Human Impact Project (Geoscience ESLR Project)
To determine the impact of people on our environment by recording the type and amount of pollution (trash, debris) in a location.
In this project, you will pick an appropriate venue for performing the study. Suggestions include, but are not restricted to a popular beach or City Park, or a region here on campus. There must be enough debris present to make the study relevant. You will take at least 2 photos but you may use more to fully record your study. You will record the debris in the area, collect it and dispose of it properly. The result of the study will be a type written report. Safety is the highest priority. Unacceptable locations for this study include: the freeway, vertical cliffs, skydiving (air pollution) or scuba diving, and any place you might be injured! Also, when collecting the trash, care must be given to collecting any broken glass or sharp object (gloves?) In addition, no eating of material found in the study area, e.g., used gum, half-eaten sandwiches – everything must be disposed of properly. Please do not injure the fauna/flora in your area.
1. Pick out a study area and mark off a 400 square foot region (20’ X 20’ or 10’ X 40’).
2. Take a pre-study photo (if a photo is not possible, draw a detailed sketch of the study area, including all debris in as much detail as possible).
3. Note all relevant information about the area, e.g., geography/topography of the area; location of garbage cans; proximity to roads; amount of foot-traffic; wind (does it spread the trash, concentrate it or have no effect); water (is it transporting the trash to the area or away, etc.)
4. Collect all trash, noting location, type and size on map.
5. Take a post study photo of the area showing the impact of your effort (again, if a photo is not possible, draw a detailed map).
6. Separate the garbage by type and size, volume or mass. Separate out recyclable items.
7. Record results and dispose of the general trash and the recyclables in their proper locations.
1. Make a table with the results of your study.
2. Draw a graph (bar, pie or line) illustrating the results from your table.
3. Include and identify the photos or drawings of the study area.
Analysis – use complete, properly developed sentences.
1. Draw your conclusion concerning the type of trash found in the study area.
2. Explain how natural forces (wind, water, geography) play a role in the placement of the debris.
3. Determine the impact the debris could possibly have on the local flora (plants) and fauna (animals).
4. Compare and contrast this study area with other areas you have seen or that others have studied in their projects (talk to one or more of your classmates about their project areas).
5. Develop a plan for reducing the impact, i.e., amount, trash in the area, short-term and long-term.