Coles CountyExtension Council

February 19, 2007


Members present:HawkinsKaseySchwartzStrader


Members absent:ArnholtHarringtonPforrStevensWelsh


Council meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman Nels Kasey.Roll call was taken by Ruth Hawkins. November 20, 2006 minutes were approved as read.

Financial Statement

November-January trust account statements were approved. Sharonexplained that with the vouchering system some expenses are only reflected through December. Utilities are something we will have to watch.

Committee Reports:

4-H Youth Development Advisory committee met in January. Feedback from new materials fee is so-so. Question was asked how much fee is ($10 per member). Clubs are assessed according to membership numbers from last year. There was discussion regarding goat show to be in line with state requirements and marketing procedure.

Committee appointments

Council nominating committee—terms for Becky, Ruth and Vince are up. Some members can be reappointed for another 2 year term. Suggestion was that incoming members, along with present members, be asked to attend a supporting organization’s meeting. CountyBoard, 5 or 6/year, Farm Bureau Board, 2/year.Sharon suggested that council members attend two at a time. This is a way to maintain closer communication between groups.

Trust Account Budget Committee—Jim Arnholt, Bill Harrington, Becky Schwartz and Brenda Stone. It was recommended that a 4-H leader also be included—possibly Mark Beabout.

Old Business

Sharon shared a draft from State 4-H Interim Director concerning direction of 4-H. She discussed how ColesCounty fits into the new directions.


Council took a break to honor Dana as she leaves for her new position at the EffinghamExtensionCenter. Council thanked her for her 6½ years of meritorious service to our organization. Her enthusiasm and expertise will be missed.

New Business

Staffing change—Dana will be finishing some local programs. Programs in the future that will be affected by this change are Operation Safe Kids in Charleston and Oakland. Butterfly Curriculum will be continued for this year on a limited basis. Youth Development position will be filled only if monies are included in the state budget. To make this happen, we will need to contact legislators.

Director of Extension is allowing usthe remainder of the Youth Directors operating budget. He has also allowed some funds for an academic hourly this spring & summer. EIU Grad Student intern has accepted the part-time position.

EffinghamExtensionCenter has added two educator positions: Dana Homann, Youth Development; and Tony Bratsch, Ornamental Horticulture.

Illinois Extension Week is April 15-21 which is right after the April BBQ. Office plans to market Extension Week with newspaper, radio and EIU TV.

Staff Reports

Linda reported on ColesCounty 4-H. There are 12 clubs, 190 members and 35 leaders. Our office does a 4-H newsletter six times a year. County 4-Hers participated in community service projects—providing lunch for Habitat for Humanity and Boxes to Iraq. A “Find Out About 4-H” party was held. The April Pork Chop BBQ has a goal of selling 3000 tickets. Six from ColesCounty will be attending the State Leadership Conference. ColesCounty has 45 slots for 4-H Camp June 17-21. This is available to 4-H members and non 4-H members.

Goat situation is status quo—it will be reviewed next fall’s Youth Advisory Committee meeting.

Sharon Kuhns—Sharon gave an overview of Extension programming.

Materials fee—letter sent out. Two clubs have responded. Four other clubs have talked to us about a timeline for their club to pay. We probably need to send reminder letters.

Red, White, Blue BBQ has been good income but it is difficult to get enough volunteers to help. Comment regarding fact that is one community event. Do we try to increase emphasis on April BBQ and forget the July 3rd event? Much discussion, but council reached no decision.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Next meeting is May 21.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hawkins
