Use for non-tenure-track faculty who are teaching this summer.

[Fill in all items that are italicized, but please remove italics.]

January 22, 2013


[Mailing Address]

Dear [Name]:

I am pleased to offer you a part-time special summer appointment at the academic rank of instructor at Colorado State University at a salary of $______. The start date of this course is [date]______and the end date is [date]______. Your summer assignment will be in the Department of [Department Name]. This offer has the approval of the Provost and Executive Vice President, Rick Miranda, acting under the authority delegated to him by the Board of Governors, Colorado State University’s governing board.

This is a special, non-tenure-track, one-time appointment based on the continued availability of funds. Your position is 100% teaching. Your teaching assignment is [course they will be teaching], with the understanding that workload adjustments may be altered to accommodate changes in department, College, and University policies and goals. However, any changes must be approved by the Department Chair and the Dean of the college, following discussion with the faculty member.

Please familiarize yourself with the policies and regulations outlined in the Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual. Sections D, E, and J are especially germane, as they outline the responsibilities and expectations for faculty. Section G of the Manual describes Privileges and Benefits, and Section F of the Manual describes Colorado State University Leave Policies. The Manual can be accessed at

It is the policy of Colorado State University to provide reasonable accommodations for employees and applicants with disabilities. If you need accommodations, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity.

Special appointment faculty members play a central role in delivering our curriculum at Colorado State University. We deeply appreciate the outstanding teaching and mentoring of students provided by members of the faculty. I know I speak for the department as well as myself in expressing enthusiasm and support for your appointment. To confirm your acceptance of this position, please sign below and return the original to me by [date]_____. Please retain a copy for your records.


[Name], Dean [Department Head/Chair Name]

Chair, Department of [Dept. Name]

I accept your offer of the aforementioned position:


Signature Date

xc: Rick Miranda, Provost and Executive Vice President

[Chair’s Name], Department Chair

Valerie Monahan

(Revised January 2009)