportunities for alternative education with concurrent enrollment at Newcomb High School
Individualized instruction based on assessments of learning styles, aptitudes, and interests
Self-paced, computer-assisted instruction aligned with New Mexico State competencies
Computer-assisted enhancement of basic skills
Opportunities to complete one-half credit needs
Opportunities for extended learning and application of acquired skills
Smaller class size, providing more individualized attention
Comfortable seating and pleasant surroundings
A “mastery learning” approach that ensures academic success
A unique style of classroom management that assists the development of self-responsibility, which raises self-esteem and helps to prevent drop-outs and failure
A New Mexico GRADS program for pregnant and parenting students
A next-door child care center and Even Start program that provide support for teen parents and a partnership with the GRADS program
Admission Criteria
Students must qualify for enrollment by meeting one or more of the following criteria:
- Seniors who should have graduated the previous year and lack fewer than six (6) credits to complete their graduation requirements
- Students who have fewer than four (4) credits, but are at least 16 years of age
3.Students who are in need of credit recovery when recovery through the regular classroom or other means is not practical
- Pregnant and parenting teens
- Students who are employed during part of the school day
- Students who are returning after dropping out or being expelled
- Students in good standing who are transferring from another alternative school
- Students who are referred by principals, counselors, or judicial authorities
Admission Procedures
Enrollment begins in the Guidance Office. The student must first enroll as a student at Newcomb High School. If the student meets one or more of the admission criteria, a guidance counselor may recommend enrollment at the Alternative School.
Alternative School enrollment steps:
*STEP 1: A program of study will be approved by a guidance counselor and alternative school teachers.
*STEP 2: A pre-enrollment interview will be held, with parents or guardians in attendance.
*STEP 3: A performance contract must be signed by the student and a parent or legal guardian.
STEP 4: Enrollment forms at the Alternative School will be completed.
*These steps must be completed BEFORE the student attends classes at the Alternative School.
Withdrawal Procedures
Students withdrawing from the Alternative School must firstnotify the Alternative School staff and then complete withdrawal procedures through the Guidance Office.
Attendance Requirements
Regular, prompt attendance is required. The student should notify teachers in advance of anticipated absences or bring written documentation to excuse an absence upon the first day returning to school.
As per Board Policy, a student shall be placed on “No Credit” status upon acquiring the 10th absence during a semester (excused or unexcused). The “No Credit” status may be removed providing the following requirements are met: a. The student attends all future classes and completes work; b. All future absences are appealed to the building administrator for possible extension of the 10th absence. Failure on the part of the student to have the “No Credit” status removed will result in the loss of credit for the class or classes in question for the semester.
At the Alternative School:
- Individual student circumstances will be considered in all cases, especially with regard to pregnant students and students with children. Students will save doctors’ excuses and appointment slips. Students with a sick child will keep a log which includes all days ill/absent, details of the child’s illness, doctor/clinic appointments, and immunizations. Any other appointments (e.g., service agencies) will also be documented.
- An unexcused tardy will be counted as an unexcused absence.
- When more than two consecutive days of absence from school are anticipated, students will, after the second day of absence, notify the school as to the reasons for their absence and to tell when they expect to return to school.
- Students who miss ten (10) consecutive days without notification to the school will be dropped.
- Unexcused absences, “No Credit” status, and failure to maintain an acceptable pace of progress may result in modifications to the Performance Contract and loss of privileges.
- Absences must be excused in a timely manner. Justification for unexcused absences “after the fact”will not be accepted.
Educational Progress
Students are expected to show daily and weekly progress while earning credit in a timely manner each semester. Students are expected to take responsibility for monitoring their own progress and for completing required work. If satisfactory progress is not maintained, a parent conference may be required and loss of privileges may result.
For purposes of progress reports, travel and eligibility reports, and other reports where it may be important to reflect the student’s pace of progress, the following marks will be used: IPP (In Progress/Passing), and IPF (In Progress/Failing). A mark of IPP reflects a satisfactory pace of progress with a realistic expectation that the student could complete course requirements in a timely manner. A mark of IPF indicates that the student is far behind in their work and should have already completed all course requirements.
Classroom Management
Due to the fact that instructional settings at the Alternative School are nontraditional, students are expected to demonstrate self-discipline and a spirit of respect and cooperation. Rules and expectations are designed solely to ensure a safe and productive learning environment.
During the first two weeks of enrollment, all students will receive “Responsibility Training” (RT). Students will learn the value of following rules, procedures, and directions without negative consequences other than reminders (except in flagrant cases or violations of the school Violence and Substance Abuse policies).
Beginning the third week of enrollment, students who fail to follow rules, procedures and directions are subject to “Omission Training” (OT). Students on OT will receive written notices of expectations, followed by corrective sanctions for subsequent violations. Sanctions may include modifications to the Performance Contract, loss of privileges, in-school suspension, or referral to school administrators.
Class participation points may be earned for daily attendance, with bonus points awarded for perfect weekly attendance. In order to earn maximum points, students must not be on OT, IPF, or “No Credit” status.
All rules and expectations for Newcomb High School students apply to students at the Alternative School, except as may be provided otherwise by the Alternative School staff. Students enrolled at the Alternative School who also attend classes at the main NHS campus are bound by their Performance Contract to exercise good citizenship at all times.
The Alternative School is a closed campus. Students may leave the Alternative School Campus only to attend classes at the main NHS Campus. Students must obtain permission in advance from alternative school teachers before checking out during the school day.
Zero Tolerance Policy
The following are prohibited at the Alternative School:
- Disrespectful behavior directed toward other students or staff members
- Possession or use of drugs or drug paraphernalia in any form
- Possession or use of tobacco or tobacco paraphernalia in any form
- Possession, consumption, or influence of alcohol
- Possession or use of weapons or potential weapons
- Fighting or abusive behavior
- Vulgar or obscene language or gestures
- Possession or use of personal electronic devices, games, players, etc.
- Head coverings of any kind
- Disregard for personal or property rights
- Clothing which depicts anything related to drugs, tobacco, alcohol, sex or sexual innuendo, vulgar or obscene language, violence, or anything deemed disruptive or inappropriate for school
- Violations of the Newcomb High School Handbook
- Cheating or sharing notebooks or papers without teacher permission
- Gang-related activity of any kind
The discipline policy of the Alternative School will be administered in accordance with the stated policies of Newcomb High School and Central Consolidated Schools.
It is the responsibility of students and parents to be familiar with school and district policies. Students and parents who need help understanding policies may ask any member of the Alternative School staff for assistance.
All violations of the VIOLENCE and SUBSTANCE ABUSE portions of the Board Policy Handbook will be treated as second offenses at the Alternative School, which will result in immediate suspension. The student will then be required to undergo professional counseling and treatment prior to being readmitted to the Alternative School.
Table of Contents
Mission Statement ……………………………………………………………………. 1
Advantages at the Alternative School ……………………………………………… 1
Admission Criteria ……………………………………………………………………. 2
Admission Procedures ………………………………………………………………. 2
Withdrawal Procedures ……………………………………………………………… 3
Attendance Requirements ………………………………………………………...... 3
Educational Progress …………………………………..……………………………. 4
Classroom Management ………………………………………………………….….4-5
Zero Tolerance Policy ………………………………………………………………... 5
Discipline ……………………………………………………………………………….5-6
Sample Performance Contract ………………………...…………………. Addendum
A “School Within A School” At Newcomb High School
(505) 696-3417, Ext. 407 or 310
Newcomb High School
Home of the Skyhawks
PO Box 7927
Newcomb, NM 87455
A “School Within A School” At Newcomb High School
Performance Contract
PRINTED Name of Student______Age______Grade______
Name of Parent or Guardian ______
Mailing Address ______
Phone ______SSN ______DOB ______
Conditions for acceptance and continued enrollment at the Alternative School:
- I will follow all policies, rules, and regulations as stated in student handbooks and as announced by school authorities.
- I will show satisfactory progress by working at a pace acceptable to my teachers.
3. I will attend regularly and be on time. When absent, I will provide reasons that are
acceptable to the school in a timely manner. I will not “ditch” or skip school. If I am pregnant
or a student parent, I will maintain a log of all absences, provide medical excuses upon
request. I will keep in touch with the school during extended absences of three or more
consecutive days. I understand that I will be placed on “No Credit” status upon my 10th
- I will demonstrate good citizenship and cooperate with the staff. I understand that poor citizenship while I am at school will be a violation of this contract and will jeopardize my enrollment at the Alternative School.
- I understand that a firstviolation of the VIOLENCE and SUBSTANCE ABUSE portions of the Board Policy Manual will be treated as a second offense, resulting in immediate suspension. I further understand that counseling and/or treatment will be a condition for my returning to school.
- I understand the Zero Tolerance Policy as stated in the Alternative School Handbook.
- I will write and follow a Personal Mission Statement (on the back of this contract).
I understand this contract and agree to abide by its terms.
[This contract must be signed in the presence of an alternative school teacher.]
Signature of StudentDate
Witness: Signature of Parent or Legal GuardianDate