Modification and Adaption of TKI Assessment Resources

TKI resources are generated as a guide for teachers to develop their own programmes of learning and assessment. The contexts (themes, artist models, stylistic approaches) are unlikely to be appropriate in all learning environments. Ideally teachers should view the resources as examples of possible approaches and guidance in terms of scope, quality and quantity of evidence needed to meet each level of the criteria.

Modifying a TKI resource to fit a local context

It is possible to simply modify the existing context (media, artist models, theme, etc) of a TKI resource while maintaining the same learning sequence. Modifying resources allows teachers to deliver programmes that reflect the cultural context, special character, or geographic location of the school and/or interests of the students and/or expertise of the teaching staff. Modified resources may also capitalise on visiting artists or local exhibitions.

A still life vanitas approach could be adapted to fit a portrait, figure, landscape, or other thematic approach with simple edits to the student instructions and a new list of appropriate artist models.

TKI resources are written for a generic exemplar function. This means that their delivery needs to be supported by additional teaching and learning materials. Supporting materials typically include:

-Visual examples of the art works expected at each stage of the developmental sequence (thumbnails, reproductions, NZQA exemplars, or original local work from the previous year)

-Selected images of artist models and summaries of the key conventions of these models that students should take into account

-Visual resource material (of the chosen topic)

-Written resource material and recommended relevant websites

-Instructions that use font size/style/colour to emphasise particular aspects

-Additional templates or guide notes to clarify the physical requirements of the learning sequence (this may be technical instruction or compositional hints)

TKI resources as a guide to developing own programmes of learning

Effective programmes of learning and successful student investigations occur where teacher have developed their own tasks that reflect the strengths and expertise of the teacher, skills and interests of the students, and build upon the previous learning programmes of the department.

For this purpose the TKI resources provide useful indicators of appropriate:

-Scope (depth and range of student investigations)

-Nature (type of evidence needed for each particular standard)

-Quality and quantity of evidence (with specific reference to the exemplars available on the NZQA visual arts subject page

Below are possible models for developing learning sequences for internal standards. Some areas may be teacher directed or left for students to make their own contextual decisions.
Planning Guide – 90913 (1.1) – “Research”

This achievement standard requires students to demonstrate understanding of art works from Māori and other cultural contexts using art terminology.

Achievement / Merit / Excellence
Demonstrate understanding of art works from Māori and other cultural contexts using art terminology. / Demonstrate in-depth understanding of art works from Māori and other cultural contexts using art terminology. / Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of art works from Māori and other cultural contexts using art terminology.
Credits: 4 / Time: (at least 24 hours)
Unifying Topic for Investigation -Subject Matter / Imagery / Theme / Technical / etc
Maori Artist Model(s) / Other Cultural Artist Model(s)
Resources – Books, internet, handouts, analysis templates, prompt questions, exemplars
Learning Sequence (Tasks) (expand as needed)
Description of Activity
Nature and quality of research analysis / Number of pages or words / Time Allocated / Example of student response for A, M, E
1 / First Maori artist (May be traditional or contemporary)
2 / First Other Artist (May be traditional or contemporary)
3 / Second Maori artist (Must be contemporary)
4 / Second Other Artist (Must be contemporary)
5 / Comparison of approaches investigated

Planning Guide –90914 (1.2) Drawing Methods

This achievement standard requires students to use drawing methods and skills for recording information using wet and dry media.

Achievement / Merit / Excellence
Use drawing methods and skills for recording information using wet and dry media. / Use drawing methods and skills with control for recording information using wet and dry media. / Use drawing methods and skills with facility for recording information using wet and dry media.
Credits: 4 / Time: (at least 24 hours)
Technical conventions and methods to explore (Typically several conventions will be trialled with a selection then explored in greater depth)
Context: Subject Matter & Imagery
Artists (as models of particular drawing conventions)
Resources – Books, subject matter, artist model images, websites, student exemplars / Materials – Consumables, equipment, storage, budget
Learning Sequence (Tasks) (expand as needed)
Subject Matter / Size / Media / Time / Draw or insert image of expected outcome
Drawing 1
Dry media
Drawing 2
Dry media
Drawing 3
Dry media
Drawing 4
Wet media
Drawing 5
Wet media
Drawing 6
Wet media
Drawing 7
Extension of preceding task
Drawing 8
Extension of preceding task

Planning Guide –90915 (1.3)Field Conventions

This achievement standard requires students to use drawing conventions to develop work in more than one field of practice.

Achievement / Merit / Excellence
Use drawing conventions to develop work in more than one field of practice. / Use drawing conventions with understanding to develop work in more than one field of practice. / Use drawing conventions with comprehensive understanding to develop work in more than one field of practice.
Credits:6 / Time 1st field: / Time 2nd field:
First field:
Second field:
Context; Subject Matter, Imagery, theme?
Artist Model(s) for first field / Artist Model(s) for second field
Resources – Books, subject matter, artist model images, websites, student exemplars / Materials – Consumables, equipment, storage, budget
Learning Sequence (Tasks) (expand as needed)
NB – This table presents a separate outcome for each field. It is also valid to generate a single outcome that integrates two fields. Or to use the first field material to generate new outcomes in the second field (ie photography into design)
Description of Activity Subject & purpose of work / Media & Technique / Size & Number / Time Allocated / Draw or insert image of expected outcome
1 / Gathering material – May include observation drawing
2 / Media techniques for1st field
3 / Compositional ideas for 1st field
4 / Major work for 1st field
5 / Media techniques for 2nd field
6 / Compositional ideas for 2nd field
7 / Major work for 2nd field

Planning Guide –90917 (1.5) Finished Work

This achievement standard requires students to produce a finished work that demonstrates skills appropriate to cultural conventions.

Achievement / Merit / Excellence
Produce a finished work that demonstrates skills appropriate to cultural conventions. / Produce a finished work that demonstrates control of skills appropriate to cultural conventions. / Produce a finished work that demonstrates fluent control of skills appropriate to cultural conventions.
Credits: 4 / Time Allocated:
Topic – Description of art work
Cultural conventions : customs, formalities, practices and protocols
Artist Models / Materials – Consumables, equipment, storage, budget / Resources – Books, websites, artist model images, student exemplars
Learning Sequence (Tasks) (expand as needed)
Description of Activity
Subject & purpose of work
Specific skills required / Media & Technique / Size & Number / Time Allocated / Draw or insert image of expected outcome
1 / Investigation of conventions – this may include exploring particular forms and practicing specific techniques
(not assessed)
2 / Developing personal ideas
(not assessed)
3 / Production of resolved work