Child Protection Policy for Carlow National School

·  Introductory Statement & Rationale

(a) This Policy was formulated to support the need for a policy in relation to child abuse prevention in line with the overall ethos of the school.

(b) It was developed in consultation with representatives of the Board of Management, teaching staff, and parents.

·  Ethos of School

See ethos statement in R.S.E. Policy.

·  Aims

1.  To promote the safety, protection and welfare of all the pupils in the care of the school.

2.  To inform all members of the school community of the procedures in place in this school for dealing with all aspects of child protection.

·  Guidelines for the Management and Organisation of child Protection in our school

It is the policy of Carlow National School to follow the procedures as laid down in Child Protection Guidelines and Procedures DES 2001 in conjunction with Children First 2011, in any case where we suspect, or are alert to, child abuse, including where a child discloses abuse.

·  Role of the Board of Management:

It is the Primary responsibility of the Board of Management of Carlow National School, to protect the children within the school to whom they have a duty of care. The responsibilities of the Board of Management are outlined in p.22/23 of the Children first Guidelines 2011 and in p.15/17 of the Child Protection Guidelines (DES).

·  Planning and Implementing a Child Protection Programme

·  Staff Development

·  Appointing a Designated Liaison Person and a deputy Designated Liaison Person

·  Respond to allegations/suspicions of child abuse involving employees

·  Invoke administrative leave of employee if the nature of the allegation warrants immediate action

·  Monitor and evaluate the programme and policy

Role of the Staff:

The responsibilities of the teaching staff of Carlow National School are as outlined in the Children First guidelines and the child Protection Guidelines (DES)

·  Teaching of Child protection Programme – Stay Safe

·  Recording of the responding to allegations of child abuse as recommended in the Child Protection Guidelines.

·  Mrs. Marie McDermott Walshe was appointed the Designated Liaison Person (D.L.P.) at Board of Management Meeting on 27th September 2011. and Mrs Hazel Smyth the deputy D.L.P. at our Board meeting on the 5th December 2006

·  In the case of the appointed person being unavailable the next most senior member of staff will assume responsibility.

·  The D.L.P. and the Deputy D.L.P. will ensure that permanent teaching staff are aware of the procedures and guidelines and attend any further training, if provided.

·  The D.L.P. will ensure that each teacher has a copy of this policy on Child Protection

·  Each staff member has a method of recording concerns. We monitor the progress about whom we have concerns and who maybe at risk in a manner consistent with our duty as teachers. These records are maintained confidentially. To assist confidentiality please use registration number (clár uimhir) from the Roll Book instead of Child’s name.


Registration number of Pupil ______

Date Observation


·  It is the Policy of this school to follow the procedures as laid down in the Child Protection Guidelines and Procedures, DES 2001, chapter 4, in any case where allegations are received against school employees.

Stay Safe:

Organisational and Curricular Issues:

We contribute to the prevention of child abuse through the SPHE curriculum, particularly through the Strand Unit, Safety and Protection. The Child Protection Programme that is implemented in Carlow National School is the Stay Safe Programme and this is taught every year. It will be taught in block, during the third term, to maintain the integrity of the Stay Safe Programme. Any additional resources selected will be in keeping with the aims of this policy.

With regards to matters of confidential nature, the school cannot take any responsibility for what is discussed in the yard or classroom.

The school cannot guarantee confidentiality if a child asks a question of a personal nature to themselves or discloses personal information.

All children with special needs are included and participate in the SPHE programme with their own classes. The learning support and resource teachers will supplement the work of the class teachers where necessary.

The methodologies and approaches used will be as recommended in the SPHE curriculum i.e. active learning, talk discussion, problem-solving, etc.

Parens will be invited to view the curriculum and may speak to the class teacher if they have any concerns. Curriculum materials will be available for parents perusal.

·  Provision for Ongoing Support

Provisions to be made to support teachers, pupils, parents and board members involved in Child Protection at policy and programme level include

·  Staff and BOM will attend training in relation to Child Protection when provided

Policies that Support Child Protection

The following policies related to Child protection have been drawn up in consultation with parents, the Board of Management and teaching staff.

·  Code of Behaviour and Anti Bullying

·  Enrolment/admissions

·  Health and safety statement

·  Learning Support, Evaluation and Assessment Policy

·  RSE Policy

·  Substance Use Policy

·  Anti-Cyber Bullying Policy

·  Internet Acceptable Usage Policy

·  Mobile Phone & Electronic Device Policy

This statement has been ratified by the BOM of Carlow National School at a meeting

held on 5.12.06 ( J.A. Ruddock, Chairperson)

It will be review on a regular basis and amended as the need arises.

Following a review of Child Protection Policy during September 2011 (after Children First 2011 was issued).

We now include additional sheets to facilitate the clear understanding of our Child Protection Policy in Carlow National School.

Sheet a. Child Protection Guidelines Checklist for School Employees

Sheet b. Reporting Procedures for DLP (Normally the Principal)

Sheet c. Standard form For Reporting Child Protection and/or Welfare Concerns

Ratification and Communication

This Policy was ratified by the Board of Management on 27th September, 2011, (Mr. John Shirley, Chairperson.)

Signed Mr. John Shirley

John Shirley Chairman B.O.M

This policy was reviewed and ratified by the Board of Management on 23rd. May, 2013. (Mr. John Shirley, Chairperson).

Signed Mr. John Shirley

John Shirley, Chairperson, B.O.M.

(Original copies with signatures available to view in school)

Child Protection Guidelines Checklist for School Employees

Designated Liaison Person: Marie McDermott Walshe

Deputy Designated Liaison Person: Hazel Smyth

If a child discloses information to you:-

  • Listen
  • Do not ask leading questions
  • Offer reassurance but do not promise not to tell
  • Explain that other adults may need to be told - DLP
  • Do not stop the child speaking
  • Do not over react or comment
  • Inform DLP - If you have a reasonable suspicion or reasonable grounds for concern that a child is at risk or has suffered abuse, the DLP should contact the Health Board for advice
  • At the earliest opportunity, record accurately what the child has said – Using the child’s own words. Record date/time and context of the disclosure. Use child’s registration number – Not child’s name
  • Facts only
  • Sketch signs of physical injury if appropriate
  • Retain records for a period of 21 years in keeping with the school’s Record Keeping Policy

The following should also be reported to the DLP:

  • An account from a person who saw a child being abused
  • Injury consistent with abuse
  • Dysfunctional behaviour
  • Implausible explanations for injury or behaviour
  • Consistent evidence over a period of time that a child is being emotionally or physically neglected

Health Board Response:

  • School is asked to monitor the situation
  • Formal report is requested , sent by DLP and on receipt case is allocated to Social Worker
  • Preliminary enquiry – Screening process
  • Initial assessment

Possible outcomes:

  • Case closed
  • Family support
  • Child Protection Plan (usually following a case conference)

Reporting Procedures for DLP (Normally the Principal)

·  DLP receives report of child protection concern

·  DLP records the report – date/time/context. Child’s registration number is used for recording purposes

·  DLP makes decision on how to proceed based on information received

·  DLP informs Chairperson of Board of Management that initial contact is being made with Health Board

·  DLP makes contact with Health Board seeking advice (Do not give name of child at this point. Be very clear that you are seeking advice). Take the name of the person you spoke to and record conversation

·  Duty Social Worker makes recommendation. This may involve school continuing to monitor the situation. Record this decision and send written record of this decision to Health Board. Alternatively a formal referral made on standard reporting form may be recommended by Social Worker (Keep a copy on file in a secure place)

·  If Health Board not available and case warrants immediate response – Gardaí are informed

·  Decision made on informing/not informing parents - taking safety of the child into consideration as number one priority. A decision NOT to inform parent/s should only be made where there is a genuine concern for the safety of the child. Be transparent with parent/s and ensure that they are aware that you have a non-negotiable responsibility as DLP to act in the best interests of the child (Refer to Children First)

·  If DLP decides not to contact Health Board in relation to the case – person who made original report must be informed in writing

·  Continued monitoring of child should be recommended

·  Child Protection concerns that have been reported to the Health Board should be included in the Principal’s Report to Board of Management Meeting - Child’s name is not used


·  Chairperson BoM: ______

·  Health Board: ______

·  Gardaí : ______

·  Local Hospital: ______

·  School Nurse: ______

·  CAPP (Stay Safe Programme): 01 6206346______

·  J.L.O: ______



In case of Emergency or outside Health Board office hours, contact should be made with An Garda Síochána

A. To Principal Social Worker : ______

Details of Child:

Name: ______Male: Female:

Address: ______

______Age/D.O.B.: ______

______School: ______

1a. Name of Mother: ______Name of Father: ______

Address of Mother if different to Child: Address of Father if different to Child:




Telephone Number: ______Telephone Number: ______

1b. Care and Custody arrangements regarding child, if known:______


1c. Household Composition:

Name / Relationship to Child / Date of
Birth / Additional Information
e.g. School/Occupation

Note: A separate report form must be completed in respect of each child being reported.

2. Details of concern(s), allegation(s) or incident(s) dates, times, who was present, description of any observed injuries, parent’s view(s), child’s view(s) (if known).

3. Details of person(s) allegedly causing concern in relation to the child:

Name: ______Age: ______Male: Female:

Address: ______

Relationship to Child: ______

Occupation: ______

  1. Name and Address of other personnel or agencies involved with this child:

Social Workers: ______School: ______


Public Health Nurse: ______Gardai: ______


G.P.: ______Pre-School/Crèche/Youth Club ______


Hospital: ______Other, Specify e.g. Youth Groups, After

______School Clubs: ______

5a. Are Parents/Legal Guardians aware of this referral to the Social Work Department? Yes No

5b. Are the Parents/Legal Guardians supportive Yes No

6. Details of Person reporting concerns: (Please see Guidance Notes re. Limitations of confidentiality)

Name: ______Occupation: ______

Address: ______

Telephone Number: ______

Nature and extent of contact with Child/Family:



7. Details of Person completing form:

Name: ______Date: ______

Occupation: ______Signed: ______

Guidance Notes:

Health Boards have a statutory responsibility under the Child Care Act, 1991, to promote the welfare and protection of children in their area. Health Boards therefore have an obligation to receive information about any child who is not receiving adequate care and/or protection.

This reporting form is for use by:

1.  Health Board Personnel

1.  Professionals and individuals in the provision of child care services in the community who have service contracts with the health boards

1.  Designated person in a voluntary or community agency

1.  Any professional, individual or group involved in services to children

who becomes aware of a child protection or welfare concern, or to whom a child protection or child welfare concern is reported.

Please fill in as much information and detail as is known to you. (Health Board personnel should do this in consultation with their line manager). This will assist the Social Work Department in assessing the level of risk to the child, or support services required. If the information requested is not known to you, please indicate by putting a line through the question. It is likely that a social worker will contact you to discuss your report.

Health Boards aim to work in partnership with parents. If you are making this report in confidence you should note that the Health Board cannot guarantee absolute confidentiality as:

  1. A Court could order that information be disclosed.
  1. Under the Freedom of Information Act, 1997, the Freedom of Information Commissioner may order that information be disclosed.

You should also note that in making a ‘bona fide report’ you are protected under the Protection for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act, 1998.

If you are unsure if you should report your concerns, please telephone the duty social worker and discuss your concerns with him/her.

Duty Social Work Office,

Waterford Community Services,

Cork Road,


051 842827/051 842880

Reviewed & Ratified by BOM 23rd May. 2013