
Forestry 547

Forestry in British Columbia

Fall Session 2016

Instructor: Dr Sue Watts

Teaching Assistant: Meike Siegner

Time: Fridays 9 am – Noon September 9th – December 2nd 2016 (Plus 4 full days)

Location: Room 1613 Forest Sciences Centre (see note on schedule for first class)

Course Outline

This 3 credit course is designed as an introduction to forestry in British Columbia for incoming graduate students, international students, visiting students and other Faculty visitors. By successfully completing Forestry 547 you will have an increased knowledge that will enable you to make informed comment on the issues facing forestry in BC today. Your expertise will include professional level writing and oral presentation skills on topics of BC forestry.

The course delivery will include a combination of lectures, field trips, assigned readings, and student presentations. This combination of methods will help you to develop an understanding of the forests of the province, their management, the multiple pressures being imposed on them by natural and human-caused disturbance, and the many different perspectives, paradigms and beliefs about how they should be managed and for what balance of values. See course website at: http://suewatts.forestry.ubc.ca/frst-547/

Course Schedule DRAFT

Friday Sep 9 (Week 1) Introduction to BC forestry. Class room lecture and discussion. Steve Mitchell (UBC Forest and Conservation Sciences). Room 1222 2pm – 5pm. 1st WEEK ONLY. Come early for pizza and introductions at 1:30pm

Friday Sep 16 (Week 2) Part I Arrangements for forest management in BC. II BC tree species. Part I: Lecture and discussion. Gordon Weetman (UBC Forestry retired). Part II Walking tour of the Pacific Spirit Park. Rob Guy (UBC Forest and Conservation Sciences).

Friday Sep 23 (Week 3) First Nations and forestry in British Columbia. Class room lecture and discussion. Mariko Molander (UBC Wood Science)

Friday SEP 30 and SAT Oct 1 (Week 4) 2-day interior field trip. Lighthouse Park, Squamish area forest management (Dave Southam and Kevin Haberl, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations), Whistler, Joffre Lakes, Lillooet resource management (Trevor Chandler, consultant), future of forestry from the St’at’imc perspective (Matt Manuel, Lillooet Tribal Council), ecological restoration in Lillooet (Odin Scholz, Splitrock Environmental), wildlife issues (Sue Senger, consultant). Paul Lawson (UBC Research Forests) and Gordon Weetman (UBC Forestry retired). Accommodation at Retasket Lodge. Dinner (Friday), breakfast and lunch on Saturday provided.

Friday OCT 7 (Week 5) Full-day field trip to Vancouver Island. Parksville, Englishman’s River area and Cathedral Grove. Molly Hudson (TimberWest) and Rod Negrave (BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations)

Friday Oct 14 (Week 6) Full-day field trip to the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest. Maple Ridge, various research and operational sites. Paul Lawson (UBC MKRF).

Friday Oct 21 (Week 7) Part I Use of technology in BC forestry. Class room lecture and discussion. Nicholas Coops (UBC Forest Resources Management). Part II Climate change research and adaptation in BC. Class room lecture and discussion. Sally Aitken (UBC Forest and Conservation Sciences)

Friday Oct 28 (Week 8) Forest management issues. Class room lectures and discussion. Bruce Larson (UBC Forest Resources Management) and Bruce Blackwell (consultant).

Friday Nov 4 (Week 9) Pests and diseases. Class room lecture and discussion. Allan Carroll and Richard Hamelin (UBC Forest and Conservation Sciences).

Friday Nov 11 (Week 10) NO CLASSES – Remembrance Day

Friday Nov 18 (Week 11) Part I Global trends of forest products and markets in the emerging bio-economy. Class room lecture and discussion. Chris Gaston (UBC Wood Science). Part II Sustainable forest management in British Columbia. Class room lecture and discussion. John Innes (UBC Forest Resources Management).

Friday Nov 25 / Dec 2 (Weeks 12 and 13) Oral presentations by students.

Course Assessment

Student grades will be assigned on the basis of the following maximum scores:

15% for overall participation in the course (contribution to in-class discussion)

20% for first assignment

30% for oral presentation of major term paper

35% for term paper

Instructor/ TA contact information

Sue Watts
Room 2720 Forest Sciences Centre
604.644.2364 (cell)
Phone, email or drop by for appointment / Meike Siegner
Room 4202 Forest Sciences Centre

778 788 5679 (cell)
Phone, email or drop by for appointment

Updated July 4, 2016

Forestry 547 Fall Session 2016 2