/ Jones County Safe and Healthy Youth Coalition
203 East Main
Anamosa, Iowa 52205
(319) 462-5030
Jacki Luckstead, President


Sun. January 15, 2011, 3 p.m.

Coalition Office

·  Welcome and Introductions- Lori Reynolds, Heidi Reynolds, Lynette Otten, Bob George, Audrey Savage, Keith Dirks, Jacki Luckstead, Amy Doerrfeld, Jennifer Husmann, Phil & Lavonne Owen, Lindsey Ungs, Patti Bammert, John Klein, Shannon Appleby, Bill Feldmann, Emily Feldmann, Carrie Johnson, Jessica Feldmann, Kris Kilburg, Chip Smith, Tyler Jeffery, Seth Jeffery, Kelsey Steger, Ellyn Felton, Tiler Streets, Kaurie Davidson, Tyler Brown, Bill Gard, and Megan Prull.

Business: Jacki called the meeting to order at 3:10

·  Approval of December’s Minutes and January Executive Committee minutes- motion by Bill Feldmann, 2nd by Emily Feldmann, motion carried.

BEASTS agenda items:

·  Super Bowl- alcohol advertisements- BEASTS are promoting the “Big Bowl Vote” activity for Middle School Students to determine which ads are catching their attention- pop and other products vs. alcohol

·  Day on the Hill recruiting- January 30- Emily Feldmann shared some highlights. Last year there were over 100 kids there and we would like to bring students from Jones County again this year, especially to promote what we have had going on here. We also would like some adults to attend. Shannon Appleby will attend with his son and several other students at the meeting expressed interest.

·  Anamosa STARS are creating a video about being drug free and still “Cool”. They plan to show it to other students in the district at younger grade levels.

Actions to target local conditions:

·  Tobacco- Burma Shave update- We have the next set of signs ordered for this campaign. We plan to start Facebook picture contest spring. People will be asked to take pictures by the Burma shave signs, or something fun to promote this campaign and post pictures on FB.

·  Underage Drinking -Social Host post-it notes to deliver-Shannon presented the most recent campaign to promote the Social Host law. These notes will be put onto alcohol for sale so the public will be more aware of the law. We will target gas stations, grocery stores, and other alcohol retail outlets, including campgrounds and other places parties may be held. We have 10,000 for distribution. Please take some to distribute if you know a decision maker at one of these locations.

-Town Hall Meeting on Underage Drinking coming up in March-date TBD soon

-Recent compliance checks- Tyler Remley reported that there were some violations in the most recent checks, which included some bars, some of the violations which were quite blatant.

·  Rx drugs- Continuous Rx (controlled) drug drop box at Sheriff’s office coming- It will be available M-F to use for dropping of controlled substances.

·  Speaking/attending opportunities- Jennifer/Patti- Patti will be meeting with city Councils, Jennifer will be meeting with School Boards(with students). They will be promoting the message of the JCSHY Coalition and review of policies that affect our communities.

·  January is National Mentoring Month- Big Brothers/Big Sisters- Heidi presented information- The focus in Jones County is now to have longer, stronger matches. Last year they helped 12 kids in county. There are some programs within the schools, such as Lunch Buddies, and School Buddies run by Big Brothers, Big Sisters. Please consider looking into volunteering and helping kids in need!

·  John K.- He presented info on K2 spice- synthetic or copycat Marijuana, Salvia, “Bath Salts”-synthetic cocaine-like drug. They ARE here in Jones County. He explained some of the negative effects of these that have been reported recently. Currently the FDA is not completely finished evaluating these drugs for legislative restrictions to be passed. Please be aware of this; JCSHY has information for you on these look-alike drugs and new products on the market. If you have questions, please contact the office.

·  Patti and Jennifer would like to ask each committee to present information to other members about how each respective committee functions and what we are working on.

·  Fundraising is considering holding a spring/summer event going along with “Prescribe the Outdoors”. They meet Tuesday.

·  Recap- Kudos to members- many good things were presented at the meeting for projects we have been working on. Outreach would like have greeters at the beginning of meetings- if you can arrive 20 minutes before meetings and help with this, that would be great!

Upcoming committee meetings:

·  Fundraising/Outreach- Tues., January 17, 4:30 p.m. Coalition office

·  Marketing/Special Events- Fri., January 20, Noon Java Jones

·  Policy- Tues., January 24, 1 p.m. Coalition office

·  Planning- Tues., January 31, 11:30 a.m. Coalition office

Next Meeting – Wed., Feb. 8, 11:30 a.m., Coalition office- Evaluation fun & DFC renewal approval—Also March’s meeting has been moved up to 1st Wed., March 7, 11:30 a.m.

Engaging our communities in efforts to create and maintain safe and healthy youth in Jones County.
203 E. Main Street I Anamosa, IA 52205 I 319.462.5030 I www.jonescountycoalition.org