THE GIRLS’ BRIGADE – <insert Company/District/Region name>
Event: Company Night / Age Range:
Number of girls:
Number of adults:
Activity / Hazard/Risk / Initial Risk / Risk Control Measure / Final Risk / Comments
Arrival/Entry / Insufficient staff as girls arrive which will mean that safeguarding ratios are not met / M /
- ensure there are at least two members of staff on the premises/in the room prior to allowing girls into the building/room
- ask a parent to stay until another member of staff arrives
- ensure all staff have relevant contact information and are aware of their responsibilities to inform in the event they are delayed
Arrival/entry / Do not know how many girls have arrived / H /
- girls asked to sign in on arrival
- monitor entry and mark register as girls enter building
- ensure girls know that they must go to specific room – not other rooms in the building
- ensure register is taken at the beginning of the evening
Arrival/entry / Personal safety in the dark / M /
- ensure outside lights are switched on
Arriva/entry/during evening / Personal safety / M /
- lock external door to prevent access of unauthorised personnel
Personnel / Insuffient staff arrive due to illness, etc this may mean that there are insufficient staff for safeguarding ratios/usual group activities / M /
- ensure all staff have relevant contact information and are aware of their responsibilities to inform in the event they cannot attend
- ask parent to stay and help for the evening
Games / Slips/Trips/Falls / M /
- wear suitable footwear with laces tied
- move any furniture that could cause injury
- explain rules carefully to avoid collisions
- explain specific risks, eg keep legs straight, keep hand inside circle, off floor, etc
- ensure there are no trailing wires
- ensure there are no obstacles left on the floor/in the games area
- cordon off areas where girls are not to play
- remind girls/staff in advance
- reinforce rules during game
- ensure staff know where the accident book is located
- ensure accident book is completed in the event of injury occuring
- ensure girls know areas that are out of bounds
Games / Other Injury / M /
- Check room for potential hazards, eg broken glass, items left from another activity
- Ensure equipment is well maintained
- Ensure girls wear suitable clothing for the type of game eg trousers to avoid carpet burns, etc
- Maintain vigilance throughout evening
- Check at regular intervals
- Remind girls in advance of activity
Craft / Cuts / M /
- Teach safe use of scissors, pins, needles
- Ensure safety scissors are used with young girls
- Adults to undertake more complicated cutting using sharp scissors
- Cut out pieces in advance
- Ensure sufficient staff/help for the activity and the number of girls
Solvent abuse / M /
- Ensure room is well ventilated
- Choose glue wisely
TV/Video/CD Player / Trips/falls / M /
- Ensure there are no trailing wires
- Use slip covers for wires / tape wires down
- Ensure appropriate safety checks have taken place on electrical equipment
- Monitor movement around the room / alert girls to any trailing wires
Tuck Shop / refreshments / Possible allergic reactions / M /
- Check for allergies
- Ensure annual consent forms are obtained each year and updated if required
Exit / leaving / Personal safety / M /
- Leader to monitor departure and ensure that girls are escorted by known adult
- Where girl is to walk home ensure parent/guardian provide written notification
- Ensure external lights are on in dark weather
Fire Safety / In the event of a fire girls/staff may be injured / H /
- Ensure staff and girls are aware of correct procedure on discovering a fire
- Ensure staff and girls are aware or correct procedure in the event of fire alarm or fire warning being given
- Staff to know where fire extinguishers and fire blankets are located and understand correct use
- All staff and girls to know location of fire exits and meeting point in the event of fire
- If possible undertake a fire drill at least once a year