Thursday 4th May 2017

Staff Led Summer Term Clubs

Dear Parents/Carers,

In addition to our ‘Super Star Sports’ and ‘Computer Xplorer’ clubs this term, I am pleased to inform you that the following staff led clubs will be available for the children this term. Please make sure you do not sign up for clubs that clash with those your child may already be doing with our external providers.

These additional clubs are run free of charge and on a voluntary basis by staff. At times, for unforeseen circumstances, clubs may be cancelled. If this happens, we aim to give you at least 24hours notice, however sometimes this is just not possible. If a club is cancelled you will receive a text message.

We have started the staff led clubs a little later than usual for this term, to allow Year 6 pupils to focus on their studies for SATS Week (8th to 11th May). The clubs will commence the week after SATS.

I am very grateful to the staff who are so willingly give up their time to provide additional opportunities for all the children. I’m sure you will take time to thank them too if your child attends.

Day / Activity / Led By / Year Groups / Time
Monday / Mindful Colouring / Mrs Hatcher / Years 3,4,5,6 / 3:30-4:15
Tuesday / Reading Club / Mrs Wilson / Years 4,5 / 3:30-4:15
Wednesday / Choir / Mrs Rogers / Years 3,4,5,6 / 3:30-4:15
Wednesday / Art / Mrs Hatcher/Ms Saddington / EYFS, Years 1,2 / 3:30-4:15
Thursday / Journalism / Mrs Rogers / Years 4,5,6 / Lunchtime

No completed forms will be accepted by the school office until Friday Morning (Friday 5th May). The places are limited so please be sure your child wants to attend and will stay for the duration before requesting a place, otherwise other children who are really keen to attend may lose out or have to go on a waiting list.

In the event of a club being over subscribed a waiting list will be set up.

If your child misses 2 consecutive weeks of any club, their place will be given to someone from the waiting list. We will of course notify you of this if it occurs.

Clubs will run for 7 weeks, starting the week beginning Monday 15th May and the final week of clubs this term will be the week beginning Monday 10th July. No clubs will take place on the week of 3rd July – due to staff attending the Year 6 Residential Trip.

Please note the finish times of the clubs. For all after-school clubs collect your children from the KS2 playground.

You will receive a text if your child has been UNABLE to secure a place at a club. If you don’t receive a text, this means your child has a place.

Yours sincerely

Dale Bateman

Acting Headteacher


Child’s Name ______Class ______

My child would like to attend the following clubs, and will make every effort to attend for the whole term.

Club Name ______Day ______

Club Name ______Day ______

Club Name ______Day ______

Club Name ______Day ______

I will collect my child from the club

My child can walk home alone (Years 5 & 6 only)

(Please tick as appropriate IF AN AFTER-SCHOOL CLUB)

Signed ______Date ______