WWI Test Study Guide-30 points
This study guide MUST be complete by the day of your test, which is ______. Failure to complete the study guide ON TIME will result in a zero for it.
The Test will be: Multiple Choice, Matching, Short Answer, and Short Essay. It will be worth 100 pts
Notes Part I. Causes of WWI
4 M.A.I.N Causes of WWI and how they caused WWI
What was the “Powder Keg” of Europe?
Alliances before the war:
Triple Alliance
Triple Entente
Who left the Triple Alliance and joined the Allied Powers during the war?
Who wrote the “blank check” to Austria-Hungary? What is the “blank check”?
Slavic Countries/Pan-Slavism-Which countries are these?
Alliances DURING the War:
Allied Powers:
Central Powers:
People to Know:
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Gavrilo Princip
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Francis Joseph
Czar Nicolas II
Notes Part II. Combat
Chemical Warfare
German U-Boats
Machine Guns
Trench Warfare
- Trench foot
- Barbed wire
- “No Man’s Land”
- stalemate
People to Know:
The Red Baron
Notes Part III. Allied Victory Against Germany
Schlieffen Plan
Two-Front War
Russian Revolution
Zimmerman Note/Telegram
People to Know:
General Schlieffen
Vladimir Lenin
Arthur Zimmerman
Notes Part IV. Treaty of Versailles
Terms to Know:
Treaty of Versailles
The “Big Three”
League of Nations
B.R.A.T (Germany’s punishment in the treaty) Should know and be able to explain components
B (Blame)
R (Reparations)
A (Army)
T (Territory)
People to Know:
“The Big Three” and their stance on Germany
- Woodrow Wilson
- David Lloyd George
- Georges Clemenceau
Questions to Consider:
- How did a war between two countries in the Balkans, spiral into a war that involved the whole world?
- What were France and Germany’s motivations for entering the war (Alliance and Nationalism related)
- What was Russia’s reason for entering the war?
- Why did Russia exit the war early?
- What were the 3 main reasons why the US entered the war?
- Why did Germany’s Schlieffen plan fail?
- What was the significance of the Christmas Truce of 1914 (As evidenced in the video we watched?)
- As a result of exiting the war early, what happens to Russia at the Treaty of Versailles?
- What happens to the Austrio-Hungarian Empire after WWI?
- Pick two of the countries who felt that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair toward them and explain why