Suggestions from Miss Esther Wood:

Pre-trip activities

A. Read and retell to children Good Old Times by Elijah Kellogg (chapters could be retold in any order that would hold interest)

B. Introduce Paul Revere, perhaps by retelling Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes

C. Introduce Henry W. Longfellow by reading some poetry (have children memorize some)

D. Tell about the Oxford Cumberland Canal (Herbert G. Jones' Sebago Lake Land is a good reference.)

Use McClellan’s History of Gorham as a teacher reference.

Discuss early family names and their continuance. (Mosher, Phinney, McClellan were the first three families in Gorham. They settled in the 1730s. Other important early names: Robie, Longfellow, Lombard. There is a Longfellow House and a Longfellow Road.)

The tour (* indicates a stop with a few minutes for exploration.)

*A. The Congregational Church in Gorham Village (This church was built during Washington's administration in the 17908 and possesses one of ten Paul Revere bells in the State of Maine. Arrange to have the bell rung.

B. Cemetery on Lower Main Street

1.  Grave of a slave owned by the McClellan family (located near the Chapel in the Ieft hand corner rear as you face the cemetery.)

2.  Large monument to Governor Frederick Roble, a Gorham townsman

C. Cemetery on South Street

Grave of a clown from a visiting foreign circus (located in the left-hand rear corner as you face the cemetery.) Particularly note the inscription

In foreign......

On foreign...... etc.

D. Point out an unpainted house beyond the cemetery (as you go down Main Street in a Westerly direction, it's on the left.) This house predates the American Revolution.

E. Point out the "Dr. Russell House” which also predates the American Revolution (This is the first house on the right on College Avenue.)

F. Point out the Longfellow Howe in South Gorham (This is the home of the grandparents of Henry W, Longfellow.)

*G. Baxter Museum in rear behind Library (Make arrangements for visiting with the Trustees. School children are most welcome. There's no heat in the museum. It can be viewed in April if the weather is warm; otherwise May, June, or early fall is the best time.)

*H. McClellan House - (This is the oldest brick house in Cumberland County s if not in Maine.) See the marker of the original log cabin and point out Tommy's Brook where the McClellan children played. (Obtain permission to walk around the grounds from the University.)

I. Point out the Fort Hill marker - just above the cemetery on the Fort Hill Road. It is on the left as you leave Gorham Village going North.

*J. Drive around the University campus (obtain permission and use the benches opposite Bailey Hall for cookies and milk.)

*K. Visit the library on the campus (arrange with the librarian for a brief tours as they welcome youngsters.)

*L. Visit the Art Museum on campus (Point out the columns. This building formerly was a church. View the current exhibit,)

M. Point out the Soldiers Monument at the main entrance to the University (All Gorham men who died in the Civil War are listed. Point out the name Tappan Roble, donor of the monument.)

N. Point out the old Fair Grounds on Narragansett Street (agricultural fairs)

O. Tell about the tannery that used to stand where the shopping center is now on Main Street.

P. Point out the Gorham Academy, built in 1808 with private money. It became the Gorham Female Seminary (which Kate Douglass Wiggin attended) and was later purchased by the College.

Q. Point out a Grange Hall.

R. Point out Little River Phinney paddled up the Presumpscot and into Little River when he first came to Gorham.

*S. Tell the children about the Canal and show them a section (perhaps in North Gorham or behind the Rines’ or Moshers)

*T. Tell about the Powder Mill in Gorham. Maurice Whitten might arrange to be there and briefly tell about it and show the exact location.

U. Visit a rural school

V. Try to point out a watering trough (if there is one) Public water fountain

W. Origin of "White Rock"?

X. Perhaps arrangements could be made to visit the lovely front rooms of Mrs Erlon Mosher, Sr. on the original Mosher property.

Y. Point out the mill stone at Mosher's Corner (This was used in a mill on Little River.)