Weekend Effect ReferencesDRAFT 4/5/00


(related to the Weekend Effect)

Altshuler, S., T. Arcado, and D. Lawson (1995) "Weekday vs. weekend ambient ozone concentrations: Discussion and hypotheses with focus on Northern California," Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 45: 967-972.

Austin, J. and H. Tran (1999) "A characterization of the weekday-weekend behavior of ambient ozone concentrations in California," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Air Pollution, July 27-29, Palo Alto, CA.

Blanchard, C.L. and D. Fairley (1999) "Spatial mapping of VOC and NOx-limitation of ozone formation in Central California," Draft Manuscript.

Blier W., A.M. Winer, D. Hansen, and N. Verma (1996) "Characterization of ozone episodes in the South Coast Air Basin: Effects of air parcel residence time and weekend/weekday differences," Final Report, Contract No. 93-316, California Air Resources Board, June 28.

Blier, W., A.M. Winer, D. Hansen, and R. Chavira (1999) "Analysis of weekday/weekend differences in ambient air quality and meteorology in the South Coast Air Basin," Final Report, California Air Resources Board, Contract No. 95-334, June 1.

Bronnimann, S. and U. Neu (1997) "Weekend-weekday differences of near-surface ozone concentrations in Switzerland for different meteorological conditions." Atmospheric Environment, April, Vol. 31, 8:1127-1135.

California Air Resources Board (1974) "Weekday vs. Weekend Oxidant Concentrations," California Air Quality Data, July-August-September, Vol. VI, 3:5-6.

California Air Resources Board (1974) "Weekday vs. Weekend Oxidant Concentrations II," California Air Quality Data, October-November-December, Vol. VI, 4:10-11.

California Air Resources Board (1978) "Ozone Episode Experience in the south Coast Air Basin," California Air Quality Data, January-February-March, Vol. X, 1:2-7.

California Air Resources Board (1998) "Proposed Regulations for Low-Emission Vehicles and Clean Fuels--Staff Report and Technical Support Document, Appendix I: Response to Environ International Corporation Report on Weekend-Weekday Differences in Ozone and Ozone Precursors in the South Coast Air Basin," October.

Chock, D. and D. Pierson (1978) "On the Weekday/Weekend Oxidant Differences in the California South Coast Air Basin," GMR Publication No. 2799, September.

Chock, D. and D. Pierson (1980) "Response to: A statistically tested short term oxidant control strategy," Atmospheric Environment, 14: 275-278.

Cleveland, W.S., Graedel, T.E., Kleiner, B., and J.L. Warner (1974) "Sunday and Workday Variations in Photochemical Air Pollutants in New Jersey and New York," Science, 186:1037-1038.

Cleveland, W.S. and J.E. McRae (1978) "Weekday-weekend ozone concentrations in the Northeast United States," Evironmental Science and Technology, 12: 558-562.

Darlington, T. and D. Kahlbaum (1998) "Evaluation of recent NO2 and ozone levels in Southern California on weekdays and weekends using EPA AIRS data: Implications for the LEV II proposal," Report to Navistar, October 1.

Dreher, D.B. and R.A. Harley (1998) "A fuel-based inventory for heavy-duty diesel trucks," Journal of the Air Waste Management Association, 48: 352-358.

Elkus, B. and K. Wilson (1977) "Photochemical air pollution: Weekend-weekday differences," Atmospheric Environment, 11: 509-515.

Finlayson-Pitts, B. and Pitts, J. Jr. (2000), Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere - Theory, Experiments, and Applications, Academic Press, San Diego.

Graedel, T.E., Farrow, L.A., and T.A. Weber (1977) "Photochemistry of the Sunday Effect," Environmental Science and Technology, 11: 690-694.

Hemphill, M.W. and D.W. Sullivan (1997) "Day of week contrasts for ozone, NOX, and CO," Monitoring Operations Division, Office of Air Quality, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, June 11.

Hoggan, M., M. Hsu, M. Kahn, and T. Call (1989) "Weekday/weekend differences in diurnal variation in carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone: Implications for control strategies," Paper 89-125.5, Air & Waste Management Association 82nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, June 25-30, 1989, Anaheim, CA.

Horie, Y., J. Cassmassi, J., L. Lai, and L. Gurtowski (1979) "Weekend/weekday differences in oxidants and their precursors," EPA-450/4-79-013, March.

Husar, R.B. (1998) "Seasonal and weekly pattern of ozone over the OTAG region," Paper No. 98-MPB.06P, Air and Waste Management Association's 91st Annual Meeting & Exhibition, June 14-18, San Diego, CA.

Karl, T. (1978) "Day of the week variations of photochemical pollutants in the St. Louis area," Atmospheric Environment, 12: 1657-1667.

Lebron, F. (1975) "A Comparison of weekend-weekday ozone and hydrocarbon concentrations in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area," Atmospheric Environment, 9: 861-863.

Levitt, S.B. and D.P. Chock (1975) "Weekday-weekend pollutant and meteorological studies of the Los Angeles Basin," Paper 75-51.1, Proceedings of the 68th Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, Boston, MA, June 15-20.

Levitt, S. and D. Chock (1976) "Weekday-weekend pollutant studies of the Los Angeles Basin," Air Pollution Control Association Journal, 26: 1091-1092.

Rao, S.T., G. Sistla, K. Schere, and J. Godowitch (1991) "Analysis of ozone air quality over the New York Metropolitan Area," in Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application VIII, edited by H. van Dop and D.G. Steyn, Plenum Press, NY.

Seinfeld, J.H. and S. Pandis (1998), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics - from Air Pollution to Climate Change, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.

Stoeckenius T., A. Taylor, G. Yarwood, and K. Lee (1998) "Analysis of weekend-weekday differences in ozone and ozone precursors in the South Coast (Los Angeles) Air Basin," ENVIRON International Corporation, July.

Tran, H., L.C. Larsen, and J. Austin (1996) "Analysis of the weekday-weekend behavior of ambient concentrations of ozone and its precursors." Draft Manuscript, submitted to Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, November 4. (superseded by Austin and Tran, 1999)

Vuilleumier, L. (1999) "Sensitivity Analysis of Weekday/Weekend Differences in Photochemical Air Pollution," 48th Meeting of Petroleum Environmental Research Forum (PERF), Chevron / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, March 10-11.

Vukovich, F. (1997) "PAMS data analysis: An investigation of local meteorological effects on ozone during the OTAG 1995 episode and the weekday/weekend differences in the Northeast Corridor," SAIC report to EPA OAQPS, September.

Vukovich, F.M., Jeffries, H., and D. Guinnup (1998) "A Preliminary Study of the Weekday/Weekend Differences in Ozone and Its Precursors in Large Urban Regions and Their Implications Toward Control Strategies," EPA-funded, not published.

White, W.H. (1978) "Carryover: The Impact of Aged Pollutants On Air Quality", manuscript, May.

Winner, D.A., Cass, G.R., and R.A. Harley (1995) "Effect of Alternative Boundary Conditions on Predicted Ozone Control Strategy Performance: A Case Study in the Los Angeles Area," Atmospheric Environment, 29: 3451-3464.

Zeldin, M., Y. Horie, and V. Mirabella (1989) "An analysis of weekend/weekday differences in the South Coast Air Basin of California," Paper 89-125.6, Air & Waste Management Association 82nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, June 25-30, 1989, Anaheim, CA.
