Nominating Petition forAt-Large Representative

A graduate or professional student may be appointed by vote of the General Council to serve as a Representative. If there is a vacancy, a candidate seeking appointment musts meet all eligibility requirements and submit a complete nominating petition to the Elections Director.

To be appointed as aAt-Large Representative, a student shall submit a completed GPSC Nominating Petition including the signature and identifying information often (10) eligible electors outside of their own constituency. A petitioner shall submit a candidate statement, of not more than 200 words, explaining the petitioner's interest in serving on the GPSC, qualifications, and how the petitioner intends to contribute to improving the lives for graduate and professional students at the University of Arizona.

Name: / E-mail:
Department: / GPSC Constituency:
Telephone Number: / Address:
Student Number: / Signature*:

*By signing this form, you are certifying that all information provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge and you have complied with the GPSC Elections Code.

▪CandidatesforAt-Large Representativemustobtainatleast10signaturesfromgraduate/professionalstudentsoutside of thesameconstituencywhoareingood academic standing. Candidates must followthe GPSC Elections Code

▪Forelectionspurposes,studentsinthe CollegesofLetters,ArtandScience areconsideredaspartoftheirhome colleges,i.e.Arts,Humanities,Science,orSocialand Behavioral Sciences. Alist of all GPSC constituencies can be foundonlineonthe GPSC website

▪Constituentsmaysignasmany candidate petitionsasthereareopenseatsforthecollegetowhichtheybelong.Open seats are listed online at

▪Students who wish to run must fulfill candidate eligibility and qualifications, as delineated in the GPSC Elections Code

Candidatesmay submit the required documents by email, in-person, or mail.

By Email /
Subject: Candidate for At-Large Representative / By Mail / Graduate & Professional Student Council
ATTN: Elections Director
1303 E. University Blvd. Room 403
PO BOX 210017,
Tucson, AZ 85721-0017
In Person / Graduate & Professional Student Council Office
Student Union Memorial Center, Room #323
Monday through Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

GPSC At-Large Representative Nominating Signatures

Bysigningbelow,youareendorsing asa candidatefor Graduate & ProfessionalStudent Council. You must belong to the same collegeas the candidate, but not necessarily tothesamedepartment. Youmaysignpetitionsforasmanyseatsastherearein your College. Informationprovidedbelowis for validationpurposesonly. Signatures are not required for Online/Outreachand Non-degree seeking student constituencies.

Print Name / Department / Student ID / Signature / Date Signed