December2, 2010

Topic: Facilities Update for the Student Union and the Bookstore

Speakers: Jill Wiegert, Beth Christie, Brooke Ingle

Jill Wiegert explained that the Student Union (SU) is in phase 3 of a three-phase project. The first phase involved remodeling part of the College Union Building (CUB). The second phase was the addition phase of the SU. The third phase involves the rest of the remodel of the current CUB, which anticipates a reopening in June 2011. Grand opening ceremonies are planned to take place as a week of activities at the beginning of the Fall 2011 term.

Floor plans were distributed to show the changes for the ground & first floors.

Changes to the ground floor include:

1-a main corridor that connects both ends of the building.

2-doubling the size of the Post Office in the same location.

3-a shared kitchen between the Native American Center (NAC) and El Centro office suites.

4-a commuter lounge with microwave, recycle bins, tables & countertops.

5-a larger retail space for the bookstore.

6-two conference-style meeting rooms for the NAC & El Centro (will be available for campus use).

7-two ATMs for Wells Fargo Bank and First National Bank of Durango.

First floor changes include:

1-a large media suite for the Independent, KDUR, Images Magazine.

2-a recreation & games lounge with WII, billiards, other games.

3-a meeting/video conference room.

Beth Christie showed the online form to request/reserve a room.

-Use A-Z search field on FLC homepage

-Go to F and click on Facilities Scheduling

-Click on “Complete This Online Form” & fill out form completely, then submit

-A confirmation email will be received when the form is submitted to indicate that the form was sent. An additional email will be received to show that the reservation was completed.

A few rooms on campus are scheduled by individuals who are located near those meeting rooms. A list of these rooms and the contact people responsible for scheduling meetings in them will be posted as a handout for today’s meeting.

Beth demonstrated how to check room availability on campus by using the Events Calendar.

-Use Faculty/Staff link from the FLC homepage

-Click on Internal Event Calendar on sidebar

-Use link for All Public Events (no classes)

-Choose Locations at top of screen to check availability for a specific room

-Choose building at sidebar and then room at top

-Choose date on the calendar to check availability for a specific date

Brooke Ingle did a PowerPoint presentation to give an overview of the Follett Bookstore at Fort Lewis. The company was founded in 1873 by Charles Barnes who eventually started the Barnes & Noble Bookstore chain. Follett has almost 900 stores in the US and is the nation’s largest operator of college bookstores.

The Follett Bookstore at FLC offers:

-traditional textbooks (new, used & rented)

-e-books (which have the same pagination as the “hard” book)

-e-commerce (online ordering with free pickup in bookstore or pay for Fed Ex shipping)


Since this past summer, the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) calls for the disclosure of ISBN’s and textbook pricing for each course within current course schedules. This information must be made available to students prior to class registration. This is an agreement between the federal government, Fort Lewis College and the students. In order for FLC to be in compliance with HEOA, course adoptions need to be submitted in a timely manner.

Discounts available for FLC employees:

-for faculty/staff personal purchases: 10% discount

-for departmental purchases: 20% discount + tax free

-Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day (which took place on December 1, 2010): an additional 10% discount

The meeting handouts areposted with Meeting Handouts on the Administrative Assistants’ Council website at

Submitted by Joanne Reddell


Administrative Assistants’ Council

December 3, 2010