Hargrave High School

Course Information: 2016-2017

Mr. Matt ZamarronRoom D126


Conference: 6th period (Mon/Tue/Fri – 12:24 – 1:10; Thu – 10:55 – 1:10)

Course Description

Engineering design and presentation is a course designed to engage and challenge students while exploring a broad range of engineering science topics. Students will develop skills in problem solving, research, and design while learning strategies for design process documentation, collaboration, and presentation.

Course Goals

Students enrolled in this course will demonstrate knowledge and skills of the process of design as it applies to engineering fields using multiple software applications and tools necessary to produce and present working drawings, solid model renderings, and prototypes. Students will use a variety of computer hardware and software applications to complete assignments and projects. Through implementation of the design process, students will transfer advanced academic skills to component designs. Additionally, students explore career opportunities in engineering, technology, and drafting and what is required to gain and maintain employment in these areas.

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor

Teacher Expectations

  • Be respectful
  • Be prepared
  • Follow student handbook – tardies, IDs
  • Complete all assignments
  • Maximum Effort!
  • Be a great teammate!
  • Follow Social Contract created in class

Required Supplies

  • 1 Engineering Notebook – Composition notebook
  • Black/Dark blue pens and pencils
  • Straight edge – preferably metal ruler
  • Paper/notebook for lecture notes – student choice
  • 1 folder for submission of projects

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor

Guideline for Term Grading - Each 9 weeks term is work equal percentage: 25%

Major – 50%: Exams/Projects/Papers

Daily – 50%: Daily/quiz

Attendance Policy

It is important to attend class and participate in class discussions and activities. Please make sure you follow the district attendance policy in order to earn credit for the course.

Assignment/Make up Policy

MISSED ASSIGNMENTS ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! Students must get make-up work either BEFORE or AFTER school ONLY or via EMAIL. Interruption of class time for request of make-up work interferes with the learn environment. If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, the student must submit when they return to class the next day in order to receive full credit. MAKE-UP TESTS must be taken BEFORE or AFTER school. NOTE: The Huffman ISD Handbook policy for late work is strictly enforced. Late work will be accepted through the end of the week in which the assignment was due.

Tutoring/Extended Lab time

Scheduled tutoring on Wednesdays until 3:30pm. Other times can be scheduled as needed on a case-by-case basis including during lunch or after school.


Please read carefully and sign, along with your parents, the attached consent form regarding academic integrity. Plagiarism and/or cheating will not be tolerated. There are severe consequences for those involved with academic dishonesty

Food and Drink

Students will not be allowed to eat or drink near the computers in our classroom lab. Food/Drink will be sat near my desk and students may collect after class.

Cell phones

Cell phones will not be used during class without permission. Phones will be stored in cell phone holders before class. If devices can be used during a class, I will let you know ahead of time and we will use them. However, since this class is a computer lab, we will be using computers frequently, thus I don’t anticipate using devices much.

Computer Usage

Computes will be used appropriately and on-task at all times! Failure to comply will lead to consequences and can severely impact the student’s experience in this class.

Behavior Consequences

  • Verbal correction/Conference with student
  • Parent contact – phone, email, person
  • Teacher detention
  • Offfice referral


Course: Engineering Design and Presentation

Teacher: Mr. Matt Zamarron

DIRECTIONS: (1) Read through this statement carefully. (2) Ask questions if there is

anything you do not understand. (3) Return it to your teacher.

I have heard the teacher's discussion of plagiarism, and I understand that I must use research

conventions to cite and clearly mark other people's ideas and words within my paper. I

understand that plagiarism is an act of intellectual dishonesty. I understand it is academically

unethical and unacceptable to do any of the following acts:

  • To submit work written in whole or in part by another student as if it were my own.
  • To download work from the internet, then quote or paraphrase from it, in whole or in

part, without acknowledging the original source.

  • To paraphrase part of another writer's work without acknowledging the source.
  • To reproduce the substance of another writer's argument without acknowledging the


  • To take work originally done for one instructor's assignment and re-submit it to another


  • To cheat on tests or quizzes through the use of crib sheets, hidden notes, viewing another

student's paper, revealing the answers on my own paper to another student, through

verbal or textual communication, sign language, or other means of storing and

communicating information, including electronic devices, recording devices, cellular

telephones, headsets, and portable computers.

  • To copy another student's homework and submit the work as if it were the product of my

own labor.

I understand that the consequences for committing any of the previous acts of academic

dishonesty can include a failing grade for the assignment or quiz with no opportunity for makeup,

failure in the class as a whole, and possible removal from the course in extreme/repeat

offenses. I understand that my enrollment in this course will help me develop skills necessary for

college-level engineering and mathematics. Therefore, I will not plagiarize or cheat.


I have read course information, requirements, academic integrity consent form, and assignment policies for Concepts of Engineering. My signature below indicates that I understand the requirements and policies for this course and agree to adhere to them throughout the school year. Because this is a college level preparatory course, I am aware of the high expectations and my enrollment in the class indicates that I am prepared to meet those expectations. I am aware that this class will take maximum effort and a positive team mentality.

I understand the academic integrity consent statement and agree to its conditions throughout the school year. Furthermore, I understand the assignment policies and agree to abide by them.

Student Name:______Signature:______

To Parents:

Hello! My name is Matt Zamarron and I will be teaching all engineering courses in the CTE department at Hargrave High School. I have 10 years of industry experience and look forward to sharing my experience with your child. I went to Lamar University and received a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. I also have two Master's degrees: Business Administration and Technology Management from Texas A&M University - Commerce, Texas campus.

It is very important to me that I bring real world applications and experience to your child. My goal is to prepare them for entry into an engineering program at the university level and get them there with a leg up versus where I was when I went to engineering school. My plan is to have a variety of projects from a variety of engineering disciplines to give students examples and background for a variety of engineering disciplines. I also want to get involved with design competitions and robotics competitions.

In order to do this, I am setting high expectations for this course. My philosophy is that this classroom is a team effort as is engineering. Our learning will involve group discussion, sharing ideas and theories, and researching where needed. This classroom will be an arena for positive support and encouragement. My students will earn to effectively communicate via technical writing and verbal presentations, which is a big skill lacking with current engineers.

I will need your support and help for this course to be a success. I will help your students as much as possible during regular class times and/or after school. However, Students will need to work on some projects, writing, and other assignments on their own at home. It is important I have your help and reinforcement at home. I cannot do my job well without your support.

I am always available if you need to check on your child’s progress. The fastest way to contact me is via email: . Thanks in advance for your help and support and I look forward to working with you!

Parent Name: ______Signature: ______

What is the best phone numberto reach you? ______

Also, if you have an email address: ______

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor