Shawnee County CDDO
Affiliate Meeting
November 14, 2011
Present: Shelli Barrett, Monaco & Associates; Kim Rice, Mosaic; Maria Salas, Caring Angels Residential; Tandy Kimbrough, Sheltered Living; Jonathan and Gina Allen, Compassionate Care; Jennifer Brancaccio, TARC; Shelby Fry, TARC; Ramona Macek, CDDO.
CDDO Updates:
Ø October Affiliate Report Overview
· 1049 individuals receiving services (799 adults, 250 children) in Shawnee County.
· There were 2 individuals determined eligible; 1 determined ineligible; 4 ported in and 0 that ported out of Shawnee County.
· There were 2 crisis requests reviewed by the funding committee; 0 were approved; 2 were denied and 0 pending.
· 8 individuals have been crisis approved during FY2011.
· There are 57 individuals who have not chosen a case manager; 28 Medicaid eligible and 29 Non-Medicaid eligible.
· Individuals changing service providers included: 9 - day services (includes multiple providers); 8 - residential services; 3 - case management; and
15 - FMS Providers.
· There were 371 POC’s reviewed for the month. Of the POCs reviewed for in home supports, 45% was over allocation and 55% at allocation.
Ramona stated the number of people (with waiver funding) moving to Shawnee County is a higher number than in the past. The FMS number reflects the change from persons who were in TARCs self determination program and selected a FMS Provider. TARC has chosen not to become an FMS provider.
Ø Highlights from governor’s news release on Nov. 8th regarding Medicaid Reform and SRS reorganization:
· Effective 2013 it is proposed that Medicaid change their name to KanCare. Areas highlighted with managed care include: person-centered, care coordination, accountability, agency streamlining and financial consolidation. The State of Kansas is accepting request proposals (RFPs) for three Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) to oversee all of the HCBS waiver funding and Medicaid dollars. There was talk that the DD waiver would not be included but now looks like it has been included again. The RFP encourages MCOs to work with the established community partners that include CDDOs, Independent living centers and mental health centers. The state will continue to use the CDDOs and community service providers as outlined in statutes, regulations and laws.
· The state wants to minimize conflict of interest across assessment, case management and service provisions. This includes all HCBS waivers and Medicaid services. No one really knows what type of changes may occur within the current DD system. At this time, services for Kansans with Developmental Disabilities will continue to utilize the statutory role of CDDOs.
· Ramona stated that it is not know what the “care coordination” will look like for the DD system. It appears to be more of a medical model.
· There are several changes that are happening with the reorganization of SRS. Mental Health and DD services will no longer be under SRS but under the Kansas Department of Aging (KDOA) which is now Kansas Department for Aging and Human Services. A definite date for the transition has not been set. Ramona stated that it is a positive thing keeping DD and mental health under the same division vs. separate. SRS is adding Family Preservation, Social and Prevention programs (protective services) from KDHE and JJA. The department is to be renamed to Department for Children and Families.
· Fiscal contractual management will be consolidated within KDHE under the Kansas Dept. of Healthcare Finance. Ramona stated this gets a bit muddled as right now the CDDO and mental health centers have contractual agreements with SRS. Ramona stated that she will continue to keep providers updated as information about the reorganization is shared by SRS.
Ø SRS/CDDO/Stakeholder meeting update. The numbers of individuals coming off the statewide waiting list during FY12 are as follows: 43 individuals have accessed HCBS funding that were previously funded with State General Funds in FY11; 7 individuals are still pending. As of 10.27.11 from the Statewide Waiting List, 208 individuals were offered services, 114 accepted, 25 declined and 69 are pending. Out of the 14 individuals offered services in Shawnee County, only one declined services.
Ø The Statewide Funding Committee will meet this month and review spread sheets to monitor the statewide allocation amounts, etc.
Ø SRS has been approving annual POCs so they are now current. SRS staff also has been working on the SHC conversion to FMS. Please remember if there is a provider change in the middle of the month, the new provider will not be able to bill until the previous claim has been submitted and paid out.
Ø SRS is closing out POCs for lack of utilization and not notifying CDDOs when they are closed. CDDOs have suggested that SRS leave the POC open for at least 3 months to find out what the reason why the service isn’t being billed.
Ø Third Party Liability forms need to be completed annually. There was a question regarding FMS providers and whether or not they need to have the form for the conversion of SHC to PAS. SRS has not sent a response to that question.
Ø Just a reminder that the CDDO Screeners complete the TPL form at the time of the DDP Assessment and authorized affiliates may access the form in the BCI web based system. The CDDO is not responsible for changes to insurance information throughout the year. Case managers should encourage individuals to keep them updated if any change occurs. The CDDO no longer conducts DDP Assessments for individuals on the waiting list and receive case management only so will not have a current TPL form scanned in BCI (web based system) for those individuals.
Ø Ramona stated that the CDDO Screeners need to see the person served at the scheduled BASIS meeting per CDDO BASIS policy 06-006, referring to number 3 (see attachment). The person served must attend a portion of the meeting. The CDDO is aware that there are individuals who prefer not to stay for the entire meeting but need to be there briefly. Screeners do not have the time to track people down. Nancy Rhone, BASIS Screener, completed orientation this month and will be scheduling the December meetings.
Ø The Post-Legislative Audit report regarding KNI closure will include information gathered from 3 CDDO areas, SNCDDO, DSNWK and Sedgwick County CDDO. The report should be made public in December. The report may include cost projections to support the individuals moving into a community based setting along with recommendations to the legislators.
Ø SNCDDO should receive a FY12 1st quarter payment soon. Ramona stated that providers have been submitting their billing monthly for persons funded with state aid which is appreciated.
Ø The TCM work group recommendations were reviewed and the workgroup recommended to keep the current system design, to continue to research options for temporary support for people to access services; training and rules of conduct.
Ø The Statewide Quality Oversight recommended changing the current graph posted on the SRS website to a pie chart which makes it easier to read and interpret the statewide numbers. The employment questions have been changed to three questions and the PAS tool is being revised to reflect the change.
Ø Talks have resumed on the Family Support Waiver proposed approximately five years ago due to data collected by CDDOs from families receiving supportive home care. The waiver would give families more flexibility to customize services to meet their needs. Contact Greg Wintle, SRS, if you are interested in participating on the workgroup. There is a conference call scheduled at 9 a.m. on Dec. 15th.
Ø As of Jan. 9, 2012, Authenticare will be in place for electronic time sheets for attendant care workers. Training will be provided to FMS providers, families, case managers and CDDOs to begin after Thanksgiving. It is understood that the company will provide the equipment if a person receiving services does not have a landline or cell phone. Each attendant worker will be assigned a PIN and a list of codes to document the service.
Ø Update on the local SNCDDO Provider Protocol Committee. The work group meets every Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and everyone is welcome to attend. The workgroup is working on a mission statement, protocols when an individual is ill and not being picked up in a timely manner and when the residential provider is contacted to pick up an individual for displaying challenging behaviors. The work group has evolved into working on a resource team which would include DD Providers, CDDO, Valeo and a psychologist. The resource team would review cases submitted for individuals 18 or older. Matt Enyart, PBS Kansas, or a representative has been invited to join the planning work group to provide guidance.
Ø New Affiliate: Caring Angels – Residential services.
Ø Emails have been sent out about the merger of Individual Support Systems and Easter Seals Capper Foundation.
Ø SRS shared a list of approved FMS providers although a few who indicated Shawnee County as a service area are not yet affiliated with Shawnee County CDDO. There are three new FMS providers affiliated and added to the Affiliated Provider list. They are: Independence, Inc., Three Rivers, Inc and Helpers, Inc. The others that indicated they are interested in affiliating are: Advocate for Better Living for Everyone, Inc., SE Kansas Independent Living and Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. and will be added to the list as they become affiliated.
Ø The Annual TCM Review is being scheduled for December. Sabrina will be contacting everyone.
Ø The SNCDDO QA team recognizes Sheltered Living Inc. staff for notifying the CDDO consistently when someone tours or makes inquiries about their services.
Agency Announcements:
Ø TARC Winter wonderland is open Thursday, November 18 through Saturday, December 31, 2011 from 6-10 PM nightly at Lake Shawnee Campground.
Ø Sheltered Living’s Festival of Trees – Open to the Public Daily: Thursday, Dec. 1st -Sunday, Dec. 4th, 2011
Ø Due to the amount of interest and attendance at the web based BCI training in October, the BCI training will be offered quarterly.
Upcoming training opportunities
Ø Needs Assessment & Transition Checklist Training – Nov. 29th from 9:00 to 11:30 RSVP to
Ø CDDO Quarterly Training – Dec. 8th from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the TARC Training Room. RSVP to
Next meeting is scheduled January 9th, 2010