Pseudo Philo (135 b.c. – 70 c.e.)
Chapter one
PPhilo1:1In the beginning of the world Adam became the father of three sons and one daughter: Cain, Noabe, Abel, and Seth
PPhilo1:2And after he became the father of Seth, Adam lived 700 years; and he became
PPhilo1:3the father of twelve sons and eight daughters. And these are the names of the males:Eliseel, Suris, Elamiel, Barbal, Naat, Zarama, Zasam, Maathal, and Anath.
PPhilo1:4And these are his daughters: Fya, Iectas, Arebica, Sifa, Tetia, Saba, Asin.
PPhilo1:5And Seth lived 105 years and became the father of Enosh. And after he became the father of Enosh, Seth lived 707 years and became the father of three sons
PPhilo1:6and two daughters. And these are the anme of his sons: Elidia, Fonna, and Matha; and of his daughters; Malida and Thila.
PPhilo1:7And Enosh lived 180 years and became the father of Kenan. And after he became the father of Kenan, Enosh lived 715 years and became the father of two
PPhilo1:88sons and a daughter. And these are the names of his sons; Foe and Thaal; and of his daughter :Catennath
PPhilo1:9And Kenan lived 170 years and became the father of Mahalalel. And after he became the fahter of Mahalalel, Kenan lived 730 years and became the father
PPhilo1:10of three sons and two daughters. And these are the names of the males; Athac, Socer, Lofa; and the names of the daughters; Ana and Leva.
PPhilo1:11And Mahalalel lived 165 years and fathered Jared. And after he fathered Jared, Mahalalel lived 730 years and became the father of seven sons and five
PPhilo1:12daughters. And these are the names of the males; Leta, Mata, Cechar, Melie, Suriel, Lodo, Otim. And these are the names of his daughters; Ada, Noa, Iebal, Mada, Sella.
PPhilo1:13And Jared lived 162 years and became the father of Enoch. And after he became the father of Enoch, Jared lived 800 years and became the father of four
PPhilo1:14sons and two daughters. And these are the names of the males;Lead, Anac, Soboac, and Ietar; and of the daughters; Tetzeco, Lesse.
PPhilo1:15And Enoch lived 165 years and became the father of Methuselah. And after he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch lived 200 years and became the father
PPhilo1:16of five sons and three daughters. Now Enoch pleased God in that time and he
PPhilo1:17was not to be found, for God took him away. Now the names of his sons; Anaz, Zeum, Achaun, Feledi, Elith; and of his daughters; Theiz, Lefith,Leath.
PPhilo1:18And Methuselah lived 187 years and became the father of Lamech. And after he became the father of Lamech, Methuselah lived 782 years and became the
PPhilo1:19father of two sons and two daughters. And these are the names of the males; Inab, Rafo; and of the daughters; Aluma and Amuga.
PPhilo1:20And Lamech lived 182 years and became the father of a son and called him after his birth Noah, saying, This one will give rest to us and to the earth from those who dwell on it - on account of the wickedness of whose evil deeds
PPhilo1:21the earth will be visited. And after he fathered Noah, Lamech lived 585 years.
PPhilo1:22And Noah lived 300 years and became the father of three sons; Shem, Ham, Japheth.
Chapter two
PPhilo2:1Now Cain dwelt in the land trembling, as God appointed for him after he
PPhilo2:2had killed Abel his brother. And the name of his wife was Themech. And Cain
PPhilo2:3knew Themech his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. Now Cain was fifteen years old when he did these things, and from that time he began to build cities until he had founded seven cities. And these are the names of the cities; the name of the first city, corresponding to the name of his son, Enoch; and the name of the second city Mauli, and of the third Leed, and the name of the fourth Teze, and the name of the fifth Iesca, and the name of the sixth Celeth, and the name
PPhilo2:4of the seventh Iebbat. And after he became the father of Enoch, Cain lived 715 years and became the father of three sons and two daughters. And these are the names of his sons; Olad, Lizaf, Fosal; and of his daughters; Citha and Maac. And all the days of Cain were 730 years, and he died.
PPhilo2:5Then Enoch took a wife from the daughters of Seth, and she bore him Ciram and Cuut and Madab. Now Citam became the father of Methushael, and Methushael
PPhilo2:6became the father of Lamech. Now Lamech took for himself two wives. The name
PPhilo2:7of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah. And Adah bore Jobab; he was the father of all those dwelling in tents and feeding cattle. And again, she
PPhilo2:8bore him Jobal, who was the first to teach all kinds of musical instruments. In that time, when those inhabiting the earth began to do evil deeds 9each one with his neighbor’s wife) and they defiled them, God was angry. And he began to play the lyre and the lute and every instrument of sweet song and to corrupt the
PPhilo2:9earth. Now Zillah bore Tubal and Miza and Theffa. And this is the Tubal who showed men techniques in using lead and tin and iron and bronze and silver and gold. And then those inhabiting the earth began to make statues and to adore
PPhilo2:10them. Now Lamech said to both his wives. Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice, wives of Lamech and pay attention to my remark, for I have destroyed men on my own account and snatched sucklings from the breasts, in order to show my sons and those inhabiting the earth how to do evil deeds. And now Cain will be avenged seven times, but Lamech seventy-seven times.
Chapter three
PPhilo3:1And it happened that, when men began to multiply upon the earth, beautiful daughters were born to them. And the sons of God saw that the daughters of
PPhilo3:2men were very fair and took for themselves wives from all whom they chose. And God said, My spirit shall not judge those men forever, because they are flesh, but their years shall be 120. For them he set the limits of life, but the crimes
PPhilo3:3done by their hands did not cease. And God saw that among all those inhabiting the earth wicked deeds had reached full measure; and because they were plotting evil all their days, he said, I will blot out man and all the things that grow on earth, for I am sorry that I have made him,
PPhilo3:4Yet Noah found favor and mercy before the Lord, and these are his generations. Noah, who was a righteous man and blameless in his generation, pleased the Lord. To him God said. The time set for all men dwelling upon the earth has arrived, for their deeds are wicked. And now make for yourself an ark from cedar wood. And this is how you will make it; Its length will be 300 cubits, and its width 50 cubits, and its height 30 cubits. And you will enter the ark, you and your wife and your sons and the wives of your sons with you. And I will establish my covenant with you, to destroy all those inhabiting the earth. Now of the clean animals and of the clean birds of the heaven you will take seven males and seven females so that their seed can live upon the earth. But of the unclean animals and birds you will take for yourself two males and two females. Also, you will take
PPhilo3:5food for yourself and for them. And Noah did what God commanded him. And he entered the ark, he and all his sons with him. And it happened after seven days that the water of the flood began to fall upon the earth. And on that day were opened all the deeps and the great spring and the flood gates of the heaven;
PPhilo3:6and there was rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights. Now it was then the sixteen hundred and fifty-second year from the time when God made heaven and earth, in which the earth along with those inhabiting it was destroyed on
PPhilo3:7account of the wickedness of their deeds. And the deluge continued on the earth for one hundred and fifty days. Only Noah and those who were with him in the ark survived. And when God remembered Noah, he made the water subside.
PPhilo3:8And it happened on the ninetieth day that God dried up the earth and said to Noah, Go forth from the ark, you and all who are with you, and increase and multiply upon the earth. And Noah went forth from the ark, he and his sons and the wives of his sons, and brought out all the beasts and reptiles and birds and cattle with him, as God commanded him. Then Noah built an altar to the Lord, and took some of the clean cattle and clean birds, and offered burnt offerings upon the altar, and it was accepted by the Lord like a restful scent.
PPhilo3:9And God said, I will never again curse the earth on man’s account, for the tendency of man’s heart is foolish from his youth; and so I will never destroy all living creatures at one time as I have done. But when those inhabiting the earth sin, I will judge them by famine or by the sword or by fire or by death; and there will be earthquakes, and they will be scattered to uninhabited places. But no more will I destroy the earth by the water of the flood. And in all the days of the earth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, spring and fall will not cease day and night until I remember those who inhabit the earth, until the appointed times are fulfilled.
PPhilo3:10 But when the years appointed for the world have been fulfilled, then the light will cease and the darkness will fade away. And I will bring the dead to life and raise up those who are sleeping from the earth. And hell will pay back its debt, and the place of perdition will return its deposit so that I may render to each according to his works and according to the fruits of his own devices, until I judge between soul and flesh. And the world will cease, and death will be abolished, and hell will shut its mouth. And the earth will not be without progeny or sterile for those inhabiting it; and no one who has been pardoned by me will be tainted. And there will be another earth and another heaven, an everlasting dwelling place.
PPhilo3:11And the Lord spoke again to Noah and to his sons, saying, Behold I will establish my covenant with you and with your seed after you, and no more will I destroy the earth by the water of a flood. And everything that moves and lives will be food for you. But meat with its lifeblood you may not eat. For whoever will shed the blood of a man, his own blood will be shed, because man was made after the image of God. But you, increase and multiply and fill the earth, like a
PPhilo3:12 school of fish multiplying in the waves. And God said This is the covenant that I have established between me and you. And it will happen that when I cover the heaven with clouds, my bow will appear in the cloud; and it will be a memorial of the covenant between me and you and all those inhabiting the earth.
Chapter four
PPhilo4:1And the sons of Noah who went forth from the ark were Shen, Ham and Japeth.
PPhilo4:2The sons of Japeth: Gomer, Magog and Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, Tiras, Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah, Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, Dodanim.And the sons of Gomer; Thelez, Lud, Deberleth. And the sons of Magog; Cesse and Thifa, Faruta, Ammiel, Fimei, Golaza, Samanac. And the sons of Javan; Sallus, Felucta, Fallita. And the sons of Tubal; Fanata, Nova, and Eva. And the sons of Meshech; Amboradat, Urac, Bosara. And the sons of Tiras; Maac, Tabel, Ballana, Samplameac, Elaz. And the sons of Ashkenaz; Jubal, Zaraddana, Anac. And the sons of Riphath; Doad, Defad, Zead, Enoc. And the sons of Togarmah; Abiuth, Safath, Asapli, Zepthir. And the sons of Elishah; Zaac, Zenez, Mastisa, Rira. And the sons of Tarshish; Meccul, Loon, Zelatabac. And the sons of Kittim; Macziel, Temna, Aela, Finon. And the sons of Dodanim; Itheb, Beath,
PPhilo4:3Feneth. And these were the one who were scattered abroad and dwelt on the earth among the Persians and Medes and in the islands that are in the sea. And Feneth the son of Dodanim went up and ordered that seafaring ships be built.
PPhilo4:4And then a third part of the earth was divided up. Gomer and his sons received Ladech. Magog and his sons received Degal. Madai and his sons received Besto. Javan and his sons received Ceel. Tubal and his sons received Feed. Meshech and his sons received Nepthi. Tiras and his sons received Duodenin. Ashkenaz and his sons received Goda. Riphath and his sons received Bosoora. Togarmah and his sons received Futh. Elishah and his sons received Thabola. Tarshish and his sons received Marecham. Kittim and his sons received thaan. Dodanim and
PPhilo4:5his sons received Caruba. And then they began to work the land and to sow upon it. And when the land was dry, its inhabitants cried out to the Lord; and he heard them and gave rain in abundance. And it happened that, when the rain descended upon the earth, the bow appeared in the cloud. And those inhabiting the earth saw this memorial of the covenant and fell upon their faces and made sacrifices and offered burnt offering to the Lord.
PPhilo4:6Now the sons of Ham; Cush and Egypt and Put and Canaan. And these are the sons of Cush; Seba and Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah and Sabteca. And the sons of Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan. And the sons of Put; Zelue, Telup, Geluc, Lefuc. And the sons of Canaan; Sidon, Aendain, Racin, Simmin, Uruin, Nemigin,
PPhilo4:7Amathin, Nefin, Telaz, Elat, Cusin. Now Cush became the father of Nimrod. He began to be arrogant before the Lord. Now Egypt became the father of Ludim and Anamim and lehabim and Latuin and Pathrusim and Casluhim (whence
PPhilo4:8came the Philistines) and the Cappadocians. And then they also began to build cities. And these are the cities that they built; Sidon and its surroundings, that is, Resun, Beosomaza, Gerar, Ashkelon, Dabircamo, Tellun, Lachish, Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim.
PPhilo4:9And the sons of Shem; Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Led, and Aram. And the sons of Aram; Uz, Hul, Gether, Mash. Now Arpachshad became the father of Shelah; Shelah became the father of Eber. And to Eber were born two sons; the name of one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided, and the name
PPhilo4:10of his brother was Joktan.