Terry G. Brady Memorial

Colorado/Wyoming Branch 907



AUGUST10, 2017

12:00PM–Meeting called to order by (A) President Bob Aldrich.

Roll Call:

Branch 907- Bi-State:

President: (A) Bob Aldrich

Vice President: Bob Aldrich

Treasurer: Terry Troupe

Secretary: John Kerns (not present)

VP Of Associate Affairs: Rick Hunter

Legislative Chair:Gary Roll

Immediate Past President: Jim Solano (Not present)

Branch 65: Donna Flaherty

Branch 141: Tim McNair

Karen Westbrook

Shannon Hoffman

Branch 557: Chris Till

Branch 561: Virgil Bailey

Branch 584: Chris Buzzell

Branch 300: JR McEntee

Branch 155: (Not Present)

Motion to accept: Virgil Bailey

Seconded by: Tim McNair

Voted on and Accepted by the body

Vice-President Report on current membership is as follows:


Branch 907 = 27 2

Branch 65 = 387 24

Branch 141 = 55 0

Branch 557 = 20 0

Branch 561 = 38 1

Branch 584 = 14 1

Branch 300 = 27 1

Branch 155 = 12 6

Total:575 35

Last minutes were from 10/29/2016

Secretary’s Report – Motion to suspend reading of the minutes: Gary Roll

Seconded by:Rick Hunter

Voted on and Accepted by the body

Treasurer’s Report:

  • Terry Troupe stated that he does not have the checkbook and Treasurer’s report. Not responding to all names and needs to go to the Bank to fix checking account.
  • Since May 2015 Terry stated that there are no financial records.
  • Idea was proposed to pull all money into another account.
  • Bob Aldrich suggested that we need to investigate US Bank and whether we need to keep our account with them.

Motion to suspend the dues that are owed by Branches in order to be in good standing until we can determine who has paid and what Branches still owe. This is to allow all Branches to vote during elections: Bob Aldrich

Seconded by: Tim McNair

Discussion:Karen Westbrook put forth a motion to have an outside CPA to review the books and get up to date.

Seconded by: Gary Roll

Rick Hunter proposed an Amendment to the CPA motion that they review thepaperwork that Terry has and then go to a CPA to fix the books.

Seconded by: Gary Roll

VP of Associate Affairs:

  • Rick stated that 60 percent of the Associate members were in attendance at this meeting.
  • He did state that he would like some assistance in getting reports about recent retirees in order to be able to reach out to them.
  • Was told he could get some help with reaching out to NAPS HQ’s in order to get access to retiree reports.

Legislative Report:

LTS was held in D.C. this last March.

  • John Kerns was the representative for NAPS 907 Bi-State.
  • Bill 756 is the Postal Reform Bill that has NAPS and most all of the other Postal Unions/Associations backing. Is currently still in House Sub-Committee.
  • Need to get as much representation at the upcoming LTS as possible to speak with our legislators about Postal Reform.

It was decided that Bob Aldrich and Terry Troupe would pull all current statements and travel vouchers submitted to determine current status.

Torrey is still getting the statements from the Bank and has been giving them to Derek and John for Terry.

Branches 65, 155 and 584 still owe dues to Branch 907?

Two Amendments to the Branch 907 Bi-State Constitution have been submitted by Branch 141. Rick Hunter made a motion to combine both Amendments into one Amendment and make it Amendment 1. (Rick will re-write and submit in better terms).

Seconded by: Gary Roll

Voted on and passed by the body.


Proposed Resolution to the TERRY G. BRADY MEMORIAL BRANCH 907 Bi-State Constitution

WHEREAS, Article V, Section I, “There shall be a President, an Executive Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Vice-President of Associate Affairs. These officers shall be elected at an annual meeting of this branch and the term of office shall be for two (2) years or until their successors are duly elected and qualified.” And

Article VII, “Elections”, Section 1, “The President, Executive Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at uneven year annual conventions.”

WHEREAS, In order to consolidate and conform to an officer structure that is the same as NAPS HQ’s and other NAPS Branches, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the officer positions of Secretary and Treasurer be merged into one position, be it finally

RESOLVED, That Article V, “Officers”, Section 1 be changed to reflect the following language: “There shall be a President, an Executive Vice-President, a Secretary/Treasurer and a Vice-President of Associate Affairs. These officers shall be elected at an annual meeting of this branch and the term of office shall be for two (2) years or until their successors are duly elected and qualified.”

And That Article VII, “Elections”, Section 1, be changed to reflect the following language:

“The President, Executive Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected at uneven year annual conventions.”

Colorado Springs NAPS 141 Executive Board

Amendment, as amended, was voted on and passed by the body. Amendment places four elected members on the Branch 907 Bi-State board instead of five members.

Rick Hunter made a motion that the President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer should all be signature holders on 907’s Bank Account.

Virgil Bailey brought it up that shouldn’t that be done with an Amendment to the Constitution? Will be noted and researched.

Discussion was brought up about possible resolution to the Pueblo Branch 155. Will be tabled until next meeting.

(A) President Bob Aldrich opens up nominations for election to the four Branch positions. Branch Votes are as follows:

907 – 2

65 – 2

141 – 1

155 – (Nobody present to vote)

300 – 1

557 – 1

561 – 1

584 - 1

VP of Associate affairs:

Rick Hunter – 0 votes

Gary Roll – 9 votes (Elected)


John Kerns – (Elected, no other nominee)

Executive Vice-President:

Terry Troupe – (Elected, no other nominee)


Bob Aldrich - (Elected, no other nominee)

Here are the new Executive Board Members to the NAPS Branch 907 CO/WY Bi-State Board:

PRESIDENT – Bob Aldrich




Last order of business

Three issues of immediate concern:

  1. Getting people to attend the meetings, at least one representative from each branch, (could hold telecom meetings to increase involvement).
  2. Representation for all members
  3. Insuring that all branches are paying their dues and are in good standing in order to support sending members from each branch to the National Convention.

4:30 PM Motion to Adjourn: Chris Till

Seconded by: Rick Hunter

Voted on and passed by the body

Respectfully Submitted,

John Kerns

Bi-State Secretary


The following addendum is to define for the financial institution that the NAPS 907 CO/WY Bi-State Branch accounts are held at.

Let it be known that by a vote of the Branch Membership; the President, Executive Vice-President, and the Secretary/Treasurer shall have access to sign checks, pull balances, deposit money, and get the statements for all of the NAPS 907 CO/WY Bi-State accounts.