Presentción Oral. Un estudiantenuevo. Ch4A Spanish 1

Imagine you are meeting a new student the first day of school. You and a classmate will play the roles of a new student and a student who has been at the school for a while. Find out information about the new student.

1 Prepare Youwill need to prepare for both roles.

Experienced student: Make a list of at least four questions. Find out where the new student is from, activities he or she likes to do and on what days of the week, and where he or she goes and with whom. Plan to greet the new student and introduce yourself.

New student: Look at the questions the experienced student will ask you and jot down answers. Make an illustrated script of your dialogue. (or make a nice little book)

2 Practice Work ing groups of four, with two experienced students and two new students. Practice different questions and responses. Be sure you are comfortable in both roles. Go through your presentation several times. You can use your notes in practice, but not during the role play. Please do the following the best you can:

  • Obtain or provide information
  • Keep the conversation going and when done give a clear end to it.
  • Speak clearly

3 Present Your teacher will tell you which role to play

The experienced student begins the conversation by greeting the new student. Listen to your partner’s questions and keep the conversation going.

4 Evaluation You will be evaluated on

  • Completion of task
  • Ability to keep the conversation going
  • How well you were understood

Strategy. It helps to go back in the textbook and review models of conversations that prepare you for this the role play of this conversation. Read this chapter pg 172-175

Introduction / Preguntas / Respuestas / Despedida
Rubric / Score 1 / Score 2 / Score 3
Completion of task / You ask or answer only 2 questions. You had no script. / You wrote the script but not proof read. There were accents or misspelled words.
You did not illustrated the script. / You illustrated the script , you proof read it and have no errors with spelling or grammar or accents.
Your ability to keep the conversation going / You have no convesationsal response or follow up to what partner says. / You have frequent response to what your classmate said / You always respond to all the 4 or more questions from classmate.
How easily you are uderstood / You did not introduce yourself.
You are difficult to understand because you only use isolated words and teacher can tell you did not practice. / You introduce yourself
You are understandable but have frequent errors in vocabulary.
. / You introduce yourself. You are easily understood.
Your teacher can tell you practiced in front of a mirror and with a classmate.