“A life of your own” 29
“Amazing Grace” 104
“Beats me” response 185
“Before death” 58
“Being determines consciousness” 184
“Beyond death” 58, 62
“Black experience” 178
“Bottom line” 216
“Certified competence” 194
“Consciousness precedes being” 184
“Defensive” as character flaw 150
“Don’t talk about bad things” 72
“Evil that lurks in the hearts of men, the” 181
“Fatal but not serious” 224
“Follow the money” 218
“For a thousand years” 100
“For God and Country” 224
“Gatekeepers of the middle class” 194
“Getting ahold of yourself” 12, 17
“God Bless America” 220
“God is dead” 202
“God wants you to succeed” 215
“I know that my redeemer liveth….Hallelujah” 209
“I worked hard for mine; you do the same” 219
“In Christ,” authority 204
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was made flesh 203
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” 203
“Let’s multiply division” 204, 213
“Liberty” 47
“Life in the neighborhood” 179
“Life of your own” 3
“literal truths” 204
“Love Must Be Reinvented: The Healing Urn” 75-106
“Love must be re-invented” 203
“Molestation of their neighbors” 53
“My Friend” 76-106
“Nothing but” words 204-205
“Otherness” 214
“Part you really know” 43
“Primitive” people 215
“Religious” beliefs 202
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” 209
“Sola Scriptura” 200
“That form of divine energy we call money” 215
“The Gospel” i
“The Judgments of God” 209-210
“The Kingdom of God is like a man who…” 204
“The Lord is my shepherd” 204
“The love of money is the root of all evil” 215
“The Right Conscience” 198
“The Rights of Conscience” 198
“This is a long distance call” 212
“True state of affairs” 175
“Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord” 209
“Waking Up” 180
“We” and experience of equality 161
“We” as friends or enemies 162
“When the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised” 209
“White experience” 178
“Who Knows Where the Time Goes?” 104
A Course in Miracles 105
Abortion 222
Abraham 13, 31
Absolutes and authority 200
Absolutes, 200-201
Absolutes, conflicting 200
Absolutism and relativism 200
Absolutists 121
Abuse 13, 28
Abuse, cultural 28
Adam and Eve 29-31
AIDS 76-106, 109
AIDS: Time to Reclaim Our Power 89
All cleared up 8, 9
All Men Are Brothers 160
Alone with others 204
Alteration 145
Alternative authorities 184-185
American dilemma 217
American Dream 16, 26, 220
American Dream, awakening from the 224
American soul 16, 26
An Act for Establishing Religious Freedom 69
Ancient view of authority 185, 193
Ancients 50, 67, 157
Angelo 187-192, 196, 206
Angels 98-101
Anger 32, 123
Anthropology 39
Anti-modern 205
Apocalypse 222
Aquinas ii, v
Arendt, Hannah 186-187
Argument I, 48, 127
Argument you can’t win 48
Aristotle 126, 141, 145
Association, forced 213
Association, freedom of 52, 213-214
Association, freedom of, dependence on 214
Association, voluntary 69, 213
Assumptions, unexamined 45
Atheism 49
Atheists 224
Augustine ii, v
Authoritiy, prensie 196
Authority “in Christ” 204
Authority 47-49, 50, 54, 65, 66-70, 182, 182-196, 186, 197-217, 201
Authority and absolutes 200
Authority and friendship 193,199
Authority and God 201
Authority and individuals 207
Authority and inexhaustible possibilities of friendship 193
Authority and love 192
Authority and others 199
Authority and persuasion 193
Authority and power 187, 205
Authority and virtue 199
Authority as a function of belief 183
Authority as absolute 193
Authority as arising from joint possibilities disclosed in friendship 199
Authority as beyond you and as your own 213
Authority as gift from God 193
Authority as god-given 198
Authority as judging and justifying 201-202
Authority as limited 193
Authority as promise of safety and happiness 201
Authority of a university 193-194
Authority to have a life of your own 198-
Authority, belief, and truth 186
Authority, communication of 195
Authority, demands of 198-199
Authority, democracy has no 223
Authority, democratic 192
Authority, erotic element of 192
Authority, false 196
Authority, independent 204
Authority, life as ground of 186
Authority, life as test of 186
Authority, living with 213
Authority, monarchical 192
Authority, problem of 200, 217
Authority, reliable 201
Authority, ultimate 197, 205
Autobiography 26, 28
Baptist 212
Bath/baths 64-65
Beaumarchais, Pierre de 174
Behaviorism 120
Being, no such state as mere 163
Belief 183, 186
Belief and knowledge 45-47
Belief, irrational and authority 183
Believing 44-49
Bell, Daniel 194
Bennett, William 222
Berlin Wall 184
Best i
Bible 202, 204, 209, 211, 214
Birth 141-42
Birth as beginning friendship with a stranger 145
Blacks blamed whites 221
Blaming other people for their own problems 222
Blaming someone else for unhappiness and insecurity 221
Blaming the parents 142
Body 66
Body vs. spirit 66
Bottom line as final judgment 224
Brooks, Gwendolyn 42, 44
Brotherhood of man 115
Bulgaria 184
Bumper stickers 122-23
Cain and Abel 31
Calvin, John ii, v, 219
Campbell, Joseph 214
Capacities, basic 37
Capacity/power 36-37, 119, 122, 124, 127, 138-140
Cape/Cape Cod 59, 60, 61, 109, 112, 122, 217
Cases 121
Cases, necessary 121
Causality, experience of 36
Central idea of this book 147
Character 19, 118, 122, 144-145, 152, 158
Character and friendship 152
Character, of parents 144-145
Chatham 62
Chicago 178
Choices 206
Christ 63, 156
Christ as fully divine and fully human 156
Christian/Christianity/Christians i, ii, v, 211, 212
Christians, early 204
Church 213
Church and state 204
Church history 204
Church, as new kind of institution 204
Church, early 204
Circumstances ii, 1, 26, 38, 43-45, 61, 184-185
Citizens 6
Civil Rights 221
Civil rights movement 178
Civil War 201
Coercion 182, 182-186, 191-192, 197
Coercion and authority 206
Coercion without authority 184
Collectivism 220
Color line 178, 195-196, 202
Commisery 79-82
Commitment(s) 9, 10, 198
Commitment, conscience, and authority 198
Commitment, not a people without that 224
Common humanity 5, 199, 202-203, 207, 218
Communist 184
Communitarianism 5, 6, 125-126
Communities 66-70
Competence, certified 194
Competence, virtue of 194
Conditioned/conditioning 120
Confidentiality 54
Connection of live issues 217
Connections 61
Conscience 197, 197-217
Conscience and epistemology 208
Conscience and objectivity 208
Conscience and the body politic 198
Conscience as evaluation 207
Conscience, and voluntary and forced associations 214
Conscience, democracy depends on 219
Conscience, everything important depends on the state of 219
Conscience, freedom of 205, 213
Conscience, freedom of re experience 205
Conscience, freedom of re joint possibilities 205
Conscience, rights of 197-198, 217
Conscience, standard for 200
Conscience, work of 207
Conscious 1, 26
Consent 65, 145, 161, 183
Consent and equality 161
Consent, informed 145
Conservatives blamed liberals 221
Construct, social 183
Contingency 39, 219
Contingent 121
Control 124, 126, 127, 150, 181
Count (Almaviva), virtues of the 169
Course of human events 1, 225
Covenants 158, 202
Creation 155
Creation I, 65, 70, 202, 203
Creativity 39, 115
Crosby, Bing 220
Crucifixion 13
Crystal 99, 102
Culture 21, 41, 121
Czech leader (Vaclav Havel) 184
Czechoslovakia 184, 185
Danger and distrust, dreams of 220
Danger(s) 149-150, 156, 162, 177, 181, 222, 224
Danger, defined by 221
Danger, distrust, and domination, bad dreams of 224
Danger, yourself as 149
Dante, Alighieri 210
Days of Radiance 106-108
Dead, morally 111
Death 56-66, 71, 75, 76, 106-108, 111-116, 156, 180, 211
Death and life of your own 211
Death and pursuit of happiness 61
Death as Other 58
Death as the outer boundary of inner experience 211
Death, beyond 57-58, 62
Death, fear of 56-66
Death, life after 211
Declaration of Independence 1, 27, 47, 62, 225
Declaration of independence 63
Demands of authority 198-199
Democracy and ancients 67
Democracy and duties to others 70
Democracy and final judgment 209-210
Democracy as enemy 223
Democracy as noble lie 223
Democracy depends on conscience 219
Democracy has no authority 223
Democracy iv, v, 5, 6, 28, 49, 50, 67-70, 181, 192, 209-210, 219, 223
Democracy of the soul 181
Democratic vision of authority 192
Demonic 21,
Demythologize 214-215
Denial 6, 113
Dependence on freedom of association 214
Dependency 34
Dependency, natural 26, 73
Dependency, unnatural 22, 23, 26, 73
Descartes, Rene 119
Desires 179
Determinism 22, 119
Detroit 122, 178, 215
Devil/Satan 222, 224
Dictators 206
Divine 22
Divine Comedy 210
Divine comedy 224
Divine, fully i
Doctrine of creation 202
Doctrine of God 203
Doctrines, functioning of 57
Doors 93-96
Doubt 180
Dreams 15, 16, 26, 220, 224
Dreams of danger and distrust 220
Dreams of danger, distrust, and domination 224
Droit de seigneur 167, 169
Drug 107
Drug use 222
Duties 70, 130, 157, 175-176
Duties to others 70, 157
Duty, to have a life of your own 130
Duty/obligation to know 175-176
Dyslexia 131
Eastern Europe 183
Economic anxiety 219
Economy 220
Education 45-47
Edwards, Jonathan 209
Elect 219
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 26
End of the world ideas 222
Enemy as pulling people together 221
Enemy within, the 221
Energy and expectations 135
Energy and experience of equality 166
Enmities and friendships 174
Enmity 148-152
Enmity, possibility of 151
Enmity/Enmities 148-152, 174, 177
Epistemological significance of objectivity 208
Epistemology 36, 119, 176, 175-176, 208
Epistemology and conscience 208
Equality and consent 161
Equality and happiness 174
Equality and moral development 160
Equality denied 223
Equality iv, v, 39, 47-49, 146, 156, 159, 160-174, 178-179, 223-224
Equality, dependence, and religion 161
Equality, experience of 160-174
Equality, experience of re friends and enemies 164
Equality, mutual 178-179
Equals under God 223-224
Erotic element of authority 192
Eroticism, language of teenage 203
Estonia 184
Eternal 214
Ethics 176, 176-177
Evaluations and perception 208
Event(s)/moments 1, 151,154, 225
Evil 181
Evil people 223
Evil, let control life 181
Expectations 106-107, 114-116, 117, 126-140, 149, 155, 179, 184
Expectations, and experience 127
Expectations, as “gearing up” 135
Expectations, as orienting toward possibilities 135
Expectations, genuine 115
Expectations, genuine, as the divine presence 115
Expectations, imposed 115
Expectations, objectivity about 134-140
Expectations, pattern of 135
Expectations, revised scale of 127
Expectations, shifting 179
Expectations, sources of pattern of 135
Expectations, threat and dread as 135
Experience i, 151, 181
Experience of disorder 10
Experience of equality 160-174
Experience of equality and “we” 161
Experience of equality and energy 166
Experience of equality and rights 164
Experience of equality as “Us or Them” 163
Experience of equality as a life deliberately shared 162
Experience of equality in friendship 166
Experience of equality re friends and enemies 164
Experience of power iv, 35-45, 51
Experience, affirming 205
Experience, denying 205
Experience, ordinary 156
Experience, ordinary, religious language detached from 156
Experience, religious i
Experience, standard for 154
Experience, value-free 208
Facts 44, 129
Faith and friendship 154-157
Faith and reason 199
Faith as a virtue of friendship 165
Faith as highest virtue 199
Faith in the inexhaustible possibilities of friendship 166, 224
Faith, lost 224
Faith, optimism the same as 224
Faith/belief i, ii, 6, 10, 18, 45, 67-70, 84, 121, 137, 137-140, 155, 159, 161, 166, 180, 194, 201, 207, 215, 224
False witness 175
Families 72-73, 80, 103, 110, 111, 112
Family, as matter of conscience 214
Family, authority independent of 204
Family, Pickering’s 59-61
Fatherhood of God 115
Fear of “others” 219
Fear, hostility, and dread 148-149
Fellow-human feeling 111
Feuerbach 39
Fiction 39, 45
Final judgment and democracy 209-210
Final judgment as other worldly 209
Final judgment, confusion about 210
Final solution 29
Finitude 200
First Amendment 197-198, 213
First Amendment rights 197-198
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 142
Force 150
Forgiveness 174
Franklin, Benjamin 209
Freedom 34, 119-120, 125, 126, 131, 136-140, 146
Freedom of association 213-214
Freedom of association, dependence on 214
Freedom of conscience 213
Freedom of speech 175
Freedom of worship 213
Freedom, divine ground 136-140
Freedom, natural limit 136-140
Freedom, religious liberty as the basic 213
Freud, Sigmund 142, 172
Friedman, Milton 218
Friends 28, 224
Friendship and authority 193, 199
Friendship and character 152
Friendship and children 144
Friendship and enmity 152-153, 223
Friendship and enmity as limiting cases 153
Friendship and enmity in relation to life of your own 152
Friendship and equality 146
Friendship and faith 154-157, 159, 161
Friendship and freedom 146
Friendship and general obligations 146
Friendship and intellectual development 152-153
Friendship and knowledge 165, 167-174
Friendship and mergers and acquisitions mentality 146
Friendship and moral development 145-147, 152, 158
Friendship and moral question 158
Friendship and parapistoia 158
Friendship and safety 174
Friendship and solitude 146-147
Friendship and virtue 146
Friendship as alteration 145
Friendship as best way of being alone with others 147
Friendship as creating a new power 146
Friendship as creating a safety zone 153
Friendship as divine presence 156
Friendship as divine purpose 155
Friendship as key to the soul and democracy 181
Friendship as middle term between solitude and democracy 147
Friendship as ordering all other possibilities 153-157
Friendship as paradigm of love 146
Friendship as saying “yes” to each other 145, 153
Friendship as sharing lives 166
Friendship as the possibility of possibilities 157
Friendship i, iv, 73, 106, 141-174, 146, 177-181
Friendship the mother of all safety zones 179
Friendship to enmity, line that runs from 148-152
Friendship, dangers of 148
Friendship, enmity, and knowledge 152-153
Friendship, enmity, and pure possibility 206
Friendship, enmity, and systematic possibilities 155
Friendship, inexhaustible possibilities of 199-200, 203, 206-207, 213, 224
Friendship, kinds of 141, 153, 154, 155, 194, 220
Friendship, owning 158
Friendship, possibilities of 214, 219-225
Friendship, possibility of 151
Friendships and enmities 174
Friendships, childhood 178-179
Friendships, instant 179-180
Friendships, legislate 179
Fundamentalist 212
Gallup Polls 202
Gandhi, Mahatma 160
General Motors 220
General obligations and friendship 146
Gentle and angry reader 1, 4, 7, 48, 55, 123, 141, 142, 210, 212, 217
Germany 184
Givens 61-62, 129
Glyndebourne 64
God and authority 201
God and persuasion 206
God and power 205
God as immanent or transcendent 156-157
God as power that can be exercised 205
God as power that can be experienced 205
God as the inexhaustible possibility of friendship 156-157
God of Love 168
God(s) i, ii, v, 33, 39, 43, 48-49, 50, 147, 180-185, 197, 198-209, 214, 222
God, authority as gift from God 193
God, Christian v
God, commitment to equality under 224
God, doctrine of 203
God, equals under 223-224
God, false 49
God, judgments of 209-210, 217
God, Kingdom of 161
God, love of 111, 203
God, money as a “sign” of God 219
God, power, and good 185
God, will of 129-140, 130, 136, 147
God, will of, as genuine expectation 136
God, will of, as imposed expectation 136
God-given authority 198-
God-given rights and possibilities 164
Gods and dominance, supremacy, and submission 161
Gods, moment of 160
Gods, war of 160
Golden Rule 121
Good i
Governance/government 34, 52, 184
Grace iv, 21, 22, 65, 74, 87-89, 111, 115-116, 225
Grief 76, 103
Ground, universal 199
Guilt 108
Guthrie, Woody 112
Habits 2
Ham 31
Handel, George Frideric 209
Hands 82-87
Happiness 50-70, 131,133, 155
Happiness and equality 174
Happiness in others 174
Happiness, nonmaterial or anti-money version of 216
Happiness, promise of safety and 185
Healing Aids Naturally 89, 100, 102
Healing Circle 105-6
Hemingway, Ernest 142
His People 101-104
History 15, 18, 22, 23, 45, 204
History, church 204
History, long but discontinous 65
Hitler, 60
Hobbes, Thomas 52-53, 58, 69
Homer 122
Homosexual/gay 63, 107, 111
Homosexuals 63
Hoover, J. Edgar 221
Hope 26
Hope, Bob 220
Human relations disaster 171
Human sacrifice 216
Human, fully i
Humanist, secular 69
Humanity 33, 199
Humanity, common 199, 202-203, 207
Hume 35-36
Humiliation 168-174
Hungary 184, 185
Idolatry49, 65, 156
Illegitimate authority 183
Illusion 9
Immaterial spirituality as solution 217
Immortality 57
Imperialism 208-209
Impersonator(s) 63
Impose 114
Impossibilities, ultimate 215
Inability of individuals to pay real attention to each other 167
Incarnation 202
Individual 22
Individualism 5, 6, 69, 125, 177
Individuals and authority 207
Individuals, ordinary i
Inexhaustible 214
Inexhaustible possibilities and actual people 207
Inexhaustible possibilities of friendship 199-200, 203, 206-207, 213, 224
Inflation 216
Inner life 1, 2, 5, 26, 38, 43-45
Institution(s) ii, 50
Instrumental relations 181
Integration, racial 178
Intellectual development and friendship 152-153
Intelligible 41
Intersection 3
Intimacy 179-180
Intimate depth 115
Introduction i-v
Intuitions 37
Invisible 40, 41, 43
Iraq 148
Irrational 183
Isaac 13
Isolation 55
James, William 4, 156
Jealousy 170
Jefferson, Thomas 58, 68-70, 137, 218
Jefferson, Thomas as materialist 218
Jesus 211, 215, 218
Jesus Christ i
Jesus, true teachings of 68-70
Jewish iii
Joe and woodlot 60
Joe as paradigm of Christian virtue 61
Joint possibilities, threatened by 221
Journal iii, 5, 7, 127, 180
Judgment of God 217
Judgment(s) 108, 113-114, 214
Judgment, final 11, 224
Judgment, living 11
Justice 191
Justification 13, 210
Kant, Emmanuel 121
Kingdom of God 161
Knockout experience of a people 224
Knockout experience of little boy 24, 224
Knowing as a relationship 175
Knowledge 45-47, 152-153
Knowledge and belief 45-47