Teaching Expectations
Lesson Plan
Expectation: Be Safe
DefinitionNot likely to be hurt or harmed in any way.
Rationale for having the Expectation
A safe and orderly environment is essential for teaching and learning to take place. Every student must play his or her role in contributing to the safe atmosphere.
Positive Examples: “Looks Like” / Non-examples
Walking in an orderly manner / Horse playing and running
Student interacts with one another considerately / Students pass materials/ food in careless fashion
Student remains seated at all times / Students move from seat to seat while bus is in motion
What resources (websites, curriculum, programs, etc.) will you use to teach this Lesson Plan?
McNicol Middle School will use Florida’s Positive Behavior Project website, Powerpoint, MODEL, videos, and paper based lessons created by the RTI:B team, students, and faculty at McNicol Middle, to provide instruction on PBS behavior expectations.
Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details):
During the lesson plan the teacher will take the opportunity to physically model positive “look likes” of students demonstrating safe “look fors”.
Behavior Lesson Plan is documented in classroom plans AND Master Plan
Lesson will be taught August 15th-19th during all students first period classes.
Instruction Implemented by:
All first period teachers will be responsible for facilitating the lessons. Guidance, Behavior Specialist, ESE Specialist and the School’s Social Worker will facilitate small group lesson on the schools SWPBS plan.
Teaching Expectations
Lesson Plan
Expectation: Be Responsible
DefinitionDemonstrating a variety of positive character skills such as self control, perseverance, initiative, effort and goal setting.
Rationale for having the Expectation
By teaching students to be accountable for their choices and actions they develop a greater sense of self-worth and confidence in their ability to make right choices.
Positive Examples: “Looks Like” / Non-examples
Coming to class prepared with paper and pen or pencil. / Coming into the classroom, walking around the room asking to borrow, paper, pen, or pencil.
A student who is late for class, signs the tardy log and accepts consequence that is given. / A student who is late for class, argues with the teacher that he/she is not late
You know of something unsafe that may occur and you report it to an adult on campus. / You know of something unsafe that may occur on campus and you fail to report it, (fight, possession of a weapon, bullying, etc.)
What resources (websites, curriculum, programs, etc.) will you use to teach this Lesson Plan?
McNicol Middle School will use Florida’s Positive Behavior Project website, Powerpoint, MODEL, videos, and paper based lessons created by the RTI:B team, students, and faculty at McNicol Middle, to provide instruction on PBS behavior expectations.
Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details):
Teacher will write examples of (6) responsible behaviors on the board. Students will then brain storm examples of each responsible behavior. Teacher will then take (3) examples and turn them into role-playing situations, first having them role-play an irresponsible behavior and then a responsible behavior.
Behavior Lesson Plan is documented in classroom plans AND Master Plan
Lesson will be taught August 15th-19th during all students first period classes.
Instruction Implemented by:
All first period teachers will be responsible for facilitating the lessons. Guidance, Behavior Specialist, ESE Specialist and the School’s Social Worker will facilitate small group lesson on the schools SWPBS plan.
Teaching Expectations
Lesson Plan
Expectation: Be Respectful
DefinitionTo act in a way that shows you care about the well-being and feelings of self and others.
Rationale for having the Expectation
By increasing positive communication teachers are able to deliver their instruction in an environment where learning is the priority.
Positive Examples: “Looks Like” / Non-examples
Walking into class, sitting in your seat, and quietly starting your bell ringer. / Walking into class, talking loudly, roaming the room, and socializing with your friends.
Following a reasonable request: Stop talking the first time you are asked. / Arguing with the teacher when asked to stop talking.
Holding the door for another student to come into the room. / Slamming the door in another students face and laughing at them.
What resources (websites, curriculum, programs, etc.) will you use to teach this Lesson Plan?
McNicol Middle School will use Florida’s Positive Behavior Project website, Powerpoint, MODEL, videos, and paper based lessons created by the RTI:B team, students, and faculty at McNicol Middle, to provide instruction on PBS behavior expectations.
Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details):
Lesson plan activities will include Role Play of positive example of this behavior expectation. For example, teacher will model for students how they should walk into the classroom, take a seat, and start assignment; then the teacher will allow students to model this positive behavior expectation.
Behavior Lesson Plan is documented in classroom plans AND Master Plan
Lesson will be taught August 15th-19th during all students first period classes.
Instruction Implemented by:
All first period teachers will be responsible for facilitating the lessons. Guidance, Behavior Specialist, ESE Specialist and the School’s Social Worker will facilitate small group lesson on the schools SWPBS plan.
Teaching Expectations
Lesson Plan
Expectation: Be a Learner
DefinitionStudents who are ready to learn are on time to/seated in class, prepared with all materials and actively engaged with the lesson being taught.
Rationale for having the Expectation
When students are authentically engaged in learning the probability for disruptive and disobedient behavior to occur is reduce
Positive Examples: “Looks Like” / Non-examples
Seated in class prior to the tardy bell. / Students are tardy to class.
All necessary resources accessible at your seat. / Students do not have necessary resources.
Student product demonstrated comprehension of lesson. / Students do not generate any products that demonstrate comprehension of the lesson.
What resources (websites, curriculum, programs, etc.) will you use to teach this Lesson Plan?
McNicol Middle School will use Florida’s Positive Behavior Project website, Powerpoint, MODEL, videos, and paper based lessons created by the RTI:B team, students, and faculty at McNicol Middle, to provide instruction on PBS behavior expectations.
Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details):
During the lesson plan the teacher will take the opportunity to physically model positive “look likes” of an engaged learners; in turn, modeling look fors of engaged students.
Behavior Lesson Plan is documented in classroom plans AND Master Plan
Lesson will be taught August 15th-19th during all students first period classes.
Instruction Implemented by:
All first period teachers will be responsible for facilitating the lessons. Guidance, Behavior Specialist, ESE Specialist and the School’s Social Worker will facilitate small group lesson on the schools SWPBS plan.