February 6th, 2013

7:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Tom Battaglia, A.J. Balch, Janet Nalbone, Aubrey Cunningham, Evie Sievert, and Ryan Meredith

Meeting called to order by Chairperson Balch at 7:00

A motion was made by Ryan Meredith and seconded by Aubrey Cunningham to approve the January, 2012 minutes. All in favor.


Beaver Club: Joe Cerrie was informed by directors of the Fredonia Beaver Club that they were interested in donating a substantial amount of money to the Recreation Department. Joe let Tom know of the situation and instructed him to come up with a purchase idea and write a letter to the Beaver Club asking for a donation. Tom researched, and made the decision to ask for a donation to cover the cost of a 16’ x 9’ inflatable movie screen, complete with sound system, DVD player, and projector. The total purchase price of the package (including possible upgrades to the standard equipment) is anticipated to be $3,000 - $5,000. The Beaver Club graciously agreed, and has already forwarded a $1,900 installment towards its purchase.

Old Business:

Winter Recreation Participation

Grade 2-4 Basketball (Mondays): 22 Registered Participants

Grade 5-8 Basketball (Wednesday): 40 Registered Participants

Age 5-12 Wrestling (Tuesday & Thursday): 25 Registered Participants

Ice Skating: Averaging over 30 participants on Saturday and Sunday mornings, with peak participation being 58 community members in a single session. Unfortunately, we have gone over budget this year, and next year’s sessions will have to be scaled back.

Game Room: Tom cancelled the game room for the remaining scheduled dates due to lack of participation. It is unlikely that we will attempt to do this again next year.

F.H.S. Pool – Roger Pacos has been informed that the school expects the pool to be operational in time for us to run open swim and lessons during our summer program.

New Business:

Tom has been approached by Vince Gullo (FHS Baseball Coach) to run a clinic available to all ages. He would volunteer his time for this program. Tom will get more details and check with Rick St. George about insurance liability.

Late Summer Baseball – With Little League All-Star tournaments starting earlier every year, Tom has been approached with the idea of running a small league for kids not selected as All-Stars at Russell Joy Park.

Easter Program – Easter is March 31st this year. We will have our Easter Program on Saturday March 23rd. Tom has put in a facility request for the Fredonia Elementary activity room and cafeteria. Entertainment will be “In Jest” at a cost of $500.

Edda Piede Replacement - Rick St. George suggested to Tom that Commission members talk to any interested people that they may know, in order to fill the position in a timelier manner. Commission members are encouraged to get applications from Tom and return them to him as soon as possible.

Summer Program Coordinator – Sandy Pryzbyla has held this position over the past couple of summers. She would be willing to return as long as it is on a part-time basis. Tom would like this to happen so there is someone experienced in that position during his first summer as Director. Sandy told Tom that if part-time hours ended up not being feasible, she would be happy to help train her replacement.

Summer Concert Series – Two acts are currently booked. The New Horizons Band on July 24th, and Sean Patrick McGraw on August 28th.

Next meeting will be Wednesday March 6th at 7:00 PM at Village Hall.

Motion to adjourn by Ryan Meredith. Second by Aubrey Cunningham.

Minutes submitted by Evie Sievert.