Video four– Standard Three

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Welcome to the Victorian Child Safe Standards Faith Communities Online Training Portal.

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In this training video we will be looking at Standard 3: a Code of Conduct that establishes clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with children.

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The Child SafeStandards ensure that there is a minimum standard for safety in all organisations providing services to children.

The Standards aim to drive cultural change in organisations so that protecting children from abuse is embedded in everyday thinking and practice.

Protecting children from abuse will be the foundation of daily life.

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Standard3 – a Code of Conduct that establishes clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with children.

A Code of Conduct lists behaviours that are acceptable and those that are unacceptable. It states professional boundaries and ethical behaviour and acceptable and unacceptable relationships.

Your Code of Conduct enables you to take action if someone is behaving in an unacceptable manner.Without it, it can be very difficult to raise issues with staff and volunteers.

It is important to provide clear written guidance on appropriate conduct and behaviour towards children.

It needs to detail acceptable and unacceptable behaviours relating to the specific context of your Faith Community – for example, physical contact, personal care, online communication or complying with Faith Community policies and procedures.

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It is important to educate staff, volunteers, parents and children about the expected standards of behaviour and what will happen if a person does not comply.

And it is vital to act on concerns or allegations of non-adherence to your Faith Community’s Code of Conduct.

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So next steps for Standard 3:

This is to develop and implement a Code of Conduct for your Faith Community.

Consult widely -remember to include children and young people in the consultation.

Decide on the number of Codes you need. You may need a Code for children, a Code for volunteers and staff, a Code for events or excursions, a Code for transportation and a Code forcommunication. It may be simpler just to have one Code and incorporate various other elements.

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Write and have the Faith Community’s leadership approve the Code of Conduct.

Establish complaints and grievance procedures and communicate the Code - make it publically accessible.

And as with all elements of the Child SafeStandards it is important to review and update the Code of Conductregularly.


So how can your Faith Community meet thisStandard?

First,the Faith Communityhas a Code of Conduct that explains appropriate behaviour of leaders, volunteers and children.

If required additional Codes of Conduct are implemented.


The Code of Conduct is well known by faith leaders, volunteers, children and families and they know how the Code isapplicable to them.Procedures are in place for any breaches to the Code of Conduct.

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The procedures for any breaches to the Code of Conduct are understood by faith leaders, staff and volunteers.

And, it is important to provide opportunities for staff, volunteers, and children to contribute to the Code of Conduct to assist in building ownership.

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Remember, nothing in the Victorian Child SafeStandards change the responsibility to report child abuse to police.

For the purposes of the Child SafeStandards, “Children” are anyone younger than 18 years old.

This is not a one off exercise. You need to continually improve your community’s response to creating a Child Safe environment.

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Call the police on 000 if you have immediate concerns for a child’s safety or if you believe child abuse may have occurred.

And investigations of any matter by police must always take priority over internal investigations.

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For further information about the Victorian Child Safe Standards, for Faith Communities, you can visit

Email Or call on 03 9650 4511

For general Child SafeStandards information, contact the Commission for Children and Young People.

Visit their website

email them on

Or call the Child Safe Standards hotline on 03 8601 5281

Thank you for watching this video regarding the Victorian Child Safe Standards.

We hope that this has been of assistance to you and your Faith Community in providing a Child Safe environment.