2012 Updates:

Re: Smoking during a match.

Players must be available at all times to shoot during a match. There is no grace period to allow any player/s to step outside to smoke. If the opposing team wishes to continue play with no break, smokers must comply & continue shooting until match is complete. A player/s may step out for games that they are not in, but must be back for any game they are involved in. Any player not ready to shoot when it is their turn, may be skipped, letting the game progress as scheduled, with no compensation for any missed turn. This rule is not negotiable & could result in forfeiture of games, or match if ignored..

Sponsor Fees

The sponsorship fees per season, for the bar are as follows:

Your first team =$25.00

teams 2 thru 5 = $20.00 per team

anything over 5 teams $15.00 per team

If your bar doesn't agree to pay the sponsor fee, it will be deducted out of your teams payout at the end of the season. So make sure your bar owner knows about it.

League dues are now $9.00 per player per week.

VNEA Sanction Fee is: $11.00 per person

Before the match begins, the visiting team captain must provide their player lineup to the home team captain if requested. The option for the home team captain to line up his team according to the visiting teams line up is considered strategy.


OFFICE 313-886-SHOT(7468) / DAVE'S CELL 313-570-0575


We require the highest standards of fair play & good sportsmanship to be eligible for participation in Union Music Tavern Sports Leagues. Good conduct must be maintained before, during, & after all matches. You represent not only yourself, but also the bar you play for, your team, & also Union Music. Obnoxious behavior will not be tolerated! Instigating or participating in any manner of physical violence or verbal abuse could result in expulsion from the league for the participant (s) with loss of all monies & awards.

Re: Smoking during a match.

All players must be ready & available at all times to shoot during a match. There is no grace period to allow any player/s to step outside to smoke. If the opposing team wishes to continue play at all times with no break, smokers must comply & continue shooting until match is complete. Players may step out for games that they aren't in, but must be back in time to begin any game they are involved in. The player not ready to shoot when it is their turn may be skipped over letting the game progress in a timely manner, with no compensation for the missed turn. This rule is non-negotiable & could result in forfeiture of games or entire matches if ignored.


1.All team members must be 18 years of age. You must also check with your home bar if you have a member that is not 21 years of age: they must be O.K. with this!!

IMPORTANT: Everyone is required to have picture I.D., with them at the bar. If you are asked to show I.D., (by the opposing team or the bar), you must be able to present it !! If anyone tries to pass a fake I.D. to either the bar or the other team, your team may be expelled from the league & any future events.

2.Matches start at 7:30 PM - there is a 15-minute grace period allowed until 7:45 PM You may also get another 15 minutes, or until 8:00 PM with a phone call (or if a member of the team is present), prior to 7:45 PM, to notify the other team that there is a problem. A match may begin as long as two (2) players are present. If a third and/or fourth player show up, his or her name may be added to the score sheet and they can play their remaining games with no warm-up period (opposing captain does not have to allow them to play games that they missed in normal rotation). You forfeit the match if you only have one (1) player (when the match is ready to begin). A team forfeiting without a phone call giving a legitimate reason may be penalized one-week dues as well as losing all 16 games.

  1. There are 16 games per match, with each of the four players playing four games. The home team breaks in the first and third rounds, the visiting team breaking in the second and fourth rounds. Each person racks their own break.

Before the match begins, the visiting team captain must provide their player lineup to the home team captain if requested. The option for the home team captain to line up his team according to the visiting teams line up is considered strategy.

The league dues are $9.00 per week, per player. The resulting payback will be $3.00 per team win. The league banquet and trophies are also included with the point money. Also included with the payout is bonus money in each division for teams who place in the top three positions.

***Note*** Annual V.N.E.A. sanction fee is $11.00 per player.

Bonus money is as follows: 1st Place - $ 112.00

2nd Place - $ 60.00

3rd Place - $ 28.00

***Important Note*** The above mentioned payout and bonus money are not in effect for the summer season (May through August)

4. Delinquent Dues:

A team falling more than two weeks behind in their league dues is subject to the possibility of being penalized. The penalty could include forfeiture of games, monies, or expulsion from leagues. These penalties are given at the discretion of the league coordinator.

5. Subs:

All subs must be listed with Union Music by the halfway point of the season.(this means 24 hours prior to Week 8’s scheduled match) Use of an illegal sub may result in the forfeit of the four games in which that player played. This rule does not apply in summer leagues, due to the difficulty in getting subs during summer.

*Note* If a team is caught trying to say that a player is actually someone else, the league coordinator has the option of forfeiting all sixteen games to the other team. The league coordinator has the discretion of allowing a permanent replacement of a regular player (after the halfway point). This is only in a situation where a regular player cannot finish out the season, and the captain can give adequate reasons. Union Music will not allow this rule to be abused.


To reschedule any match, you must give at least 24 hours notice to the opposing team Captain. All Captains must have a legitimate & current phone number (with 24 hour a day message taking capabilities) on file with Union Music that can be listed on the schedule. Otherwise, the 24 hour rule may be void. Each case will be given individual consideration.

Any one team may not initiate more than one make-up per half of a season, or more than two make-up matches during the whole season.


Violation of this rule may result in forfeit. Also, please do your make up matches as soon as you can. Try to get it done in the next two weeks

Important Note: Owner(s) of a bar or a manager can be used as a legal sub at any time. A manager must in fact be a legitimate manager!! (Also, if a sub is to be used on a woman's league, or for a woman on a mixed league, the "manager" must be a woman.)

  1. If the money marked on the league envelope and/or the score sheet does not match the actual amount found in the envelope, the money will be divided in favor of the visiting team. It is the responsibility of the home team Captain to “secure” the proper amount of money in the league envelope! It is also the home team Captain's responsibility to place the league envelope in the appropriate drop box.

*IMPORTANT*It is very important to have the score sheets filled out correctly and accurately. Due to the new computer system installed 6/98; we no longer need player I.D. numbers. It is mandatory however, that we have first and last names of the players. We also must have the league I.D.# on the league drop envelope. It is imperative that you mark player wins, both by filling in the dots and also marking the boxes with an "x". You must also mark any ERO's and 8-On-The-Break's for the appropriate games.


(If you don't use a player's last name, his/her individual wins won’t be entered for that week. Wins will be team wins only. Player games won't count as games played towards "MVP" or toward qualifying for any tournaments.)

9.You don't have to mark your pocket when shooting the 8-Ball, (ON LOCAL LEVEL). Simply calling your pocket and letting your opponent know is sufficient. One player is responsible for calling the pocket while the other is responsible for listening and knowing what pocket his or her opponent is calling. While shooting the 8-Ball, after striking the cue ball, picking up or interfering with either the 8-Ball or the cue ball is considered a loss of game.

10.No one team shall have an advantage over their opponent with respect to practicing on another table. If a player(s) are warming up or practicing on another table during a match, that table or tables must be equally available to all players that are competing in that league match.

11.The M.V.P. of the league must have played at least 80% of the “weeks” to be eligible for the award. The best winning percentage with enough weeks played will be the M.V.P.