1.How was the rise of the discipline of sociology influenced by the enlightenment thinkers, urbanisation, the French revolution and industrial revolution that took place in Europe? [20 marks]

2. Give an outline of Symbolic Interactionism as an approach to studying society and human behaviour. [13 marks]

(b) What are the weaknesses of Symbolic Interactionism in explaining human behaviour? [7 marks]

  1. (a) What is the Interactionist explanation on the causes of success or failure in educational institutions? (10 marks)

(b) Using examples provide a feminist critique of educational institutions in society. (10 marks)

4. (a) Outline the main ideas of labelling theory in explaining crime and deviance in society. [12 marks]

(b) To what extent can crime be understood as a “redistributive mechanism” in society as argued by the Marxists? [8 marks]

5. Critique the Davis-Moore (1945) thesis on social stratification.[20 marks]

6.Outline the following Feminist perspectives on gender inequality.

(a) Liberal Feminism [5 marks]

(b) Marxist Feminism [5 marks]

(c) Radical Feminism [5 marks]

(d) Black Feminism[5 marks]

  1. (a) Distinguish between formal and informal organisations. [12 marks]

(b) Outline the functions of organisations in modern society [8 marks]

  1. (a) Outline the characteristics of Weber’s ideal type bureaucracy. (8 marks)

(b) What are the dangers of bureaucracy as identified by Max Weber, Robert Merton and Robert Michels? [12 marks]

  1. (a) Outline the emergent norm theory as an explanation of crowd behaviour.

[12 marks]

(b) What are the criticisms of classical crowd theories of collective behaviour?

[8 marks]

  1. (a) Outline giving examples, any four forms of collective behaviour [8 marks]

(b) Identify four types of crowds [4 marks]

(c) Evaluate the theory of relative deprivation as an explanation for the formation of social movements. [8 marks

  1. (a) Evaluate the role of social media on the emergence and development of social movements. [8 marks]

(b) Outline, giving examples, the four main types of social movements. [12 marks]

  1. (a).What are the functions of a sick role according to Parsons? [10 marks]

(b) Define and discuss the effects of medicalisation in society [10 marks]

13. (a) Outline and explain how Weber’s ideas on the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism help in understanding the origins and characteristics of an industrial society. [10 marks]

(b) Compare and contrast Karl Marx and Max Weber’s conceptualisation of religion in industrial societies [10 marks]

14. (a) Assess are the causes, forms and consequences of alienation in industrial societies according to Karl Marx [20 marks]

15. Outline the functionalist perspective on crime and deviance [20 marks]

16. (a) Outline the biological theories of gender inequality [12 marks]

(b) Account for women’s limited participation in the public sphere [8 marks]

17. (a) What is socialisation?Explain using any 3 examples of socialisation agents

[12 marks]

(b)To what extent is individual behaviour determined by socialisation?[8 marks]

18. (a) What is culture? ______[4 marks]

(b) Define and explain the following concepts. Give appropriate examples

(i) Culture hybridisation[4 marks]

(ii) Acculturation[4 marks]

(iii) Culture homogenisation[4 marks]

(iv) Ethnocentrism[4 marks]

ESSAYS (Choose any one question)

1. (a) Outline the main ideas of functionalism as propounded by Auguste Comte, Emile Durkheim and Talcott Parsons. [10 marks]

(b) Compare and contrast between functionalism and conflict theory. [10 marks]

  1. (a) Outline the contributions of Karl Marx and Max Weber to our understanding of social classes. [12 marks]

(b) Evaluate the applicability of Marx’s conceptualisation of social class in the contemporary Zimbabwean society [8 marks

3. Health and illness are more of social than biological issues. Evaluate this assertion with reference to class, gender and age. [20 Marks]

4. Education perpetuates social inequality. Discuss. [20 marks]

5.(a) Explain the sociological imagination as propounded by C Wright Mills (1959).

[8 marks]

(b) Evaluate the macro-micro debate in sociology [12 marks]