ПОО "Батумитекс"
Преистория manufactures
The brief description of manufacture
ПОО "Батумитекс" represents coproduction of British group Low Profile and Greenoak Group. Official web - page Greenoak Group informs, that "Батумитекс" makes as finished goods of the textile industry, and кройку and adjustment.
Strategy of assortment of production basically is concentrated on sports and daily clothes, as knitted, and тканой, including the products proembroidered with a band. "Батумитекс" also makes ladies' clothes, including articles of haute couture. Customers of the company are manufacturers of known brands from Europe and the USA.
The area of manufacture makes 9700 sq. meters and is located in territory of 16000 sq. meters. "Батумитекс" it is supplied with modern technics(technical equipment). All stages pass the strict control – from purchase of fabrics before packing finished goods.
On сегоднешний day the customer of factory is MARK and SPENSER. Under their order manufacture sews lady's wear – блузки, combinations, trousers.
Greenoak Group-Ñ in Georgia the Batumi oil terminal also belongs. The main shareholder and chairman of group – Ян Bond Нилсен.
The Batumi sewing production association has opened in 1937. In 2001 the factory for the first time included the investor who rented factory for 10 years. In October of the same year manufacture has received name "Батумитекс".
The detailed information on owners of manufacture and the investment to receive it was not possible. Chairman of trade union and its(her) members do not own the given information, and the administration has refused a meeting with the researcher. For this reason heads Аджарского of republican association of trade unions and associations of trade unions of Georgia have been interrogated only chairman and members of trade union of manufacture, also.
For перепроверки information we have decided to address to those employees who are not members of trade union. In spite of the fact that Batumi where is ПОО "Батумитекс" small city and to find simple employees of manufacture not difficultly, to have a talk with them it was not possible, as because of intense attitudes(relations) between administration and labour collective of factory, all avoided conversation with us. Therefore the information has turned out unilateral.
The personnel
In ПОО "Батумитекс" works up to 1000 person. Formation(education) of employees basically average. A nucleus of employees are the qualified seamstresses.
Number of pensioners at factory insignificant. Approximately 70 pensioners in total work. During last several years there was no reorganization.
Wishing to work at factory, should satisfy the certain conditions: should be in the age of from 18 till 40 years, should have secondary education or среднетехническое formation(education) in sphere кройки and sewing. It is desirable to have also the experience of work on corresponding structure (manufacture has own учебку where interested persons study). Employees have various categories. They differ with complexity of work. The above a category, the above payment. The heavy considers ironing work and represents a third category. The majority of employees of factory concern to the second category. Assignment of categories makes financial department "Батумитекс", therefore it is difficult for members of trade union to speak about the exact circuit of assignment of categories.
Working conditions
Working conditions in "Батумитекс" have considerably changed since May, 2006 when to the chapter(head) there has come new director, Greek Michael Lukas. Лукас has considered, that a labour discipline on manufacture low, but it is a lot of time for performance of the normalized work and payment high.
Director started to change the internal schedule, have closed an input(entrance) on manufacture, protection has amplified. Rules of an input(entrance) became strict, to women have forbidden in working hours without the miss(passing) to enter into a first-aid post and in committee of trade union. The tactless and rough attitude(relation) to employees has become frequent on the part of administration.
With arrival of new director the salary of employees has considerably decreased, and loading has increased. For example, if, earlier on пришивку buttons 2 minutes were required, now the management(manual) demands to perform work for 1 minute. This tough job and frequently production leaves poor-quality.
Members of trade union POO " Батумитекс " characterize operating conditions as the heaviest, as the salary low, and an operating schedule tiresome and plus the rough attitude(relation) to employees. So, for example employees have no right to discuss among themselves or to be late for 5 minutes. Moreover, to not waste time, the administration demands to come for work 2 minutes to nine, to borrow(occupy) a workplace and to have time to prepare.
Some months back new general director has introduced such practice: it(he) has employed the woman who supervised behaviour of the worker. For example, for « two turns of a head » could inform administration, and for it reduced the salary. After the protest of employees and interventions of trade union same have dismissed.
« Employees should come for work 2 minutes to nine that to nine to be in full readiness and to start to work. To a break the bell after which the break began should ring out and with a bell came to an end, as in prison. This announcement have hung out, but I have forced to remove(take off). On everyone create a problem, even when it is not enough work ». (1)
For the sake of justice chairman of trade union has noted also that on manufacture sometimes the truth limps discipline – for a long time talk among themselves, for nothing waste time, and the administration tries to subordinate even more employees and even considers, how many time they go to a toilet.
That on manufacture the heavy and not clear internal schedule, in it was convinced also the researcher who has arrived to Batumi. Both members of trade union with which it(he) has written down interview during a break, looked at hours and warned, that it is exactly(equally) in 2 should start to work.
In their behaviour the hysterical background and expectation of the big problems was felt.
The vice-president of association of trade unions of Georgia speaks about the scornful attitude(relation) of director to employees also.
It(He) has recollected the memorandum, which Michael Lukas has distributed with arrival to manufacture.
Together with appeals, that for preservation of profitability on manufacture employees should work more (increase of the salary it was not mentioned), in the memorandum was caategorically informed, that employees brought a meal, fur-trees and did not clean(remove) behind itself.
According to the memorandum employees should specify each other cares of cleanliness or to inform on the similar facts to the employer. Everything, without exception respondents have noted, that such humiliating attitude(relation) on the part of director happened frequently.
The similar attitude(relation) to employees crosses out also those good conditions at factory which are offered to workers: at the enterprise there is a first-aid post, 2 nurses work. Service free-of-charge. About medicines the administration cares. Workers are provided with working clothes, душевыми, meal free-of-charge.
Industrial traumas happen seldom. In trade union have recollected only one case. And then the administration has allocated indemnification to the victim.
The working day lasts 8 hours. Short day comes to an end for 15 minutes earlier (Friday, Saturday). In other days work till 18 o'clock. A break of 45 minutes. The schedule of a break is defined(determined) by the employer on departments.
Working week 5 or 6 day time, proceeding from a position of the worker (it was one of items(points) against which the trade union was. See below).
At factory do not work in shifts though there is such operational experience. When the factory worked in changes, employees used free-of-charge buses.
In case of need the factory can proceed(pass) to work in shifts about what beforehand should warn employees.
In heavy conditions at factory the laundry works only, but now she(it) is closed.
Holiday will consist of 24 working days. Holiday at own expense can be taken for 15 days, but it became a problem. After arrival of new director on manufacture, a management(manual) has made the decision that all workers took holiday in August as then orders decrease.
The administration has issued individual contracts with employees. Contracts are made out for 3 months. After this term new contracts again for 3 months are made out. After that prolongation of the contract for the same term is possible or is termless with the consent of both parties(sides).
Conditions of the contract for the employees working on different positions different (for example: the salary fixed or produced). In the contract the internal schedule, rights and duties of the parties(sides), the responsibility of the parties(sides) and conditions of the termination(discontinuance) of the contract is not changed.
Today the average salary on manufacture 70 chests (an official rate chests in relation to dollar at the moment of research – 1,73). Before arrival of new director the average salary was 170-180 chests. The administration explained this fact to that in the summer orders have decreased, but also in the autumn position has not changed.
Employees do not know, in what the reason of reduction of work on manufacture. They understand, that is possible because of it at factory problems have appeared, but do not understand, why then the internal schedule became more rigid.
Even in conditions when it is not enough work, it is forbidden to worker to leave or communicate among themselves.
When the factory takes the order, she(it) is obliged to work in such mode to have time to finish the order. Workers are obliged to work внеурочно to keep within time. Chairman of trade union speaks, that at this time they understand position of administration which compels to work with such loading for performance of the order. Otherwise the factory can lose the customer. But earlier the worker performed after-hour work for good payment. With arrival of new director, he(it) does not have interest to work внеурочно.
After-hour work was paid and earlier, but after change of the general director and change of the legislation at the enterprise the chaos, therefore a question on payment of after-hour work all the same was remained uncertain.
After-hour work considers:
6 - excess of the work determined by the individual contract and the internal schedule of the enterprise.
- work in the days off determined by the labour code of Georgia.
On Saturday the factory works, if it is necessary. After strike in October, 2005, according to the agreement between administration POO " Батумитекс " and labour collective for performance of after-hour work 3 Saturdays will be allocated into a month though there will be also exceptions, proceeding from loading and requirements of manufacture. The given after-hour days will be paid under 1,5 tariff.
As it is marked in the internal schedule of the individual contract, the miss(passing) on fault of the worker either because of reduction of work or for the lack of work, it is not paid. At this time workers released(let off) home, and the factory paid in him(it) 2 chests in day, therefore payment of workers even during the miss(passing) exceeded the minimal salary.
To all seamstresses and the persons who are taking place on wholesale payment in case of performance of after-hour work, Saturday day pay in one and a half time.
That whom receives the fixed salary, performing after-hour work in the working days, first two hours pay in one and a half time, and the next hours - twice. After-hour work on Saturday from 9 o'clock till 18 o'clock is paid in one and a half time, and after 18 hours – twice.
Work on Sunday, and also in the days off founded by the labour code, will be paid twice.
The discontent of employees is caused by the low salary and the big loading. It became the reason of strike on manufacture.
The description of the trade-union organization
History of the organization
Number of members of trade union and motivation.
In ПОО "Батумитекс" the trade union has 69 years(summer) history. It(he) has been based in the same year, when also factory. The factory of all for some months "is more senior" than trade union. (Spring of 1937 the sewing production association in Batumi has opened, in December of the same year the trade union) has been based.
The new labour code which, in opinion of respondents, is loyal in relation to the employer, in the certain degree has limited activity of trade unions. Basically trade unions leaned(based) on the law on trade unions which somewhat approaches under a collision with the new labour code of Georgia. So, for example, the new labour code does not oblige the employer to make out collective contracts and written contracts with workers. Thus for successful activity of trade union by the only thing there is an activity as the new law has left it(him) without significant беркетов and protective mechanisms.
After arrival of the investor (2001г) one of first directors ПОО "Батумитекс" Mogen Hans was for trade unions the good social partner. It(he) has got used to attitudes(relations) with trade unions, working in the different countries of Europe, and will bondage supported functioning trade union in "Батумитекс".
« I and Mogens Hans as they say, have together constructed this trade union. Much asked, and I have been compelled to the greater to learn and be active » (1).