BCTRC Junior Camp 2017
Date - Monday 7th August to Thursday 10th August
Venue - Stonechester, Lea Farm, Crook
No of places available – minimum of 15, maximum of 20 riders
Riders – All junior riders are welcome, although we do ask that they have a minimum standard of rising trot and are mainly off the lead-rein.
Cost - The cost is tailored to suit individual requirements. Please choose the option:
The basic cost includes the use of the facilities, instructors, rosettes, and general running of the camp. It includes all the food for the rider (apart from Monday night when we will visit a the local Weatherspoons). On to this you will need to add the stabling/corralling, camping/cottage costs, X country and pilates cost and any adult / sibling food.
Basic camp £150.00 per rider
X country £ 21.00 per rider
Stable (including hay and straw) £ 45.00 per horse for 3 nights
Corralling £ 15.00 per horse for 3 nights
Cottage £ 30.00 per person for 3 nights
(10 beds on a first booked basis, camp beds welcome)
Camping/caravan pitch £ 30.00 per pitch for 3 nights
(£10 extra if pitched on the Sunday afternoon)
Junior rider food £ 0.00 (included in the cost)
Parent food £ 30.00 (Tuesday breakfast to Thursday lunch)
Sibling food (non-rider) £ 25.00 (Tuesday breakfast to Thursday lunch)
Pilates £ 8.00 per person
Day Campers welcome £ 55.00 per day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
£ 76.00 on Wednesday (including x country)
(to qualify for the camp prizes, all 4 days must be attended)
Private lessons may be available on an evening at an additional cost.
X Country - The X country is at Ivesley on the Wednesday. This is not compulsory, but all those wishing to take part will travel to Ivesley with the instructors. Jump heights are 40cm – 90cm and are at suitable for all our riders.
Stable - Priority will be given to horses and ponies requiring a stable for medical reasons, eg. Lamanitic. Corrals are within a well fenced field, in which you make your own coral (electric fencing essential). Coral users will be given a safe space for tying up during the day.
There will be equine pilates session in an evening. This is open to juniors and parents, with priority will be given to the juniors.
Deposit - £100 per rider. In the event of cancellation, this deposit can only be refunded if the place is subsequently filled by another rider.
Due to the limited number of places, the camp will be filled on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Please fill in the application form, ‘Horse and Rider Record’ and camp menu forms and return with the deposit to:
Lezley Aldrich
Jubilee House, Mickleton, Barnard Castle, Co. Durham, DL12 0LG
Please use a separate application form for each junior rider. In the event that this camp is oversubscribed, a waiting list on a ‘first come, first served basis will be kept.
Application Form. Please complete 1 form for each rider.
Rider’s name / Rider’s ageRider’s address
Parent’s contact number
Parent’s email address
Emergency Contact number
and name
Special Dietary Requirements
Horse’s name / Horse’s height / Horse’s gender
Stabling preference
(Please tick one) / corral
(Must provide electric fencing) / stable
Stabling habits
If you have chosen a stable please indicate your reasoning so priority can be given to those horses and ponies who require a stable for medical reasons, eg. Lamanitic.
Please only pay the deposit at this time. Bookings for the cottage and stables will be sorted before final payment is taken.
Final payment is due on August 1st
Rider NameFULL CAMP / Indicate what you are booking.
Basic camp / Cost £150
X country schooling / Cost £21
Pilates / Cost £8 per person
Stabling / Cost £45 including hay and straw
Corralling will need electric fencing / Cost £15
Cottage / Cost £30 per person
Camping / Cost £30 per pitch
Parent food / Cost £30 per person
Sibling food / Cost £25 per person
Monday / Cost £55
Tuesday / Cost £55
Wednesday / Cost £76 including x country
DEPOSIT / £100.00
Cash and Cheque (made payable to BCTRC) posted to
Lezley Aldrich
Jubilee House, Mickleton, Barnard Castle, Co. Durham, DL12 0LG
Bacs payments
sort code 400909
Account Number 41249487
Please use reference - Junior camp