Foreign Glider Pilot Licensing in the United States
Important information from the SSA:
6 August 2002
Non-US glider pilots may still receive reciprocal privileges in the United States. However, the necessary steps for receiving these documents has changed as a result of the attacks of September 11th. New security protocols are in place and the processing system has been changed to include direct verification of home country privileges as well as submitting the name of the pilot to law enforcement for verification of security status.
The general process may take up to 60 days however the SSA has worked closely with the FAA in an attempt to process applications for glider pilots as quickly as possible. By following these steps it is possible that we can assist you to receive confirmation of your documents in a much shorter timeframe.
Step #1
Complete the application and send it immediately to the FAA address listed by mail or fax.
Step #2
Advise the SSA by fax (+1 505-392-8154) or e-mail that you have made application and the dates of your visit. Be sure to include information how you can be contacted. The preferred method is e-mail.
Step #3
If your license is issued by your government be sure to send FAA and SSA information about where to contact your government agency. Again e-mail and fax are preferred systems.
If your license is issued by your aeroclub then immediately send SSA information about who in the aeroclub is responsible for licensing and information about how to contact the office.
Step #4
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the SSA at any time. You may send us a fax, an e-mail or call by phone. Our job is to help you receive the proper documents so that you may come to enjoy our soaring in the United States.
Step #5
Come to the U.S. and fly gliders in the best soaring in the world.
SSA Contact Information:
Fax +1 505-392-8154
Telephone +1 505-392-1177
Verification of Authenticity of Foreign License, Rating, and Medical Certification
(information from the Federal Aviation Administration)
Effective July 23, 2002, persons applying for a certificate issued on the basis of a foreign license under the provisions of 14 CFR Part 61, Section 61.75, using a pilot certificate issued under 61.75 to apply for a commercial pilot certificate under the provisions of 14 CFR Part 61, Section 61.123 (h), or applying for an airline transport pilot certificate issued under the provisions of 14 CFR Part 61, Section 61.153 (d) (3), must have the validity and currency of the foreign license and medical certificate or endorsement verified by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) that issued those certificates, before making application for an FAA certificate.
The applicant may submit a legible, hand-written or typewritten letter with specific information and certain required documents or the applicant may submit the required information using an optional form developed by the Airmen Certification Branch.Note this is an optional form, not an official one, and the applicant chooses whether to use the form or a letter.
The applicant sends the completed form or letter with appropriate documents to the Airmen Certification Branch, AFS-760, P.O. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0082 or faxes the form or letter and documents to (405) 954-4105.At this time, the pre-application documents cannot be sent electronically.
The information submitted to the Airmen Certification Branch by the applicant must include the following information and documentation:
- The name of the person.
- The permanent home address of record of the person.If the person wishes to have the verification of authenticity letter issued by the Airmen Certification Branch delivered to a temporary mailing address, that applicant shall indicate his or her desires on a separate statement attached to the pre-application form or letter.
- The country of issuance of the person's foreign pilot license.
- The location of the FAA Flight Standards District Office where the person intends to make application for his or her U.S. pilot certificate.(The applicant will only be able to obtain the U.S. certificate after authentication from the FSDO he or she specifies.)A listing of FSDO locations and telephone numbers are available from our Airmen Related Information menu.
- A statement that his or her foreign pilot license is not under an order of suspension or revocation or make the statement on the Verification of Authenticity form.
- A legible copy of all pages of the foreign pilot license.
- A legible English transcription of the foreign pilot license, if the license is not in English.
- A legible copy of the foreign medical license/endorsement, as appropriate.
- A legible photocopy of a driver's license or passport or other picture identification.
When verification is received from the CAA, you will receive written notification that a copy has been forwarded to the Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) you designated in your request. The verification is valid for 60 days. You may make application for a U.S. pilot certificate at the designated FSDO during that 60-day period.
Mailing Address: / FAAAirmen Certification Branch, AFS-760
PO Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0082
FAX number: / (405) 954-4105