American Government
Teacher: Mr. Chad MillerRoom: G101
Text: United StateGovernment by Glencoe
School Contact: 770) 651-6395Email:
Course Description: In this class we will learn everything about the United States government from the philosophies behind it to the way each branch operates. We will start with an examination of the types and foundations of government, continue with the origins and branches of our government, and conclude with a look at the criminal justice process and the Georgia state government. Of course, we will also spend a considerable amount of time looking at the political election process and major Supreme Court decisions.
Expectations of students taking this course are demanding. Throughout the semester you will have unit tests and projects, essays, book reports, and analytical responses to primary source documents. Your strong work ethic will be your biggest asset in this course! Please do not allow yourself to fall behind and if you need help, ask for it!
Course Information and Expectations:
- Materials: You are required to have the following materials for class:
- Two inch/ 3-ring binder (for your interactive notebook).
- Paper for the 3-ring binder
- Six (6) dividers for the 3-ring binder
- colored pencils/markers
- pens/pencils
- Make-Up work: IT IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO INQUIRE ABOUT THEIR MAKE-UP WORK (Before/After Class)!Students will have 1 day (24 hours) for each day absent to complete and turn in make-up work.
- Homework is due at the beginning of class or otherwise specified.
- Tests/Quizzes must be made up the day the student returns from the absence, either before or after school. Make up tests/quizzes are subject to be essay format (teacher discretion).
- Long term Projects must be turned in on the due date specified by the teacher, even if the student is absent.
3.Late Work: Work is DUE on the date assigned at the beginning of class. Work is considered late if it is not turned in the moment it is due. Late work will drop 25 points and will only be accepted 1 class day after the missed deadline. Late work will be acceptedas follows:
- Regular points for meeting the due date
- 1 class day late = 25 points deducted
- More than 1 class day late = a score of zero (0) will be assigned
- Evaluation:
Formative Grades
- Assignments & Homework 15%
- Quizzes & Notebook15%
Summative Grades
- Essays & Projects20%
- Unit Exams30%
- SLO/Final20%
- School Issued ID: You must wear your school ID visibly every day(YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED OUT OF THE CLASS WITHOUT YOUR SCHOOL ID).
- Tardiness: You must be in the class before the sound of the bell. CHHS tardy policy will be followed.
- Conduct: Any conduct that is disruptive to the learning environment will result in disciplinary action.
- Progress Reports: Progress Reports will be issued by CHHS every 9 weeks.
- Attendance: Attendance is CRITICAL TO YOUR SUCCESS.
- Food, Drink: Water will be allowed in class. Candy sales, breakfast, lunch, drinks, gum, etc. will NOT be allowed in class.
- Restroom Use: Please use the bathroom prior to coming to class. If an emergency should arise, you will be allowed to go to the bathroom. We will follow CHHS bathroom policy.
- Cheating: Any student that is caught cheating or plagiarizing on a Test, Project, Paper, etc. will receive a zero on that assignment and may receive a call home.
American Government Course Outline
Unit 1: Foundations United States Constitution: This will include the founding fathers of this country, the different philosophies that our government is based on, and the documents that helped shape our government. In this unit we will also focus on an analysis of the development of the Constitution and the organization of our government. It will begin by examining the events that led to the Declaration of Independence, and continue by looking at the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, the debate and the Constitutional Convention and the ratification of the Constitution.
(Georgia Performance Standards: SSCG 1, 2, 3, 4b, 6a & 19)
Unit 2: Legislative Branch: This will include how our legislative branch was originally set up, how it is set up today, who makes up this branch, and how it is an important piece of the American governmental system.
(Georgia Performance Standards: SSCG 4, 9, 10, 11)
Unit 3: Executive Branch & Election Process: This will include how our executive branch was originally set up, how it is set up today, who makes up this branch, and how they are an important piece of the American governmental system.
(Georgia Performance Standards: SSCG 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 20)
Unit 4: Judicial Branch & Criminal Justice: This unit will include who makes up this branch, the jobs that they take on, and important court cases in the history of American government. This unit will also include a factual and psychological look at criminal behavior and punishment in this country. We will also take a comparative look at other countries in these areas.
(Georgia Performance Standards: SSCG 4, 6, 16, 21 &22)
Unit 5: Federalism and State & Local Government: The emphasis in this unit will be on how our state and local governments work both politically and economically. We will also examine the rights provided to citizens in the Bill of Rights.
(Georgia Performance Standards: SSCG 3c, 5, 7, 17 & 18)
Please complete the student/parent information sheet located on my Webpage (links) or go to
Remind 101 sign-up instructions:
- For text message reminders - Text @ecaa70 to (404) 620-5388
- For Email reminders – send an email to